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Core Chemistry of Oromo National Struggle

Post by OPFist » 19 Aug 2019, 14:15

Core Chemistry of Oromo National Struggle

Thanks to the alarming uncertain situation in Abyssinian empire, I think debates and discussions in Oromo national camp is, slowly, but surely, coming to beneficial result. The tendency of Oromo nationalists to stop the infighting and to start understanding each other is an encouraging development. Now, the OLF is already at home. Especially, the step taken by the group called Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) to be against negative propaganda directed at any part of Oromo national liberation movement was groundbreaking phenomenon to stop the senseless pseudo-conflicts we have had. We have to repeatedly remember the unproductive conflicts we already had in order to learn from our mistakes. We can be sure that we have learned from experience, only if we don’t repeat the same mistake we committed in the past. Here, we can mention, as examples, the conflicts between IFLO and OLF, which had cost many precious lives; the split of OLF into many factions and the discord between ODF and OLF; all these political frictions were the cause for an unnecessary lose of our talent, energy and time, which we could have invested on our national struggle.
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