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Re: I asked young Eritreans why they risk migration. This is what they told me

Post by kerenite » 23 Jul 2019, 13:05

And this is what happens to some of them.

This morning in Germany (Frankfurt area) an Eri asylum seeker was shot by a neo-nazi, he is in critical condition according to the german police.

Around noon, the german police found the auto of the culprit few KMs away dead inside his auto

According to the german polizei, the culprit committed suicide but left a little note, in the note he justified his action the hate he holds for foreigners.

Below is the link of the NTV television in it's today's news coverage:

P.S. I have great...great...respect for the eris of my generation, they were real fighters for their rights. What we have now in eritrea are deQi mama, instead of fleeing and running left and right why they don't get rid of the lunatic and stay in their country instead of turning eritrea into a laughing stock worldwide.

BTW, this reminds me of a wise elderly tigrayan who was welcoming eri refugees on daily basis at the border, he repeatedly used to say to them:

Antum burukat eritrawiyan kindi Hade seb tebariru mul'u hager tibareru. Literally translated: you good people of eritrea instead of getting rid of one person, one person is getting rid of you all.


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Re: I asked young Eritreans why they risk migration. This is what they told me

Post by Fed_Up » 23 Jul 2019, 15:01

kerenite wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 13:05
And this is what happens to some of them.

This morning in Germany (Frankfurt area) an Eri asylum seeker was shot by a neo-nazi, he is in critical condition according to the german police.

Around noon, the german police found the auto of the culprit few KMs away dead inside his auto

According to the german polizei, the culprit committed suicide but left a little note, in the note he justified his action the hate he holds for foreigners.

Below is the link of the NTV television in it's today's news coverage:

P.S. I have great...great...respect for the eris of my generation, they were real fighters for their rights. What we have now in eritrea are deQi mama, instead of fleeing and running left and right why they don't get rid of the lunatic and stay in their country instead of turning eritrea into a laughing stock worldwide.

BTW, this reminds me of a wise elderly tigrayan who was welcoming eri refugees on daily basis at the border, he repeatedly used to say to them:

Antum burukat eritrawiyan kindi Hade seb tebariru mul'u hager tibareru. Literally translated: you good people of eritrea instead of getting rid of one person, one person is getting rid of you all.

Neger agameW low metrï,

You pool the news out of your skinny agame arse. Why don’t you be a bit creative and sophisticated including your fake source.

agameWoch are predictable and unsophisticated primitive donkey.

I have no word for your low level existence.

Now the agameWoch hopelessly starting insulting Eritreans for not killing each other. Eritreans and Eritreans wannabes and those pose as an Eritreans are taking the risk for easy asylum not because there exists neither ugly government nor one meal a day like Killil Tigray. Otherwise we would have witnessing like Tigray,Ethiopians migrating to Yemen and South Africa .... including zembabwe
Second woyanus tplfists offered Eritreans armaments to fight the regime while Eritreans showed them middle fingers. Therefore, Eritreans had no problem with the government but not a bad idea to take advantage of the easy asylum system offered to the well trained and disciplined Eritreans. It is a special preference by the Europeans.

Now you know.. we know... they know... that PIA will face Eritreans protests if his government show any sign of normalize with tplfists otherwise he will remain the popular, loved and respected president till his last breath. It is all Eritreans’ policy.
Last edited by Fed_Up on 23 Jul 2019, 15:09, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: I asked young Eritreans why they risk migration. This is what they told me

Post by kerenite » 23 Jul 2019, 15:47

Fed_Up wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 15:01
kerenite wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 13:05
And this is what happens to some of them.

This morning in Germany (Frankfurt area) an Eri asylum seeker was shot by a neo-nazi, he is in critical condition according to the german police.

Around noon, the german police found the auto of the culprit few KMs away dead inside his auto

According to the german polizei, the culprit committed suicide but left a little note, in the note he justified his action the hate he holds for foreigners.

Below is the link of the NTV television in it's today's news coverage:

P.S. I have great...great...respect for the eris of my generation, they were real fighters for their rights. What we have now in eritrea are deQi mama, instead of fleeing and running left and right why they don't get rid of the lunatic and stay in their country instead of turning eritrea into a laughing stock worldwide.

BTW, this reminds me of a wise elderly tigrayan who was welcoming eri refugees on daily basis at the border, he repeatedly used to say to them:

Antum burukat eritrawiyan kindi Hade seb tebariru mul'u hager tibareru. Literally translated: you good people of eritrea instead of getting rid of one person, one person is getting rid of you all.

Neger agameW low metrï,

You pool the news out of your skinny agame arse. Why don’t you be a bit creative and sophisticated including your fake source.

agameWoch are predictable and unsophisticated primitive donkey.

I have no word for your low level existence.

Now the agameWoch hopelessly starting insulting Eritreans for not killing each other. Eritreans and Eritreans wannabes and those pose as an Eritreans are taking the risk for easy asylum not because there exists neither ugly government nor one meal a day like Killil Tigray. Otherwise we would have witnessing like Tigray,Ethiopians migrating to Yemen and South Africa .... including zembabwe
Second woyanus tplfists offered Eritreans armaments to fight the regime while Eritreans showed them middle fingers. Therefore, Eritreans had no problem with the government but not a bad idea to take advantage of the easy asylum system offered to the well trained and disciplined Eritreans. It is a special preference by the Europeans.

Now you know.. we know... they know... that PIA will face Eritreans protests if his government show any sign of normalize with tplfists otherwise he will remain the popular, loved and respected president till his last breath. It is all Eritreans’ policy.
I am lost here :roll:

Can your translate what you blabbered into amichina? What you scribbled is turkish to me.

BTW, the source is authentic. I know it is in german language and not in amichina.

MeHfar goHaf. I never ever post news out of the blue while it ain't in my nature.


How is our beletu doing? Say hi to her.

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Re: I asked young Eritreans why they risk migration. This is what they told me

Post by Cigar » 23 Jul 2019, 15:51

You idiots, deceivers the reason Eritreans been migrating is not as you said due to political or lack of peace in Eritrea.
Unless you all are stupid, every body knows that Eritrea is the most peaceful country in the world.
If your reasoning was correct all the Africans including ethiopians would have done so.
Oh wait.... they actually been doing so stealing Eritreans identities, again ethiopians in general and tegarus in particular (in large numbers).
Yes the real reason was, the double standard USA, UN and the west policy against Eritrea.
I mean not only Africans but the whole white world would have flooded the west including to America if America and the west enticed citizens of different countries to leave their country to weaken the countries.
Well that is exactly what happened in Eritrea case and you freaking know it.
The mother f**ker Obama publicly told the Eritrean youth if the leave Etitrea they have a million dollar each winning lottery ticket waiting for them in their destination countries.
Godemet if any country offered me such, I would leave (take the rosk) my host country USA and go to Mongolia if Mongolia is the one who said what Obama said.
The fact is majority of the applicants are not even Eritreans.
Like I said above too many African nations citizens took that advantage of that evil policy and applied as Eritreans ballooning our refugee to unbelievable number. Some of you could be some of the identity thieves to be honest.
If you are going to say that Ethiopia is more stable and peaceful country than Eritrea and thus you wouldn't take the risk to flee if such offer is given to you, then you need your heads checked up.
And if any one of you says that Eritreans are fleeing from 2018 again you need to see a doctor.
Since Eritrea's sanction was lifted no Eritrean would take that crucial road, because they will be deported back to Eritrea.
It was the evil policy which forced them to do so and now it is the change of that policy which will make then think it is not worth trying to take the risk.
Any way, the proof of the pudding will be materialized soon.
In other words these same Eritrean immigrants will be going back home having education or trades in their host countries to amend their unwilling tarnish their country's name to gain the evil system.
In other words, these Eritreans might have left their country, but it is a fact that they still are pfdj members as soon as they get their refugee status.
So, you a** holes, use your brains to analyze things before you open your filthy mouth to demonize Eritrea.
Yes, Eritrea is the most safe and peaceful country.
If all the fake democracy and constitution was a factor the likes of Ethiopia wouldn't have been in the mess they are in.

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