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"አንድ ሆናችው ወጥታችው፣ ለምን አምስት ሆናችው ተመለሳችው?"

Post by DefendTheTruth » 18 Aug 2019, 08:37

"አንድ ሆናችው ወጥታችው፣ ለምን አምስት ሆናችው ተመለሳችው?"

I think this is the main and first question that they need to answer before trying to register with the election board or do some kind of public meetings and fund raising to milk the endless people's money.

If they can't get a convincing answer to the question, then that will be the beginning of the end of their tumultuous era in the oromo social and political history of recent past.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time", attributed to Abraham Lincon.

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Re: "አንድ ሆናችው ወጥታችው፣ ለምን አምስት ሆናችው ተመለሳችው?"

Post by Ethoash » 18 Aug 2019, 09:32


AS expert politician i will answer your question

it doesnt matter how many parties registered as long as you conduct two election one Primary election... what Primary election does is elect one out of many candidates to run against Dr. Abiy

look in America
we have this number of candidates running for presidential election but not all of them run, they r eliminated by primary election so only one Candidates run against Trump

to me unlike America two party system we have 108 party so we have to conduct two election one primary election to reduce the number ...
there are many way we can do this my way is this way

all parties that register in oromia must run one primary election and select only one party , the Tigray , the Amhara and so on do the same and elect only one party this way instead of having 108 parties we will have 9 party to run against Dr. Abiy this seems the easiest way then using the second method

conduct national level primary and elect one candidate amount 108 parties .... this is not full answer there r many question should be answered to make the election almost fair and balanced

but what we have now is not fair because always Dr. Abiy will even by losing 90% of the vote if he only get 10% he can win u know why ten% is greater then 90% because 10% only divided by one person but 90% divided by 108 parties there is no way the opposition going to win this way .. so my suggestion might answer this part of the question but there are many question should be answered even after we implementing primary election that is what i am saying ..but we should start with primary election

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Re: "አንድ ሆናችው ወጥታችው፣ ለምን አምስት ሆናችው ተመለሳችው?"

Post by DefendTheTruth » 18 Aug 2019, 11:25


First number of parties and the number of individuals running for the program of a party are not one and the same.

Second, I just quoted the figure in the report but the actual number could be more than five, if my memory serves me well, they could be not less than ten or so. What is their difference and where we are if you try to connect the 10 parties of presumably 10 different political programs and the web created by those differring 10 political views purportedly trying to represent the interest of one and the same people (the Oromo people). Are they behind the people's interest or behind the money of the same people? This should be answered if you are indeed "expert politician" like you claim.

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Re: "አንድ ሆናችው ወጥታችው፣ ለምን አምስት ሆናችው ተመለሳችው?"

Post by Ethoash » 18 Aug 2019, 11:31

DefendTheTruth wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 11:25
First number of parties and the number of individuals running for the program of a party are not one and the same.
u missing the big picture .. all i am saying to u is it doesn't matter if 1000 parties or individual running u do primary and u elect only one out of 1000 parties or individual.. so the party or the individual they like it or not they will form NATO and try to win joining force if not it doesnt matter oromo will be represented only by one candidate and all oromo will vote for him instead of ten parties..

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