Re: Minjar Amhara Culture
Minjar AmharaCountry is 2 hour away from Addis ABAba

Re: Minjar Amhara Culture
It is nice to see Sami Obama, Australian Wedi Shire, dancing with my ancestral Minjar's music.
Sam is versatile, he can dance in any music, he dances like a robot.
Sam is versatile, he can dance in any music, he dances like a robot.
Re: Minjar Amhara Culture
Ausies Enjoy Tigrigna kudos to Sami and other Tigrean youth..
Re: Minjar Amhara Culture
Fesa'm Fasil, learn how to dance Tigrigna style from this two experts, Sami and the DJ guy he met in nightclub in Axum. LOok how Tigrigna is good when done properly. Tigrigna is an all body dance... nothing like it in the world.
Re: Minjar Amhara Culture
What happened to the Agew are they all dead and Amhara can claim their music their dance their clthing?
Sorry Agew is
Sorry Agew is