Koshasha oromo and tigrays stay out of Amhara!
You dirty rats
always saying Amhara is doing something evil when it’s you oromos and tigrays who are killing Amhara people day and night Amhara people have been killed and tortured by Gallas now 1974-2019 tigrays and oromos continue to attack unarmed amharas! Also if you rotten scorpions
want to fight us come fight Fano and all the men with guns not 3 year old children and women what’s wrong with you cockroaches! You insult Amhara all the time but in reality you oromos and tigrays are cockroach’s buda tigrai used to worship Ibabs and serpents all the way to king yohanes forced you all to become orthodox Galla used to hunt and eat young hadiya and Gurage children until Menelik Forced them to stop this shows your evil behaviour
Re: Koshasha oromo and tigrays stay out of Amhara!
Evil tigromo are the ones behind the death of ambachew mekonnen evil jawar Mohamed visit bahr dar showing evidence that oromo terrorists like to hijack amharas capital
Bahir Dar is 1.1% terrorist Galla 95% Amhara and -1% Tigray runaways

Bahir Dar is 1.1% terrorist Galla 95% Amhara and -1% Tigray runaways
Last edited by fasil1235 on 14 Aug 2019, 21:47, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Koshasha oromo and tigrays stay out of Amhara!
Criminal abiy Ahmed does not give a damn about his Amhara mother he is like the Oromo menelik but worser he blames Amharas constantly and arrests all Amhara party members! Ethiopia is a fallen state! I said it be angry but it is! 1974/1975 and 1991 are the dates when Ethiopia began to die
Last edited by fasil1235 on 14 Aug 2019, 22:07, edited 1 time in total.
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- Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04
Re: Koshasha oromo and tigrays stay out of Amhara!
Now we know why the Amhara 120 years rule could not move forward an inch their own ethnic let alone any other ethnic, education Lebnet, territories Lebnet, culture Lebnet, history Lebnet, Language Lebnet, even the Amhara ethnic itself is fake.

Re: Koshasha oromo and tigrays stay out of Amhara!
Thomas H Halafi Laflafi all clones!
Why copy and paste, all your posts are the same idiot
I watched the video I can tell the kid is a humble straight A student unlike failure semhal shar~muta meles znawi
Why does lefafli hailu mengedi sound like a crazy ethno nationalist that’s on her period all the time
- Digital Fasilades
- Digital Taje wojale

Why copy and paste, all your posts are the same idiot

I watched the video I can tell the kid is a humble straight A student unlike failure semhal shar~muta meles znawi

Why does lefafli hailu mengedi sound like a crazy ethno nationalist that’s on her period all the time

- Digital Fasilades
- Digital Taje wojale
Last edited by fasil1235 on 14 Aug 2019, 22:34, edited 1 time in total.