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Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

አገራችን በአዲስ ክልል ልትዋቀር ነው:: ተግባራዊ ይሆናል? ወያኔ ይቀበለዋል ወይስ ይገነጠላል? ጋሎችስ?

Post by Abaymado » 14 Oct 2019, 01:25

ከአመት በፊት ይህንን ለጥፌው ነበር :ግን ወደ open forum ተወሰዷል::

አብይ ሊጠቅምበት የፈለገው የክልል አከላለል : ጥናት ያልተደረገበት ነው:: ይህ አከላለል እነ አቤ ቶክቻው ያቀረቡት ነው::
ችግሮች አሉት:: ተፈፃሚነቱ ራሱ አጠያያቂ ነው::
1. ትግራይን ከአማራ ጋር ማቀላቀሉ ግጭት ሊፈጥር ይችላል::
2. ወያኔ አይስማማም::
3. ወያኔ ሳይወገድ ይህ ተግባራዊ ሊሆን አይችልም::
4. ጋሎች መስማማታቸው አጠራጣሪ ነው::

ከዚህ ይልቅ የደርግን ብንጠቀም ጥሩ ነው::

ከአመት በፊት ይህንን ለጥፌው ነበር :ግን ወደ open forum ተወሰዷል::

ይህ ከአመታት በፊት የለጠፍኩት ነበር: ግን ለምን ወደ open forum እንደተወሰደ አልገባኝም::
Poll :which regional administration killils is suitable for Ethiopia?
You may select 1 option
1. የወያኔ ክልል / TPLF’ s killil......242

2. የደርግ በአውራጃ የተከፋፈለው / derge adminstrative awrajas

3. ወንዞችን ያቀፈ ክልል /river-basins-map

4. ሰሜን ደቡብ ምስራቅ ምዕራብም ክልል / east –west –north –south – central killil

5. ክልል አያስፈልግም / no killil .......705

6. ሌላ /others

total vote 980

ወያኔ የሰራው ክልል አገሪቷን ከማፈራረስና ሁሉንም ብሔሮች ከማባላት የሚመለስ አይደለም:: ድሮውንም ይህ ክልል ባይኖር ኖሮ ዛሬ ማንም ከቁብ የሚቆጥረው አይኖርም ነበር: ህዝቡ በሰላም ይኖር ነበር እናም ወያኔ በመሀከላችን ችግርን ተክሎብን ነው የሄደው::
ይህ የክልል ጉዳይ ብዙ እየተባለለት ያለ ጉዳይ ነው:: ብዙዎች የራሳቸውን ካርታ እያወጡ ሲያስተዋውቁ ነበር:: ለምሳሌ በሁለት ኢንጂነሮች ኢትዮጵያን በወንዞች መከፋፈል /river-basins-map በሚል አንድ ጥናታዊ ፅሁፍ አቅርበው ነበር:: ሥራቸውንና ካርታውን እዚህ ላይ ማየት ይቻላል: ... 1_42765483
ይሄንን የሚደግፉ እንዳሉ ሁሉ የሚቃወሙም አሉ:: ከሚደግፉት መካከል ዶክተር ተኮላ ሐጎስ ናቸው:: በቅርቡ በtigray online ላይ በለቀቁት
‘ Pay attention Ethiopians: new national matrix defying Ethiopian toxic ethnic politics’ ፅሁፍ ላይ ድጋፋቸውን ለእንጅነሮቹ አሳይተዋል:: ... atrix.html

እንደእኔ ይሄ ካርታ የትግራይን ክልል በእጅጉ ከማስፋቱ በላይ ሌላ ችግር ያመጣብናል:: መሬታችንን እንኩ ብለን መስጠት ማለት ነው:: እናም አይታሰብም!! ይህ ካርታም አዲስ በመሆኑ ምን ሊያመጣ እንደሚችል አናቅም::
ሌላው ካርታ እስካሁን የቀረበው በአቤ ቶክቻው: በግርማ ካሳ እና በመሳሰሉት የቀረበው ነው:: ይህም አገሪቱን በሰሜን-ደቡብ- ምስራቅ-ምዕራብና መሀከለኛው ኢትዮጵያ ብሎ መከፋፈል ነው:: ይህም ከላይኛው የተለየ አይደለም:: ትግራይን በጣም ያሰፋዋል: በኃላ እንገንጠል ቢሉ መዘዙ ቀላል አይሆንም::
እስካሁን ተፈትኖ ሕዝቡን ያላባላው የአገሪቱ ካርታ: ደርግ ሲጠቀምበት የነበረው በአውራጃ የተከፋፈለው ነው:: ይህን እኔው በጣም እደግፈዋለሁ:: ብዙ ሰዎችም ይህንን ይደግፋሉ::


Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አገራችን በአዲስ ክልል ልትዋቀር ነው:: ተግባራዊ ይሆናል? ወያኔ ይቀበለዋል ወይስ ይገነጠላል? ጋሎችስ?

Post by kibramlak » 14 Oct 2019, 02:39

ጋላ ያቤሎ፣
የአንተ ቢጤ የሜዳ አህያወች እና የሰው ሀገር ለማኞች ሁለት አማራጭ ነው ያላቸው፣
1) ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ሀገር አልቀበልም ወይም
2) ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ሀገር እቀበላለሁ

አልቀበልም ካልክ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይ ለማይመለከትህ አፍህን ዝጋ፣፣
እቀበለለሁ ካልክ ደግሞ እንድ ሀገር የግድ የሚያግባባው ቋንቋ ያስፈልጋል፣፣ ለዚህ ደግሞ logical በሆነ መንገድ በጥላቻ ብቻ የተደፈነውን ጥንብ አንጎልህን ለማሰራት ሞክር፣፣ ሁሉም ቋንቋ እና ባህል ለኢትዮጵያ እሴትና ፣ ውበት እና ሀብት እንጅ እንቅፋት አደለም፣፣ እንተ በነጭ ሀገር እየኖርክ የአስተሳሰብ ደሀ እና ላሳደገህ ህዝብ ምቀኛ ከሆንክ፣ 24 ሰአት ሙሉ የምታላዝነው የራስህን ሆድ ለመሙላት የምትታገል ትል እራስ ፍጡር እንጅ እንተ የማንም ወኪል ለመሆን ሞራላዊም ሆነ አስተሳሰባዊ ብቃት የለህም፣፣

ቋንቋን በተመለከተ፣ I will challenge you in a separate thread.

yaballo wrote:
14 Oct 2019, 02:15
My weito brother,

Remember that there is an elephant-in-the room that those who advocate for geographic kilils deliberately overlook. It is the issue of what language would be used as administrative & educational language in these so called geographic kilils. The answer they are avoiding is, of course, Amharic. Doing so would take Ethiopia back to the Derg & Haile Sealssie era type of administrative system & that won't be accepted by most tribes.

In fact, the Somalis are the first to reject the idea of geographic kilil & the current darling of the neftegna crowd & president of Somali kilil - mr Mustephe - will be the first to be assassinated straight away if he agrees the banning of the Somali kilil & the use of the Somali language as the official & educational language in Somali kilil. Instability & crisis in Somali kilil would create ideal conditions for Al-Shabab-like Islamic radicals to thrive in that kilil & even in eastern Oromia where the majority of the population happens to be muslim.

The diqalaw & kulo-kontaw (Abiy) could only ignore the wishes of the tribes at his own peril & by risking Ethiopia's chances of continuing as a unified but hopeless/useless country as always.

Language-based federalism is the ONLY thing that could keep Ethiopia together under the current perilous circumstances.

MAP: Haile Selassie era 'geographic kilils' known as Teklay-gizatoch/kifle-hagerat' that was also used by the Derg regime till few years before its demise when it introduced a slightly revised version of the same (see second map).

MAP: Derg era (last years of Derg) administrative kilils of Ethiopia showing Derg's desperate last-minute attempt to try to address ethnic demands for self rule. Note how attempts were made where tribes that speak the same language are gathered into a kilil such as Tigray, Borana, Wollega, Afar, Somali, etc) ...

Last y

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አገራችን በአዲስ ክልል ልትዋቀር ነው:: ተግባራዊ ይሆናል? ወያኔ ይቀበለዋል ወይስ ይገነጠላል? ጋሎችስ?

Post by kibramlak » 14 Oct 2019, 04:16

I know it takes several days or even months of perseverance to train a monkey to mimik humans. You still didnt respond to my question.

Are you here as Ethiopian or as a foreigner. Just answer this. Then we can deal with you as one of them.

yaballo wrote:
14 Oct 2019, 03:01


yaballo wrote:
14 Oct 2019, 03:01
Kibriye, yene gumuze+qimante,

Don't bother explaining to us about languages. All you need to know is that:

afaan amaara hinfeenu. Sii galee?

non vogliamo afaan amara. capisci?

nous ne voulons pas afaan amara. comprenez vous?

No queremos afaan amara. ¿Lo entiendes?

hatutaki kufaan amara. unaelewa?

ma rabno afaan amara. ma fahantay?

لا نريد عفان عمارة. هل تفهم؟

, yene gumuze+qimante,

Don't bother explaining to us about languages. All you need to know is that: [/color]

afaan amaara hinfeenu. Sii galee?

non vogliamo afaan amara. capisci?

nous ne voulons pas afaan amara. comprenez vous?

No queremos afaan amara. ¿Lo entiendes?

hatutaki kufaan amara. unaelewa?

ma rabno afaan amara. ma fahantay?

لا نريد عفان عمارة. هل تفهم؟


Posts: 192
Joined: 31 Jan 2019, 15:33

Re: አገራችን በአዲስ ክልል ልትዋቀር ነው:: ተግባራዊ ይሆናል? ወያኔ ይቀበለዋል ወይስ ይገነጠላል? ጋሎችስ?

Post by Rtt » 15 Oct 2019, 14:06

kibramlak wrote:
14 Oct 2019, 02:39
ጋላ ያቤሎ፣
የአንተ ቢጤ የሜዳ አህያወች እና የሰው ሀገር ለማኞች ሁለት አማራጭ ነው ያላቸው፣
1) ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ሀገር አልቀበልም ወይም
2) ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ሀገር እቀበላለሁ

አልቀበልም ካልክ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ጉዳይ ለማይመለከትህ አፍህን ዝጋ፣፣
እቀበለለሁ ካልክ ደግሞ እንድ ሀገር የግድ የሚያግባባው ቋንቋ ያስፈልጋል፣፣ ለዚህ ደግሞ logical በሆነ መንገድ በጥላቻ ብቻ የተደፈነውን ጥንብ አንጎልህን ለማሰራት ሞክር፣፣ ሁሉም ቋንቋ እና ባህል ለኢትዮጵያ እሴትና ፣ ውበት እና ሀብት እንጅ እንቅፋት አደለም፣፣ እንተ በነጭ ሀገር እየኖርክ የአስተሳሰብ ደሀ እና ላሳደገህ ህዝብ ምቀኛ ከሆንክ፣ 24 ሰአት ሙሉ የምታላዝነው የራስህን ሆድ ለመሙላት የምትታገል ትል እራስ ፍጡር እንጅ እንተ የማንም ወኪል ለመሆን ሞራላዊም ሆነ አስተሳሰባዊ ብቃት የለህም፣፣

ቋንቋን በተመለከተ፣ I will challenge you in a separate thread.

yaballo wrote:
14 Oct 2019, 02:15
My weito brother,

Remember that there is an elephant-in-the room that those who advocate for geographic kilils deliberately overlook. It is the issue of what language would be used as administrative & educational language in these so called geographic kilils. The answer they are avoiding is, of course, Amharic. Doing so would take Ethiopia back to the Derg & Haile Sealssie era type of administrative system & that won't be accepted by most tribes.

In fact, the Somalis are the first to reject the idea of geographic kilil & the current darling of the neftegna crowd & president of Somali kilil - mr Mustephe - will be the first to be assassinated straight away if he agrees the banning of the Somali kilil & the use of the Somali language as the official & educational language in Somali kilil. Instability & crisis in Somali kilil would create ideal conditions for Al-Shabab-like Islamic radicals to thrive in that kilil & even in eastern Oromia where the majority of the population happens to be muslim.

The diqalaw & kulo-kontaw (Abiy) could only ignore the wishes of the tribes at his own peril & by risking Ethiopia's chances of continuing as a unified but hopeless/useless country as always.

Language-based federalism is the ONLY thing that could keep Ethiopia together under the current perilous circumstances.

MAP: Haile Selassie era 'geographic kilils' known as Teklay-gizatoch/kifle-hagerat' that was also used by the Derg regime till few years before its demise when it introduced a slightly revised version of the same (see second map).

MAP: Derg era (last years of Derg) administrative kilils of Ethiopia showing Derg's desperate last-minute attempt to try to address ethnic demands for self rule. Note how attempts were made where tribes that speak the same language are gathered into a kilil such as Tigray, Borana, Wollega, Afar, Somali, etc) ...

Last y
Who made you the great keeper of Ethiopian's language? Anyone can speak in their own language and you can't force anyone to speak yours! Learning and working in your mother toung is an international Human right. Preach about amahraic language dominance to Haile Selassie monarchy, which is the main reason for all the problem were seeing today.

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