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Re: ኬርያ የዘይት ሌባ።
Kareya Haftey Wah Zah Belilay Meda Mariam Esuwto
Re: ኬርያ የዘይት ሌባ።
now show me one Amhara power woman who is beautiful, smart and who have gut..
i am not asking u only beautiful but smart too... forget gut part .even the amhara man doesnt have it ... (u know what i mean)
looooooooooooooook she loook powerful and she write in Arabic and sign in Arabic a deal that matter for Ethiopia .. look she write from right to left ..
she look comfortable then the Arab counter part..
to me i always said send those Muslim who speak Arabic if u want to result.. send Ethiopian jew to Israel... Somalian Ethiopian to Djibouti this is new kind of democracy ... in Dergu time he used to send Christian Ambassador to Arab country and tplf and eplf SUING saying Ethiopian government oppressing the Muslim no wonder they helped the cHRISTIAN EPLF AND TPLF over us because we failed democracy... now doctor Abiy seems he learned fast when it come to diplomacy..
after saying all this i willing ወ/ሮ ኬሪያ ኢብራሂም to get fired but who would be her replacement it is okay with u Oromo woman will be fine .. or u want an amhara replacement let me know pls .. if u dare to answer.. u like it or not Muslim are getting power .. it is new realty u should adopt .. i know it is too much for u to adopt oromo supremacy and Islam supremacy at one go
i leave u with an old Somalian saying እሲካልፍ የአባት ህ ባርያ ይግዛህ ይባላልና ፤ እሲኪያልፍ ቻሉት እንግዲህ።