The ungratful anti-Ethiopian Oromo fanatics will pay dearly.y f
OLF in its long life of gruella warfare both under Mengetu and Meles achieved only a cascade of defeat. So the new generation of Kerros in tandem with fanos and the leadership of Amhara and Oromos within EPDRF was able to dislodge TPLF without big fanfare. With the help of Amharas and the southern people party EPDRF power landed on ODP. How this trust is taken by OPD leaders – is that to give a lip service to Ethiopia, and let the most vicious anti-Ethiopians wrek a havoc in sidama and Somali region , silently promoting their agenda without rocking the boat that much. Aytola jewar told us in many occasions that he is working with plan. That is what is going on between ODP and Jewar lead anti-Ethipan groups. Then ODP brought back the known anti-Ethiopian Oromo fanatics to Ethiopia and give them the platform so that they can agitate against the Ethiopian people. Jewar and iskale are wining and dining with ODP leaders in the day and in the evening they show up on Ethiopia TV to tell us there is no such country called Ethiopia and citizenship called Ethiopian. ODP is dancing with the Anti-Ethiopians ormo fanatics a synchronize dance. ODP even came out about geda citizenship/ not Ethiopain citizenship in the name of geda system it plans to institute it first in oromian then they even have made it official they want to bring that to Addis Ababa. For now it is all in slow motion but they will hit the brick wall call Ethiopian nationalism pretty soon. The love fast between these fanatic Oromos and Weyane is not without the reason it is part of the anti-Ethiopans synchronized dance Bekel gerba , iszcale gabisa , and jawar are falling on top of each other to get the blessing of Weyanes. Buckle up Ethiopians it is going to be one great raid – don’t doubt though you will come at the top. Everything paid for Ethiopia worth every cent of it. Not your choice but what can you do. You deal with what you have not with what you wish you want have.