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Halafi Mengedi
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Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Amhara have some kind of logic to your arguments, if Berera was old name of A/A then Finfi why not Angareb/Alowuha river

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 05 Aug 2019, 22:47

Amhara have some kind of logic to your arguments, if Berera was old name of A/A then Finfi why not Angareb/Alowuha rivers???

Amhara bringing the old name of Addis Ababa before named Finfine "Berera" sounds though Oromo language than Amharic but for the sake of argument, you bring all the historical narrative what was the old name of todays Addis Ababa. You are arguing to Oromo there was a name called Berera before Finfine. Amhara can you also argue the 1942 Qebo Alowuha melash river Tigray taken by Haileselassie son we have many documents to show and agive back to Tigray without war and displacement people???

All the north Gonfer up to Angareb river Metema Yohannes, Abraha Jira, Tahtay Armachiho, Endabat, Duba Erqi, Adi Arkay and Be'ida taken by Menelik for his wife after he became king of the country???

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