FACT: Shemeleba, Cursed-Land-Tigray Is Z Center Of Human Illegal Trafficking:--It's Run By Tplf & UN Mafia's!WEEY GUUD!
FACT: Shemeleba, Cursed-Land-Tigray Is Z Center Of Human Illegal Trafficking: It's Run By Tplf & UN Mafia's!WEEY GUUD!

Re: FACT: Shemeleba, Cursed-Land-Tigray Is Z Center Of Human Illegal Trafficking:--It's Run By Tplf & UN Mafia's!WEEY GU
Z terrorist-tigray-tplf with z help of their agame followers and UN agency make millions of dollars through human trafficking of innocent refugees Eritreans and others. These criminals made millions of dollars from these illegal business. Most of z businesses in tigray r made through these illegal criminal business. Legal action must be taken ASAP!