Aziza, Do You Know that an Agame Division Called "Alula" was Annihilated in 1999 in 24 Hours
The Weyanes had a division called "Alula" considered to be their elite division. Of course, words like elite are relative. What the Agames consider to be alite is to Eritreans a garbage division. That is why they annihilated it in 24 hours. It was as if they were eliminated by flit. Agames will never ever have a division called "Alula". The humiliation is just too much.
Re: Aziza, Do You Know that an Agame Division Called "Alula" was Annihilated in 1999 in 24 Hours
Sesamit ab Meakora terewaeet nay halay Hamashen [deleted],Entay belki ati qenae mesharewit Hamasenite tra'nny, You spend 24/7 spying on Tigreans and envying them even as you su'ck your Tigraway maste Yemane Geremeskel or Hagos Kisha. And you you must be crazy to say what ever you said about the invincible Alula division, which is still the main force defending Badme from the coward Ho'mochenay booshtiew militia aka sawa kitten, long after r eradicating most of them in 1998-2000. Aye Neger Lootiew Hamashens, all you believe is your own made-in-shabia lies that never hold water. Wey Gud belet tarik.
Come su'ck my anaconda and Bezi Gerki kiteweraridyo tedalewi.
Come su'ck my anaconda and Bezi Gerki kiteweraridyo tedalewi.