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For 20 years, the world is shocked with the amount of hate cursed ar'terans spew against Tigreans.

Post by Abdelaziz » 18 Aug 2019, 01:13

The inherent post-bandism, skunissim, contro-muro'ism, and fagosomalism-induced Hamasenay inferiority-complex is one aggravating cause for it. But really, as far as the main cause for cursed ar'terans' inteminable hatefulness goes, no body in the entire world clearly knows why cursed ar'terans unilaterally and unprovokedly continue to express so much non-stop hate on Tigreans, the very people who gave the Ho'moshenays their now-useless Endpestence, but I personally think it is because Tigreans are too kind and too soft on cursed ar'terans not knowing the fact such former-colonial slaves who were massively sexually,racially and psychologically molested by Italians seem to prefer their molesters and tormentors than naive people like Tigreans who do them favor and treat them as equal. Thus I I advise Tigreans to view cursed ar'terans as their worst enemies in the entire world and act with them accordingly. Our Agazian Slogan should be, Tigraway Wedimedhin Hawuna Kemzibela, Wey NiHina Wey Nisom.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: for 20years, the world is shocked with the amount of hate cursed ar'terans spew against Tigreans.

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Aug 2019, 01:40

Abdelaziz wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 01:13
The inherent post-bandism, skunisims, contro-muro'ism, and fagosomalism-induced Hamasenay inferiority-complex is one aggravating cause for it. But really, as far as the main cause for cursed ar'terans' inteminable hatefulness goes, no body in the entire world clearly knows why cursed ar'terans unilaterally and unprovokedly continue to express so much non-stop hate on Tigreans, the very people who gave their now-useless Endpestence., but I think it is because Tigreans are too kind and to soft on cursed ar'terans not knowing the fact such former-colonial slaves who were massively sexually,racially and psychologically molested by Italians seem to prefer their molesters and tormentors than naive people like Tigreans who do them favor and treat them as equal. I advise Tigreans to view cursed ar'terans as their worst enemies in the entire world and act with them accordingly. Our Agazian Slogan should be, Wedimedhin Hawuna Kemzibela, Wey NiHina Wey Nisom.
We had a soft scrimmage war but the next one will be the hard hitting war to decide whether the game is over for good and if anyone of them go back and fight the Tigrayans live still in their lands about 8M pure Tigrayans.
The problem was during the struggle Meles and Sebhat led the organization by the help of moron Adwans do not think beyond their noses and bellies and Meles fooled them big time and the struggle was shaped by the narrative of Meles strategy favored for Eritreans but now every Tigrayans saw that and no one is happy the way woyane handled Eritrean matter. Today Tigray can go and evict them and take the entire Eritrea because it was part of Tigray before they divided us and they will not stop us from doing specially if they start war. Tigrayans under meles and now are totally different and no one can shape Tigray except Tigrayans since we have many well educated nationalist Tigrayans and the Adwans are very much despised what they did in every way they involved and no long term strategy for Tigray and no Tigray see them as honest Tigrayans after everyone found their root and their deed in every juncture of Tigray history. If there was no threat from any other ethnics Tigrayans could have been gone after Adwa, believe me on that but they see the external and it is not Tigray culture not to rally behind who ever the leader against Tigray enemy.

Even during the border war after Meles made sabotage against the plan and stopped the war prematurely, the general who was intended to move in to Asmara was stopped by Meles came to Mekelle and he was to put Meles in prison and he was to take him out from the meeting but Seye Abraha told him to leave him alone. Seye made historical mistake at the time for the first time in his life. Then the next night General Berhe shaebia was assassinated by Meles with his wife in Addis Ababa home.

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