Classified By: Ambassador Ronald K. McMullen for Reason 1.4 (d)
1. (C) On 10/28/09 President Isaias narrowly missed being
killed in an IED attack east of Barentu, according to a
reliable embassy source. The source told RSO that Isaias
visited a micro-dam project in Tessesnei and then traveled
east in a motorcade to Keren. Outside of Barentu, an IED
exploded, killing three soldiers in the lead vehicle. The
attack left Isaias' vehicle (the second car in the convoy)
unharmed. The embassy source stated the IED was planted by
disgruntled elements of the Eritrean military. Ethnic
Kunamas, the main source of violence in the region, were not
implicated. The source stated his girlfriend's brother was
one of the soldiers killed in the lead vehicle.
2. (C) The embassy source also stated there is growing
disenchantment within the Eritrean government (GSE) and the
military. Muslim Eritrean officials are upset at being
marginalized by the majority Christian Tigrinya speaking
makeup of the GSE. An increasing number of high ranking
military officers are frustrated over the suffering caused by
the policies of the Isaias administration.
3. (C) Post Comments: This report has not been corroborated
or reported in the Eritrean media. A separate assassination
attempt against Isaias by an Eritrean soldier was reported in
08/2009 (Reftel). Post continues to hear reports of growing
anger over Eritrean government policies by the military and
other elements of Eritrean society.
Re: Isayas Afwrki is HATED by the Eritrean Military
Classified By: Ambassador Ronald K. McMullen for Reason 1.4 (d)
1. (C) In late February, an Eritrean infantry platoon
(unit/exact location unknown) located in the vicinity of Om
Hager deserted its post, with some soldiers fleeing to Sudan
and the others to Ethiopia, according to a UN source. Upon
hearing of this news, President Isaias became irate and
wanted to sack all of the officers in the southwest military
district, but realized he could not expend the political
capital to do so. Reportedly, though he is frustrated by the
increase in desertions, Isaias realizes his ability to remain
in power is tied to the loyalty of his military commanders.
2. (C) The UN source said the desertions took place before
the bombing in Haicota on February 25 (Reftel). He also
stated his military contact said the GSE deliberately planted
the bomb to deter further military desertions and to dupe the
local populace into thinking foreign insurgents were
responsible and rally around the government. NOTE: The GSE
rarely announces internal attacks, but when they do, they
always blame the Ethiopian government. That they have not
done so in this instance is curious. END NOTE.
3. (C) Comment: So far Isaias has been able to buy the
support of top generals by allowing them to engage in
contraband trade with Sudan and Yemen. This recent
defection, coupled with a covert interview with a dissent
military officer getting wide play on (septel),
suggest the military commanders may be losing control of
their troops. Post has been unable to corroborate the
assertion that the GSE was the mastermind behind the bombing
in Haicota.
1. (C) In late February, an Eritrean infantry platoon
(unit/exact location unknown) located in the vicinity of Om
Hager deserted its post, with some soldiers fleeing to Sudan
and the others to Ethiopia, according to a UN source. Upon
hearing of this news, President Isaias became irate and
wanted to sack all of the officers in the southwest military
district, but realized he could not expend the political
capital to do so. Reportedly, though he is frustrated by the
increase in desertions, Isaias realizes his ability to remain
in power is tied to the loyalty of his military commanders.
2. (C) The UN source said the desertions took place before
the bombing in Haicota on February 25 (Reftel). He also
stated his military contact said the GSE deliberately planted
the bomb to deter further military desertions and to dupe the
local populace into thinking foreign insurgents were
responsible and rally around the government. NOTE: The GSE
rarely announces internal attacks, but when they do, they
always blame the Ethiopian government. That they have not
done so in this instance is curious. END NOTE.
3. (C) Comment: So far Isaias has been able to buy the
support of top generals by allowing them to engage in
contraband trade with Sudan and Yemen. This recent
defection, coupled with a covert interview with a dissent
military officer getting wide play on (septel),
suggest the military commanders may be losing control of
their troops. Post has been unable to corroborate the
assertion that the GSE was the mastermind behind the bombing
in Haicota.
Re: Isayas Afwrki is HATED by the Eritrean Military

Classified By: Ambassador Ronald K. McMullen for Reason 1.4 (d) ...10/28/09

10/28/09 was when the coward little frog was breathing and agames were looting as much as you wanted..

10/28/09 was when agames were makers and breakers and known as "Golden Race" in Ethiopia while the rest of Ethiopians were second class citizens

10/28/09 was when the coward TPLF goons were dining and dancing in the beautiful city of Addis.. Now.. they are locked in Mekelle holes

10/28/09 is 9 years before PIA was warmly received by the Ethiopian people, travelled all over Ethiopia and danced in Millennium hall..

agame boy pastlast,
It is a new day, agame baby Sabur . PIA aka the nightmare of the citizens the useless Killil Tigray has been on the top of Rushmore while the coward TPLF goons have been hiding in Mekelle holes like rats...
Please come back with something that attracts people's interest to read...
Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF