What started off with ethnic politics has slowly crept into every facet of our nation. “Ethnic federalism” was a veiled attempt to divide and annihilate Ethiopia, a plan drawn up by outside forces who realized a long time ago that the only way to destroy our homeland was by turning Ethiopia’s children against each other and eventually convincing them to decimate their own mother. We are witnessing before us the manifestation of this plot; demagogues who are being paid by foreign actors are conditioning us to devalue and dismantle our nation. What would-be colonizers could not accomplish at Adwa and fascists were not able to achieve in the 1930’s, we are being indoctrinated to do to one another.
Brother against brother and sister against sister, what we are witnessing is a biblical prophecy of a nation that is in the process of ruin. This slow rolling dissolution of Ethiopia did not start 27 years ago or even 44 years ago, the minute leaders made the decision to chase modernity at the cost of our history and heritage, we allowed a demonic force of darkness into our land. Once global powers with hidden agendas gained a foothold through the auspices of diplomacy and false charity, they slowly conditioned us to hate our culture and to chase validation from strangers.
A nation that was the cradle of Christianity started to import paintings from other religions and worshiping icons that had nothing to do with Eyesus. A people that were kept free of colonization by leaders who had a covenant to the church and to the citizenry made a foolish decision to eradicate an entire institution and accept exotic ideologies that turned Ethiopia into a beggar nation. Piece by piece, the very essence of Ethiopiawinet was dismantled as we started calling each other habesha for the sake of...continued...
Read full article at: https://ethiopians4cm.org/ethiopia-breaking-point/