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ADE (Abyssinian Dominated Ethiopia) is Out and OLE (Oromian Led Ethiopia) is In!

Post by OPFist » 17 Aug 2019, 11:43

ADE (Abyssinian Dominated Ethiopia) is Out and OLE (Oromian Led Ethiopia) is In!

Thanks to the resilient Oromo struggle, the century long Abyssian dominated Ethiopia is dead, never to revive again. From now on, Oromian led Ethiopia will flourish and thrive. When we talk about Ethiopia, there are two main meanings coming to our mind:

1. Abythiopia (Abyssinian-Ethiopia, old Ethiopia, dying Ethiopia, past Ethiopia, pseudo-Ethiopia, dictatorial Ethiopia, Semetic Ethiopia, Abyssinian dominated Ethiopia...) and

2. Orothiopia (Oromian-Ethiopia, anew Ethiopia, emerging Ethiopia, future Ethiopia, true Ethiopia, democratic Ethiopia, Cushitic Ethiopia, Oromian led Ethiopia...).

The first is equivalent to Abyssinia and its authoritarian culture, whereas the second is the same to Oromia and its egalitarian culture. That is why, we talk about Ethiopia = Oromia in Oromo politics of new generation; while politics of old generation is all about the obsolete Ethiopia = Abyssinia.

Till now, Abesha elites loved Ethiopia and Oromo elites hated Ethiopia based on the first meaning. Both were led by the old mentality. When we look at the current political trend of the country, region, continent and the globe, Ethiopia in the first sense is on death process, whereas Ethiopia of the second meaning is the winning trend. Actually, in this second meaning, the Abesha may hate Ethiopia and the Oromo surely will love it, because Abythiopia shall definetly be transformed to Orothiopia! Surely, Abythiopia (both assimilative Ethiopia of Ankober elites and apartheid Ethiopia of Adwa elites) is dying and Orothiopia (in form of either Union Oromia / language based federalism or Great Oromia / geography based federalism) is growing. Is this trend clear to both Abyssinians and Oromians? I don't think so! There is mixed songs going on. Abyssinians are still nostalgic about the dead Abythiopia, whereas Oromians are cherishing the new born Orothiopia. Of course both are celebrating Ethiopia based on their respective vision and wish.
Read more: ... at-oromia/
