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Amhara Orthodox

Post by Medo » 15 Aug 2019, 17:40

Some funny comments here want to say as Orthodox being indigenous religion and Muslims and protestants came from..kkkkkkk really? :lol: whay about Egyptian Arab Orthodox christians who brought it here? Are they Amhara? Ye amara nagar ye lij teret naw eko. : :mrgreen:

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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by fasil1235 » 15 Aug 2019, 19:26

Egyptian orthodox are not Arab they are Coptic 2,000 years old people arabs are from Arabia

the nine saints brought christianity to ethiopia exterminating buda tigray serpent worship! and turning all pagan temples into churches

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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by Medo » 15 Aug 2019, 22:40

Copts are Arabs too though they came to Africa long before the muslim Arabs. Ask the Egyptian copts themselves. They don't hide history like you guys that came from S. Yemen and claim another. Kkkkkkkkkk

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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by fasil1235 » 15 Aug 2019, 23:03

Medo wrote:
15 Aug 2019, 22:40
Copts are Arabs too though they came to Africa long before the muslim Arabs. Ask the Egyptian copts themselves. They don't hide history like you guys that came from S. Yemen and claim another. Kkkkkkkkkk
Copts are not Arabs ask them! they have different DNA! read it otherwise don't speak! :P :lol:

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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by Medo » 15 Aug 2019, 23:24

Ediot boy, I just told you to ask a copt around your area. I don't want you to tell me copts say this or that. You don't know what a copt is. Jazbaa kkkkkk

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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by EPRDF » 16 Aug 2019, 01:22

fasil1235 wrote:
15 Aug 2019, 23:03
Copts are not Arabs ask them! they have different DNA! read it otherwise don't speak! :

Copt or ቅብጥ this name is, at the present, reserved to egypt's Orthodox Christian population that was based in Alexandria. Few Copts reject Arab identity and not all. Their DNA matches to the rest of Muslim egyptians of their compatriot than any other ethno groups. They have no separate DNA.
Because of your hate to Arabs, you trying to twist every truth as the way it suits you.

Well, Just for the sake of your argument, lets agree and say egyptian Copts are Christians of Orthodox sect and not Arabs, Des Yeebeleh but meanwhile Copts and Orthodox Christian believers are exist in Sudan, Libya, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon in significant number... so Wendime fasil what you gonna call to all these people, would you still like to deny their Arabness because they have Christian faith? Absurd!


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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by fasil1235 » 16 Aug 2019, 13:09

All Egyptians are Coptics they are not Arab DNA shows me right in 1300 Egypt was Majority Christian Coptic Muslims invaded assimilated all the Copts and turned the churches into Mosques their is still 4,000,000 Egyptian Copts left heavily persucuted by evil arabic muslims terrorists who rape and blow up churches! they destroying all the churches!

1. Egyptians were forced into islam
2. Native of Coptic Egypt outnumber invading Arabs cause Bedoun real arabs are very small number!
3. Arabs in Egypt are Copts! that lost there language and religion!

I am right anyways arabs belong to saudi arabia!

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Re: Amhara Orthodox

Post by Axumawi » 16 Aug 2019, 19:01

Christianity did not come to Axum by way of Egypt

Habesha and Copts fell into same camp after the conference in Antioch that separated Roman and Constantinople

Yemen was Christain Orthodox and Jewish just like Habesha before the arrival of Islam

Twahdo came to existance after Hatse Yohannes forced all Orthodox in Ethiopia to unite to prevent Shiwa from going Roman to which they had secretly agreed. Tewahdo is result of that conference. No doctrinal issue with Egyptians, Indians and Persians.

Just for laughs:
Adam and Hewan spoke Amharic
Amharic was written for first time at Gonder
Gonder was found 600 years ago and was capital for 300 contineous years.

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