Preparation for the celebration of the Silver Jubilee anniversary of the beginning of the National Service Program that is to be held from 1 to 4 August under the theme “Sawa; The Perfect Choice for Sustainability” has been finalized. The report was made by the Commander of the National Service Training Center, Col. Debesai Ghide.
According to Col. Debesai Ghide the graduation of the members of the 32nd round of the national service and the 10th graduation commencement of the Vocational Training Center students will coincide with the 25th anniversary celebration of the beginning of the national service program and that will add color to the event.
Col. Debesai reiterated that the celebration will feature various cultural and artistic programs, photo exhibition, carnival, sports competitions, calisthenics as well as other programs portraying the significance of the national service program in safeguarding the national sovereignty and nation building process.
Col. Debesai went on to say that a number of nationals form inside the country and abroad are expected to join the celebration and that all necessary accommodation for visitors has been put in place. Pic