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Dejach Aklilu
Posts: 2249
Joined: 26 May 2012, 15:54
Location: mangolia

We should viscerally oppose all types of ethnic nationalism

Post by Dejach Aklilu » 27 Jul 2019, 06:04

-- Ethnic nationalists of all stripes are producing dumb and dumber politics. The recent imbecilic carnage perpetrated by Sidama proves the proliferation of Juwahr type extreme ethnic nationalism expanding beyond Oromos into the south.

-- Ethnic nationalists are modern day barbarians. They build nothing but tear down what others have built. They get salty when the hardworking smart folks from other ethnics accumulate wealth. Their ethnic police and security give them cover. We basically have in Ethiopia, rule by the dumb and lazy just like the woyanne days.

-- Meanwhile in Amhara...what the NAMA activists did to the Wollo hibret folks was shameful. Dumb and ignorant NAMA have proven to be the Amhara version of Juwhar. Creating lots of enemies but few friends.

-- Do you notice a trend .. all ethno nationalists seem to do is constantly create enemies and fight, tear down stuff, cause carnage. The more carnage they cause, the more they are egged on by their supporters. The more their supporters egg them on, the more carnage they cause... creating a never ending loop of destruction and carnage.