Ethoash wrote: ↑18 Aug 2019, 08:40i fail in love with this woman, but as i medical expert here is my advice .. give day to day control of your business to your son and go to ሶደሬ stay there as much as you need what u need is control your food intake .. hire one sport food dietitian who u know working with አዋሳ sport team. and hire another swimming instructor... and swim daily swimming is low impact exercise.... stop sugar, salt and only eat one scoop.. አንድ ጭልፋ ውጥ፤ የፈለገው አይነት ምግብ ይሁን በአንድ ጭልፍ ትመጥኝዋለሽ ።ክክም ይሁን ሽሮ ውይ ዶሮ እንድ ጭልፋ daily one hour low impact swimming and walking 3 time a week /// just concentrate on your health forget about your business your business is in good hand with your son.. after all if u die he is going to take it so why not make him practice while u r alive and even u can do submit daily report .....
i didnot suggest may other method of reducing weight because what this beautiful woman want is low impact exercise and exercise is way of life ... u cant just stop it u must exercise all your life hence even after she lose weight i want her to live this kind of life..
i think all those Ethiopian fat millionaire young and old should take my advice and go to ሶደሬ for month and month to start with once you lose weight then u can make it habit ...never take in sugar or salt... now some might say i cant afford to waste 3 month in ሶደሬ i have business to run. okay then u will be forced to waste 6 month in hospital when u get sick and forced to leave your business .. so your business cant come before u.. hence u must trust someone to run your business and leave the business for them and go and take care of yourself. this is madness how on earth someone get fat while they have money.. eat organic .. in USA those rich are they one who r thinner because they take care of their money .. they dont mind spending money on their food and health... in Ethiopia the rich must start buying expensive food and willing to pay higher price for organic and quality food this way the farmers willing to produce small but high quality food and sale at higher price.. this is public health matter the minister of health should work on this and tell everyone to take care of themselves and even take break for the health cost like going and staying in ሶደሬ ... this way we going to make our entrepreneur alive so that they will be part of our economy progress we dont want to lose young entrepreneur because of health reason.. health must come first..
about moving to Golden state.. i dont think that is easy as you think it is easy what is their in ወልቂጤ another buda Amhara and poor Amhara ?
she can move her business but she cant move her customer base .. hotel is not just hotel u must have attachment all that emotional value u cant get it in ወልቂጤ because her hotel will be just new comer አዋሳ people know her for over 30 years small kids now grown up knowing this business they have a lot of memory... so the best thing to do is move her money.. how u do that is take loan from the bank use your hotel as collateral.. if the house worth 100 million birr take as much or even more then buy insurance on the business fire insurance and make sure u cover the business well..
then use this money to start business in Golden city ...while your አዋሳ hotel running at the same time.. if something happened in አዋሳ u tell your bank to pay to the bank and you will be safely seating in Golden city.. now to be smart u must borrow money from oromo or አዋሳ bank this way they will get what they deserved ....

In feudal and aristocratic Ethiopia, the dream values of horus and co. FAT IS BEAUTIFUL. And what is beautiful is still appreciated as a symbol of wealth and symbol of health. First and foremost the change needs to take place in the minds of individuals and then communities and country as a whole. They may visit Sodere as you have suggested but yet it is much practical and more efficient to have an ample room for relevant Gym implements, seek help from physical therapists for drawing up effective personalized exercise programs so as to let the fat melt and burn with out any sympathy, leaving behind strong tough healthy muscles with out much hustles and then keep doing them with rocket science precision so that both the body and the soul may together bow down and thank you for ever for helping them to become healthy wealthy and clever.
In terms of investments you should know your environment in terms of values and cultures of your host target and visibly and show double respect, NOT ARROGANCE, for it because your bread and your income is being paid by the communities in which your investment is operating. Keep light years away from clueless serpent agitators and hate mongers misleading entrepreneurs just for the purpose of stealing some coins through cheap hypnotisation repeat rantings, like horus is doing day and night for earning his daily bread, otherwise he thinks that he will soon be dead.