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Look at Amharu double standard, they are suing this Ejolie blogger for being "racist towards Amhara".

Post by Abdelaziz » 18 Aug 2019, 01:48

They themselves rain so much racist insults against Ejolies and they sue those who treat them in kind. Tolosa JOINED THE RACISTS WHO SUE AN JOLIE, AMAZING AZZKISSER! TOLOSSA is the most werada kahadI GUDIFECHA i'VE EVER KNOWN. MESHREFET IS BETTER THAN THIS WERADA. Actually meshrefet is now recovering from his gudelaAmharu-induced maladaptive behavior. Shukshukta/rumor has it that brother Meshrefet may soon become Oromiya's and Tigray' "Ember Tegadalay!" neger:: He who is with Tigray can rule the Horn for as long as he/she wants! if he wants to be the 7th king, all he has to do is distance himself from tigray's enemies, such as gudelaAmharu and cursed arterans. We can tolerate his tigrigna-speaking kimant-amharu-Tigray hybrid wife.
I'm no longer a fan of Gege kiya coz she xpressed so much bad stuff about Tigray and Tigreans, even after she asked for excuse, but I still sympathize with her coz she is being sued for being an Oromo nationalist and Oromo defender, which is her natural right!

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Re: Look at Amharu double standard, they are suing this Ejolie blogger for being "racist towards Amhara".

Post by Abdelaziz » 18 Aug 2019, 02:02

She is a Shagar Ejolie, born and raised in the heart of Finfine, and these Ejolies are coming to Shagar to defend her.

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