It’s worse than voodoo economics. At least in America, supply-siders made a pretense of society benefiting by derivative and stuck to their talking point that money would trickle down to the proletariat from the overflow of riches given to the plutocracy. In Ethiopia, the government and the benighted gentry don’t even pretend to care about the plight of the vast majority of Ethiopians who are beset by financial anxieties or getting swallowed whole by poverty. Instead, economic progress is counted by the number of skyscrapers and the material possessions obtained by only a fraction of society.
Whenever the Ethiopian economy is mentioned in the news, the focus is always on the influx of foreign investment or the “liberalizing of markets”. Abiy Ahmed has made it his singular focus to “privatize” as many sectors as possible in the hopes of opening up Ethiopia’s economy. If you listen closely to people who cheer on the “economic development” of Ethiopia by attracting foreign capital alone, they always talk about benefits in terms of macroeconomic growth but rarely if ever do they talk about how these policies will advance the interests of the poor and working class alike.
Improving Ethiopia for the sake of attracting investors and tourists while discounting the needs of the sons, daughters, mothers and fathers of Ethiopia who are being hammered by skyrocketing inflation, overlooking corruption that makes it nearly impossible for Ethiopians to open up their own businesses and turning a blind eye to the suffering of the destitute is not governance but...continued..
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