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Halafi Mengedi
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To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 13 Aug 2019, 22:16

First, I love Tigray before anyone and my suggestion is not hating to any Tigrayan, he or she is my leader so long that person is fit to lead and make the right decision for Tigray. Having said the above there is huge gup for the last one and half years Tigray lack of quality leadership to be the face of Tigray and the fearless Woyane organization. Our leader Debretsion every time he comes and speak without prewritten, he is completely shame of Tigray, I have not seen him say something right any farmer of Tigray can say them properly at the right place and time and to whom he wants to send a clear message on behalf of Tigray. Every suggestion Debretsion said were wrong and colossal cost for Tigray specially the first 6 months of his leadership. The foreign spies penetration the country was Debretsion failure to see ahead of time, the Abiy PM is totally Debretsion refusal what was told to do before he became PM and the other three anti Tigray now, the Arrest of Somali president and other presidents of Tigray strong allies removals from their post was Debretsion failure, Aregawi Berhe and his dogs to be allowed in the country is Debretsion failure, General Kinfe and many Tigrayans arrests is Debretsion failure and Seare and Gezae death was Debretsion failure. If you ask me how possible everything is Debretsion failure, I will explain to you one by one what should have been done ahead of time to prevent such colossal failures.

The things Debretsion brought to the table of Tigray Meles could not do it for many years. Debretsion open up the space all Tigrayans to speak their mind for the future of Tigray, Debretsion is working so hard to fix Meles infested problems across Tigray coordinating with others, Debretsion bringing all Tigrayans together specially to the economic front Tigray to be self-reliance society, Debretsion became an exemplary how a leader should lead without corruption and accountability for their crimes.

But Tigray needs a born leader who can project Tigray power in order other ethnics to listen to us, to take us seriously, to trust us what we say and follow us. This is where the problem of Tigray right now because when the other ethnics try to listen Debretsion they see him non-leadership material who could not convey his message clearly and convincedly and they see him worse than them. Tigray military power is nonexistence the sole reason we were at the top in that bloody country. Debrestion does not even recognize his short comings and bring others to compensate his weakness to his administration to cover them.

Tigray has very dynamic young nationalist leaders who can carry on Shig or torch Woyane and will fulfil the Waela Tigray. One of the person is “ALULA SOLOMON” he is bright young leader material who can make Tigray and Woyenti proud again, he is very loyal Woyane, he is very exposed international politics and each country of the globe and their culture and political inclines to make the right decision instantly without any advice from anyone at the spot to have converse with any leader of the world because he knows or he has an idea about them and he knows what they want to hear per his foreign background. The other quality leadership he has is very nationalist Tigray he knows what but.tonn to hit as smart as he is.

Please all veteran founders and ex leaders of Woyane must bring this man to the leadership of Woyane chairmanship and let him be the face of Tigray and Woyane and let Debretsion stay at the president of Tigray and work closely with Abraham Tekeste to finish the unfinished business of Tigray economic self-reliance.

Alula Solomon will bring the best minds of Tigrayans to be associated to make the right decision for Tigray moving forward. Why Tigray suffers when Tigray children are sitting ideal like Girmay Berhe, Mahari Yohannes, General Teklebrhan Welde Aregay, Memhir Muluwerk, Atakilti Ambaye, others in Seb Hidri, Baitona and some of Salsay Woyane to be Tigrayans Woyenti and secure the long-term interest of Tigray???

At this time of Tigray history, Tigray is the highest priority for all of us than party or anything else and Seb Hidri, Baitona and Salsay Woyane if you are invited to join with Alula Solomon no reason to think twice because everything will be about Tigray first and lets secure our home first and the rest are secondary will have plenty of time to play the games at home within ourselves unless your ego is more important than the fate of Tigray and if you have such thought in your mind you will not make a dent for years to come because people of Tigray will see you as selfish like the Meles follower the past 18 years.

The minimal you can do is let Alula Solomon replace Getachew Reda and cover some of the highlighted Debretsion weakness as the image of Tigray and Woyane.

For God sake get a clue what born leader is and why we need Alula Solomon, I do not know him personally but I do not need to know him personally to suggest because my suggestion is not about personal but what good for Tigray at large.
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 14 Aug 2019, 01:16, edited 1 time in total.

Tog Wajale
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Tog Wajale » 13 Aug 2019, 23:08

Son Of Prostitu*tes Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me * Alula Selemon * :---- You Have Not Seen Nothing Yet , We Are Not Done Yet, Until Every Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me T.P.L.F Woyane Former Criminals Businessmens, All Generals/ Colonels Thieves, Murderers, Rapist, Aressted Or Assassinated. You Agga*me Have Embezzled Over $ 40 Billions U.S.Dollars, Not Only That, You Have Displaced Over 2.6 Millions Amara, Oromo & Ogadenia Somali From Their Mother Furtile Lands. Not Only That You Deported Over 90 Thousands Pure Eritrean That Lived For Generations In Ethiopia Owning Trucking, Farming, Imports/ Exports, Bakeries, Fancy Hotels & Restaurants Was Confiscated By Only Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me T.P.L.F Woyane Criminals People. Now You Have An Audacity To Tell Us The Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me Tigriayan Are Mistreatment. We Are Not Done Yet Aresstig All The Criminals, Thieves, The Coluders, Rapist. It Will Take Time.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 14 Aug 2019, 01:00

Tog Wajale wrote:
13 Aug 2019, 23:08
Son Of Prostitu*tes Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me * Alula Selemon * :---- You Have Not Seen Nothing Yet , We Are Not Done Yet, Until Every Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me T.P.L.F Woyane Former Criminals Businessmens, All Generals/ Colonels Thieves, Murderers, Rapist, Aressted Or Assassinated. You Agga*me Have Embezzled Over $ 40 Billions U.S.Dollars, Not Only That, You Have Displaced Over 2.6 Millions Amara, Oromo & Ogadenia Somali From Their Mother Furtile Lands. Not Only That You Deported Over 90 Thousands Pure Eritrean That Lived For Generations In Ethiopia Owning Trucking, Farming, Imports/ Exports, Bakeries, Fancy Hotels & Restaurants Was Confiscated By Only Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me T.P.L.F Woyane Criminals People. Now You Have An Audacity To Tell Us The Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me Tigriayan Are Mistreatment. We Are Not Done Yet Aresstig All The Criminals, Thieves, The Coluders, Rapist. It Will Take Time.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 14 Aug 2019, 10:32

Sum'Uwo Nai halawi Teli Zereba N'Issayas Eritrea
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Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 14 Aug 2019, 23:17

Alula Solomon has five times probability to be the PM of Ethiopia despite I do not want to see any Tigrayan to hold such position at the federal level anymore since it is the biggest enemy of Tigray our talented Tigrayans to immigrate again.

Debretsion has zero chance to be PM of Ethiopia due to his incoherent and could not form just one paragraph what he want to say. People have very hard time to listen to him and take anything from him what is he saying. I read many comments from all over does Tigray has better educated and articulate person to represent them than Debretsions jumps from one word to another could not form a one line sentence. This is how Tigray is being perceived for the last one and half years and other ethnics lost hope from Tigray leadership to lead them. This is not personal judgement but Debretsion performance.

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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by simbe11 » 14 Aug 2019, 23:25

It’s good for starters that you identified your leaders crappie readiness to lead. Any be advised that the only thing that is at large is the TPLF criminal junta who are hiding in Mekele. They are at large.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 15 Aug 2019, 01:32

simbe11 wrote:
14 Aug 2019, 23:25
It’s good for starters that you identified your leaders crappie readiness to lead. Any be advised that the only thing that is at large is the TPLF criminal junta who are hiding in Mekele. They are at large.
If I have to compare woyane leaders to shaebia evil criminals, our woyane are mother Teresa. Where are the Eritrean leaders spend, in Adi Halo, Asmara, Massawa. The nation of Tigray capital city is Mekelle and all are enjoying at home and doing things supposed to be done long time ago and they travel freely in all ten Awraja cities when ever they want, Tigray is very safe and no political quarrel like Eritrea.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 15 Aug 2019, 10:33

Replacing one wrong man to the position than to be replaced all Tigrayans, that is how you must see it.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 15 Aug 2019, 12:21

Halafi, you worship individuals whom you think they share your politics ; You despise those who do not. You constantly argue the best leader will make “ Tigray Great Again.” I disagree. It is the politics stupid, Halafi. The TPLF politics is outdated. Not only one, but hundred bright Tigreans with proven leadership quality cannot pull out Tigray from the situation she is in unless they discard the TPLF manifesto.
As for your trusting the future of Tigray in the leadership of Alula Solomon, I only say that is sad. I have only seen him one or two times on YouTube or somewhere, I am not impressed. He is amateur in his politics. Governing about six million people requires making several important decisions every single day. That is what Debretsion is doing. Alula on the other hand is running his mouth wherever a microphone is around, as if the future of Tigray depends on his wisdom. As a non- Tigrean, but as an Ethiopian I prefer Debretsion to lead Tigray. Yes, I agree there might be other Tigreans who qualify to govern, but Alula is not one of them.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 15 Aug 2019, 12:21

Halafi, you worship individuals whom you think they share your politics ; You despise those who do not. You constantly argue the best leader will make “ Tigray Great Again.” I disagree. It is the politics stupid, Halafi. The TPLF politics is outdated. Not only one, but hundred bright Tigreans with proven leadership quality cannot pull out Tigray from the situation she is in unless they discard the TPLF manifesto.
As for your trusting the future of Tigray in the leadership of Alula Solomon, I only say that is sad. I have only seen him one or two times on YouTube or somewhere, I am not impressed. He is amateur in his politics. Governing about six million people requires making several important decisions every single day. That is what Debretsion is doing. Alula on the other hand is running his mouth wherever a microphone is around, as if the future of Tigray depends on his wisdom. As a non- Tigrean, but as an Ethiopian I prefer Debretsion to lead Tigray. Yes, I agree there might be other Tigreans who qualify to govern, but Alula is not one of them.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To all Veteran Woyane: What are you waiting for you do not bring Alula Solomon to chairmanship???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 15 Aug 2019, 13:04

Sam Ebalalehu wrote: 886090 user_id=48109]
Halafi, you worship individuals whom you think they share your politics ; You despise those who do not. You constantly argue the best leader will make “ Tigray Great Again.” I disagree. It is the politics stupid, Halafi. The TPLF politics is outdated. Not only one, but hundred bright Tigreans with proven leadership quality cannot pull out Tigray from the situation she is in unless they discard the TPLF manifesto.
As for your trusting the future of Tigray in the leadership of Alula Solomon, I only say that is sad. I have only seen him one or two times on YouTube or somewhere, I am not impressed. He is amateur in his politics. Governing about six million people requires making several important decisions every single day. That is what Debretsion is doing. Alula on the other hand is running his mouth wherever a microphone is around, as if the future of Tigray depends on his wisdom. As a non- Tigrean, but as an Ethiopian I prefer Debretsion to lead Tigray. Yes, I agree there might be other Tigreans who qualify to govern, but Alula is not one of them.
It is just began but they are not defiant like our founders and we are looking defiant to strictly implement Waela Tigray.

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