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Re: Agew Shengo must be listened: ADP is Buchula and opportunist of Woyane so long not Agew, ADP confessed so???

Post by Degnet » 23 Jul 2019, 13:33

TembienLiberation wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 13:29
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 11:59
Hi Qoshashaw Tigre,

The guy is not A***Shengo, he is Denqoro Te'egre Shengo :mrgreen: እንኯን እቺን እቺን የዝምብ ጠንጋራ እናውቃለን! :mrgreen:

Agew is Tigre dream ethnic. Theser is no Agew this days. Those Amharas who take money and pretend Agew or Qimant, we will cut their hands and put them in jail!
Why don't you say,be removed and we will talk with the rest of Tigrians,mender new yemiasferah kehone men letadergew techelaleh? Torenetu malete new,kefelegut? You have been reading him for a long time,do you hate Tigrians,which is bad.

Senior Member+
Posts: 25078
Joined: 16 Feb 2013, 11:48

Re: Agew Shengo must be listened: ADP is Buchula and opportunist of Woyane so long not Agew, ADP confessed so???

Post by Degnet » 23 Jul 2019, 13:45

TembienLiberation wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 13:42
Degnet wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 13:33
TembienLiberation wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 13:29
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
23 Jul 2019, 11:59
Hi Qoshashaw Tigre,

The guy is not A***Shengo, he is Denqoro Te'egre Shengo :mrgreen: እንኯን እቺን እቺን የዝምብ ጠንጋራ እናውቃለን! :mrgreen:

Agew is Tigre dream ethnic. Theser is no Agew this days. Those Amharas who take money and pretend Agew or Qimant, we will cut their hands and put them in jail!
Why don't you say,be removed and we will talk with the rest of Tigrians,mender new yemiasferah kehone men letadergew techelaleh? Torenetu malete new,kefelegut? You have been reading him for a long time,do you hate Tigrians,which is bad.
Why should I hate my people Tembien_Enderta Tigreans. My problem is with those Abyssynian enemies the TPLF guys. They are working hard to creat ethnic chaos in the Amhara region with fictional ethnics. Amhara is not a Mana dropped from the sky, its a people emerge out of ancient ethnics like the Tigrean are. That is why we say we are one people we share a common ancestary. We can connect our languages back to Geez and Agazian. But, the Gallas are indeed different :mrgreen:
You need the same strategy when you fight the Oromos too,half of your country is occupied and especially by the horrible Amara haters like Halafi Mengedi.What you need to know first is that this person is a fool/balager/be ersu bet belgena jegnenet new.Already eko enersu gedlewnal be weshet/Abraha Desta said they are the worst/enzih ezih yalut Eritrawian nachew ezih neger eyabelashu yalut/netsanet yemiwedu bihon noro enzezihn zem blew yeleflefu yetwuachew neber/bel dehna hun

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