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Trending Possibility: Fiker for Ethiopia Starts with Us

Post by Ethiopians4cm » 20 Sep 2019, 13:26

There is a wealth of knowledge within our community, enough to change the direction of our homeland and Ethiopians living abroad away from struggle and towards prosperity. All throughout Ethiopia and around the world, there are endless number of Ethiopians succeeding in a plethora of professions and thriving as individuals. Imagine then if we coalesced our talents and worked together for the common good instead of laboring separately.

Hebret. This word that was once tarnished because it became a political slogan of previous depots is nonetheless a concept we should really embrace. One can only get so far but two or more working collectively can bring about transformational change for society. Yet, for a lot of reasons spelled out in our latest article, we are averse as to putting aside our differences and cooperating as a people.

What started with mistrust due to wounds caused by four decades of repressions has become a modus operandi. We would rather question each other’s motives than lend a hand to someone who aspires to accomplish. This trend of indifference is pervasive and detrimental; Ethiopians that could otherwise make tremendous contributions to society often get burned out and eventually withdraw given the...continued...

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