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Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
Ejito 2.0 Raesi Alula the liberator of southern frontiers of ethnics
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
ኤጀቶ ቆሮ፣ ፋኖ እነዥህ ሁሉ ስራ ፈት በትግሬዎች ግዜ በአስማት ድምፃቸው የጠፋ መስሎህ ነበር ። ብዙ ስራ ልብ ይፈልጋል ፣ ቆራጥነት ያስፈልጋል ። ዝም ብሎ እንደኦሮሞ እና እንደሲዳማ ፖሊስ ዝም ብሎ ሰው በተዘቅዝቆ ሲገደል የሚያይ ውይም በእሳት ተቃጥሎ ሲሞት ዝም የሚል ውይ የሚስቅ መስሎህ ነበር ውይ። አሁን አልሞ ተኳሾሽ ይምጡ ከወርቃማዎቹ ሀገር ውይስ እንደዚህ ተዘልቀዋለህ።
ዜናውን ተከታትየዋለሁ። ምንም ከፈደራል ሕገ መንግስት ጋራ የሚያገኘው ነገር የለም ጥጋበኛ ወንበዴዎችን ስራ ፈቶች ግርግር ለሌባ ያመቻል ብለው ነው ። አገሪቱን ቀውጢ ያረጎት። በለፈው ግዜ ፋኖዎች ደግሞ የስው ንብረት ወደ ትግሬዎች የሚሄደውን ንብረት አውርደው ወስደዋል ታድያ ምንም ጨዋ ለመሆን መምስል ያስገማምተናል። ዶክተር አብይ ። የፈደራል ፖሊስ ፣ የክልል ፖሊስ እና የሲዳማ አስተዳደር በሙሉ መጠየቅ አለባቸው። ታስታውሱ እንደሆን ። እርቻ በሚከበርበት ወቅት። የፈደራል ፖሊስ አርቆ በማስብ በደንብ ታጥቆ ግርግርን ለማብረድ ተዘጋጅቶ ይጠብቅ ነበር ታድያ ። በሲዳማ ከተማ ለምን ፖሊስ ሀይል በብዛት ገብቶ ይህ ሁሉ ረብሻ ከመፈጠሩ በፊት አያስቶሙትም ነበር።
- Senior Member
- Posts: 11908
- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
would you mind to answer the following question?
Assuming that your suggestion of dissolving all "killils" today to suppress the demand from Sidama region in the southern Region federal state that popped up recently in the media is the right one, then how to implement this solution on the ground in your view? Declare all regions are illegitimate over night and send in police or national army to enforce it?
In that case the police and national army seem to be over-stretched already to even put down the violence in the tiny Sidama region, where does all the force that would potentially be needed for the whole of the country would come then?
Please explain!
would you mind also to anwer the following question?
You claimed that it is all about lawless-ness and have got nothing with the "constitution" of the country ("ምንም ከፈደራል ሕገ መንግስት ጋራ የሚያገኘው ነገር የለም ጥጋበኛ ወንበዴዎችን ስራ ፈቶች ግርግር ለሌባ ያመቻል ብለው ነው") and may I ask you how then the federal government conceeded to hold a referendum there, which will eventually decide the future fate of the region to became autonomous? For nothing that is never stipulated in the constitution?
The next question which will make you put your tails [deleted] will be assuming Sidama region will win the referendum and become a self-ruling region in the country and there are at least 10 more such demands waiting in the queue to be served in the same way. There is no logical reason that will grant Sidama the privilege and deny the rest. And there is no guarantee that those ten are the last ones, since Ethiopia has got around 80 different groups and there is no clear-cut where the demand should stop in the constitution you seem to defend. Should Ethiopia have around 80 different federal states while it is currently unable to manage properly even the 9 existing ones?
Self rule is one thing, and I myself have nothing against it. But it has to be also viable and doesn't pose any challange to the unity of the country.
The unity of the country has to be given the highest priority, which is currently challanged even from those who appeared previously the bastion of Ethiopian Unity.
And we are not ready to let it down!
would you mind to answer the following question?
Assuming that your suggestion of dissolving all "killils" today to suppress the demand from Sidama region in the southern Region federal state that popped up recently in the media is the right one, then how to implement this solution on the ground in your view? Declare all regions are illegitimate over night and send in police or national army to enforce it?
In that case the police and national army seem to be over-stretched already to even put down the violence in the tiny Sidama region, where does all the force that would potentially be needed for the whole of the country would come then?
Please explain!
would you mind also to anwer the following question?
You claimed that it is all about lawless-ness and have got nothing with the "constitution" of the country ("ምንም ከፈደራል ሕገ መንግስት ጋራ የሚያገኘው ነገር የለም ጥጋበኛ ወንበዴዎችን ስራ ፈቶች ግርግር ለሌባ ያመቻል ብለው ነው") and may I ask you how then the federal government conceeded to hold a referendum there, which will eventually decide the future fate of the region to became autonomous? For nothing that is never stipulated in the constitution?
The next question which will make you put your tails [deleted] will be assuming Sidama region will win the referendum and become a self-ruling region in the country and there are at least 10 more such demands waiting in the queue to be served in the same way. There is no logical reason that will grant Sidama the privilege and deny the rest. And there is no guarantee that those ten are the last ones, since Ethiopia has got around 80 different groups and there is no clear-cut where the demand should stop in the constitution you seem to defend. Should Ethiopia have around 80 different federal states while it is currently unable to manage properly even the 9 existing ones?
Self rule is one thing, and I myself have nothing against it. But it has to be also viable and doesn't pose any challange to the unity of the country.
The unity of the country has to be given the highest priority, which is currently challanged even from those who appeared previously the bastion of Ethiopian Unity.
And we are not ready to let it down!
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
if Muslim extremist committed crime that has nothing to do with ISLAM, the same way, when ኤጀቶ ቆሮ፣ ፋኖ committed crime that has nothing to do with Golden Constitution, the Constitution doesn't told u to kill to burn to riot or to loot...`
you ask their will be 10 region online demanding to be statehood how we going to stop them until we become 80 state.
very good question Amhara used to tell us if we give freedom to Eritrea all Eritrea will be independent, but that did not happened in fact even OLF, ONLF change their way and demanded right with in Ethiopia ..
if may ask why one founding farther of democrat MELES GIVE us article 39, so no need to rush to be independent
second there is cost of being independent who is going to ask to break way after seen Eritrea become singpoooooooooooor
just being independent is not a joke, the same way being statehooooooooooooooooood is not a joke, it has a lot of cost, when u become zone under one state u share cost but now u have to support yourself and stand up by yourself how many zone can they do that ..
when u write a law u cant say this encourage statehood so we have to deny Sidama demand ..in fact refusing to give Sidama their Constitution right encourage other to demand their right even to die for their right to be statehood ..
there is such thing called counterintuitive (contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true)
giving everyone article 39 is counter intuitive it look like it encourage breakaway small national but it encourage unity
if u know u can divorce your wife anytime u want would u divorce her, just because u have right to divorce her..u dont u would be relexed and life unitl u need your divorce right
if u know u have life insurance would u jump off the cliff or
or do u think car insurance encourage people to cause more accident and risk their life..
do u say making drinking alcohol legal encourage people to drink
Prohibition in the United States 1920 – December 5, 1933
Nationwide Prohibition did not begin in the United States until January 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The 18th amendment was ratified in 1919, and was repealed in December 1933 with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment.
you know why it repealed because counter intuitive.. when people told not to drink they start drinking more and encouraged black market for Alcohol and mafia committing more crime and helping getting criminal rich
in fact making S@x industry legal doesnt it stabilized s@x trafficking
in fact that is why the Western nation make drug legal to reduce the crime and stabilized the trade
in Canada in 1990 they try to stop people from smoking so the put tax on cigarette people almost could not buy from legal means because they put very big % tax on it soon it spake black market no one buy from legal means but people smoking in the end the Government forced to repeal the % and stop the black market over night but before that the Government employ 1000 police officer to control black market but they could not stop it but when they reduce the price over right the black market become dead.
so my friend dont be afraid about we going to end up 80 state.. for sure Amhara, oromo and Tigray will big the biggest state and they will show great economy development soon the small state will say let us join and from union that would be the great because it is based on people will..
as of now i see it our golden TPLF CONSTITUTION WORKING FINE because no ethnic groups ask for out right independent that alone make me sleep at nigh..
one more thing having TPLF GIFT CONSTITUTION doesnt mean no body die ..yes people will die because of ignorance of the Constitution, and human nature to take the opportunity of event and get rich.. all this might happened what u should see is without constitution right to break away they would have started armed struggle and million people would have died, and ten million would have been refugee and the whole city would be burned down to stone age.. look what happened in Syria , Somalia and other place and count your blessing we lost max 1000 people self inflected death in may case so if you compere to out right civil war i still choice our Constitution with all it wrong ..
i dont want to write to long with my broken English u might not understand me and stop reading otherwise this was a great question and highly educational if anyone willing to read and understand how our constitution work and help us to keep a peace..
one more thing dividing the nation in to 9 place already show us it is benefit ... we will never have coup d'etat at fed. level.. because u need 9 coup d'etat .. when coup d'etat happened in Amhara it was limited in Amhara region had they successes they could not govern the whole Ethiopia why because we have 9 regional force that will counter them
i heard the oromo did some kind of coup d'etat in HARAR BUT that doesn't affect the rest of region why again because of our fed. system.. there are many benift to our Constitution .. by the way this tplf Constitution is the copy of USA CONSITITUION WORD BY WORD .the only thing is MELES improve on it..
if Muslim extremist committed crime that has nothing to do with ISLAM, the same way, when ኤጀቶ ቆሮ፣ ፋኖ committed crime that has nothing to do with Golden Constitution, the Constitution doesn't told u to kill to burn to riot or to loot...`
you ask their will be 10 region online demanding to be statehood how we going to stop them until we become 80 state.
very good question Amhara used to tell us if we give freedom to Eritrea all Eritrea will be independent, but that did not happened in fact even OLF, ONLF change their way and demanded right with in Ethiopia ..
if may ask why one founding farther of democrat MELES GIVE us article 39, so no need to rush to be independent
second there is cost of being independent who is going to ask to break way after seen Eritrea become singpoooooooooooor
just being independent is not a joke, the same way being statehooooooooooooooooood is not a joke, it has a lot of cost, when u become zone under one state u share cost but now u have to support yourself and stand up by yourself how many zone can they do that ..
when u write a law u cant say this encourage statehood so we have to deny Sidama demand ..in fact refusing to give Sidama their Constitution right encourage other to demand their right even to die for their right to be statehood ..
there is such thing called counterintuitive (contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true)
giving everyone article 39 is counter intuitive it look like it encourage breakaway small national but it encourage unity
if u know u can divorce your wife anytime u want would u divorce her, just because u have right to divorce her..u dont u would be relexed and life unitl u need your divorce right
if u know u have life insurance would u jump off the cliff or
or do u think car insurance encourage people to cause more accident and risk their life..
do u say making drinking alcohol legal encourage people to drink
Prohibition in the United States 1920 – December 5, 1933
Nationwide Prohibition did not begin in the United States until January 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The 18th amendment was ratified in 1919, and was repealed in December 1933 with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment.
you know why it repealed because counter intuitive.. when people told not to drink they start drinking more and encouraged black market for Alcohol and mafia committing more crime and helping getting criminal rich
in fact making S@x industry legal doesnt it stabilized s@x trafficking
in fact that is why the Western nation make drug legal to reduce the crime and stabilized the trade
in Canada in 1990 they try to stop people from smoking so the put tax on cigarette people almost could not buy from legal means because they put very big % tax on it soon it spake black market no one buy from legal means but people smoking in the end the Government forced to repeal the % and stop the black market over night but before that the Government employ 1000 police officer to control black market but they could not stop it but when they reduce the price over right the black market become dead.
so my friend dont be afraid about we going to end up 80 state.. for sure Amhara, oromo and Tigray will big the biggest state and they will show great economy development soon the small state will say let us join and from union that would be the great because it is based on people will..
as of now i see it our golden TPLF CONSTITUTION WORKING FINE because no ethnic groups ask for out right independent that alone make me sleep at nigh..
one more thing having TPLF GIFT CONSTITUTION doesnt mean no body die ..yes people will die because of ignorance of the Constitution, and human nature to take the opportunity of event and get rich.. all this might happened what u should see is without constitution right to break away they would have started armed struggle and million people would have died, and ten million would have been refugee and the whole city would be burned down to stone age.. look what happened in Syria , Somalia and other place and count your blessing we lost max 1000 people self inflected death in may case so if you compere to out right civil war i still choice our Constitution with all it wrong ..
i dont want to write to long with my broken English u might not understand me and stop reading otherwise this was a great question and highly educational if anyone willing to read and understand how our constitution work and help us to keep a peace..
one more thing dividing the nation in to 9 place already show us it is benefit ... we will never have coup d'etat at fed. level.. because u need 9 coup d'etat .. when coup d'etat happened in Amhara it was limited in Amhara region had they successes they could not govern the whole Ethiopia why because we have 9 regional force that will counter them
i heard the oromo did some kind of coup d'etat in HARAR BUT that doesn't affect the rest of region why again because of our fed. system.. there are many benift to our Constitution .. by the way this tplf Constitution is the copy of USA CONSITITUION WORD BY WORD .the only thing is MELES improve on it..
- Senior Member
- Posts: 11908
- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
I tried to read half of your gibberish long essay about sex traficking, drug control, divorcing your wife/husband wezeterfe.
In essence you are talking about risk, what I am talking about is not just a risk but a reality that is here and now or near future. You failed to differentiate between the two in your long essay, unfortunate. 10 demands are on the table waiting for when, no more an if. Something what is only about a time is not a risk, it is only about a reality that will arrive at a time in the future for sure.
Like i told you there is no guarantee that the 10 are the last ones, because self rule and self emanicipation is the fashion of the day today for our politicians, which might include yourself. I am not part of that club, thanks God.
You claim about letting Eritrea go or stay was a wise or unwise dicision, depending from which side you are looking at. But we can see with our own eyes today, from the hindsight, that the project was a total failure. And you, the days wanna be politician, trying to tell me that we should draw a lesson from letting Eritrea go, as if that was a success story by itself, which you yourself admitted in your long essay, but not.
I am not part of your club (the politicians of the day) and as such not here to win an argument for the sake of argument, but trying to look at the issues as rationally as possible, because it is a matter of life, my homeland.
We will not lel Ethiopian unity slide from our hands, it is too precious for us for that to happen.
Yehen tereda!
I tried to read half of your gibberish long essay about sex traficking, drug control, divorcing your wife/husband wezeterfe.
In essence you are talking about risk, what I am talking about is not just a risk but a reality that is here and now or near future. You failed to differentiate between the two in your long essay, unfortunate. 10 demands are on the table waiting for when, no more an if. Something what is only about a time is not a risk, it is only about a reality that will arrive at a time in the future for sure.
Like i told you there is no guarantee that the 10 are the last ones, because self rule and self emanicipation is the fashion of the day today for our politicians, which might include yourself. I am not part of that club, thanks God.
You claim about letting Eritrea go or stay was a wise or unwise dicision, depending from which side you are looking at. But we can see with our own eyes today, from the hindsight, that the project was a total failure. And you, the days wanna be politician, trying to tell me that we should draw a lesson from letting Eritrea go, as if that was a success story by itself, which you yourself admitted in your long essay, but not.
I am not part of your club (the politicians of the day) and as such not here to win an argument for the sake of argument, but trying to look at the issues as rationally as possible, because it is a matter of life, my homeland.
We will not lel Ethiopian unity slide from our hands, it is too precious for us for that to happen.
Yehen tereda!
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
OKYA gooo head and kill them with fed. army and stop them from demanding their right .. have a nice day.. i dont even read your reply too.. i just stop when u said risk..
OKYA gooo head and kill them with fed. army and stop them from demanding their right .. have a nice day.. i dont even read your reply too.. i just stop when u said risk..
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
Attention to : Ejjeto
This is to kindly inform you that Horus who is insulting you mercilessly is Guragie who has his brothers and sisters in Hawassa and other towns of Sidama.
This is to kindly inform you that Horus who is insulting you mercilessly is Guragie who has his brothers and sisters in Hawassa and other towns of Sidama.
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
Not silte Gurage though. Negotiation, negotiation and more negotiation.... careful cool rational approach is the way to the free, healthy wealthy sunny highway.

Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
ለሆረስ ተቃዋሚዎች ሁሉ፣
እኔ ሆሩስ እባላለሁ፣ ባለ ሁለት አይናማው ከላይ ሆኜ የማይ። እኔ ስህተትህን ላ40 አመት ነግሬሃሉ፣ ደግሜ እነግርሃሉ ። አንተ ነህ ላይና ታች የምትባክን ደግመህ ሞተህ በሪሳህ ላይ የምትዘፍን። ሺ ግዜ ብትንጫጫ አንድ የፈየድከው ነገር የለም ። ክልል ክልል ባልክ ልክ ክልል እየፈርሰ ገና ሁልሽ እርስ በርስ ትተላለቂያለሽ ።
ክልል ይፍረስ ያልኩት ዛሬ ሲዳማና ጉራጌ ክልል እነሁን ካሉ በኋላ ሳይሆን የመለስ ሴራ በኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ (ሕዝቦች የሚባል ነገር የለም) ላይ የተጫነ ቀን የዛሬ 30 አመት ነው። ወደፊትም አንድ ቀን መሃይም ሁሉ ሞቶሞቶ ሲሰለቸው ክልልን እንደሚያፈርስ አረጋግጥልሃለኡ።
የክልል መፍረስ መጀመር ያለበት ክልል ይፍረስ በሚለው ሃሳብ ውይይት በመጀመርና በሃሳቡ ስምም ስንሆን መችና እንዴት ወደ ሚለው የምፍትሄ ወይይት እንገበባለን።
የክክል ቀወስና ግድያ ለሁሉም እኩል የሆነ የጋራ ገዳይ ስለሆነ ገድለው እንሱ ከሞት እንድናለን የሚሉ ሌላ መሃይሞች መሆን አለባቸው ።
ማህበራው ሳይንስን በትንሹ እንኩዋን በሆን ለቀመሱ እንሆ ትንሽ ምክር፡
አንድ ተግባር የሚሳካው፣ አንድ አላማ ከግቡ ደርሶ ስኬት ሆነ የሚባለው የሚከተሉትን ዘመናት የሚይሽራቸው መርሆች ሲሟሉ ነው ።
አንድ፣ የአላማው ወይም የተግባሩ መንሳኤ ምክንያትሞቲቭ ትክክል ወይም ፍትሃዊ ሆኖ ሲጀምር ነው። ልክ ካልሆነ፣ ጀስት ካልሆነ፣ ትክክል ካልሆነ ምክኛት የሚጸነስ አላማ ሆነ ምኞት ወዳቂ ነው። ስለ ሆነም ክልል እንሁን መነሻ ሞራላዊ ልክነቱ፣ ፍትሃዊ ትክክለኝነቱ ምንድን ነው? ከበደ ክልል ስለሆነ አለሙ ክልል የሚሆንበት ሞራል መርህ ከየት ነው ሚፈልቀው?
ሁለት ፣ አንድ አላማ ወይም ሞቲቭ ወይም ፍላጎት የሞራልና ሌላ ትክክለኝነት ቢኖረው እንኳ ያን አላማ ለማስፈጽም የሚወሰደ እርምጃ፣ የሚደረገው ተግባር ትክክለኛ መሆን አለበት ። ለምሳሌ አንድ ክልል እንሁን እሚል ቡድን በስመነጋ ሰላማዊ ሕዝብ መግደልና መዝረፍ እንዴ ብሎ ነው የክልልነትን ጥያቄ ስኬታማ የሚያረገው? ይህን ነው መሃይምነት የምለው !
ሶስት፣ አንድ ተግባር አላማውም (ሞቲቩም) የሚወስደው እርምጃም ትክክል ሆነው በትክክለኛ ዘዴ ፣ በትክክለኛ መንገድ ካልተሰራ ያ ፕሮጀችት ወዳቂ ነው። ራስ ገዝነትም ሆነ ክልል ልሁን ተግባር የራሱ የሆነ ትክክለኛ መፈጽሚያ መንገድ፣ ዘዴ አለው ። ከተማን ማንደድ፣ ሕዝብን ማሸበር፣ አገርን ማፍረስ ራስ ገዝነት ማምጫ ዘዴዎች አይደሉም፣ ሽብርና ሁከት ብሎም ጥፋት ማወረጃ ዘዴ እንጂ። ይህን ነው አረመኔነት ያልኩጥ
አራት፣ ክላይ ይቀረብኳቸው የሞቲቭ፣ የርምጃው እና የዘዴው ትክክል ምሆን እንኳ ቢረጋገጥ አንድ ተግባር ወይ አንድ ፕሮጀችት በትክክለኛ በራሱ ግዜ ብቻ ነው ሊሰራ የሚችለው ። ሞኞችና ችኩሎች ሺ ግዜ ጥያቄአቸው ትክክል ቢሆን የግዜን ሕግ ሊጥሱ አይችሉም፣ ግዜ ለኩልክሙ ማለት የተፈጥሮ ሕግ ነውና
እነመለስ ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ግል እቃቸው በሸጡና በሸነሸኑበት ወራት ያኔ የክልል ዘመን ነበር ። ዛሬ በክልልነት ሳቢያ 2 እስከ 3 ሚሊዮን ሕዝብ መፈንቅለ ህይወት ወስጥ ባሉበት ወቅት ክልል ክልል ብሎ ሕዝብን መግደል የግዜን ምንነት ያለመገንዘብ ግብዝነት ነው ። ክልሎች በርሳቸው ድካምና ቀፎነት እየፈረሱ አዲስ ክልል ልሁን የሚሉ ያሳዝኑኛል፣ ያስቁኛልም ።
እኔ ሆሩስ እባላለሁ፣ ባለ ሁለት አይናማው ከላይ ሆኜ የማይ። እኔ ስህተትህን ላ40 አመት ነግሬሃሉ፣ ደግሜ እነግርሃሉ ። አንተ ነህ ላይና ታች የምትባክን ደግመህ ሞተህ በሪሳህ ላይ የምትዘፍን። ሺ ግዜ ብትንጫጫ አንድ የፈየድከው ነገር የለም ። ክልል ክልል ባልክ ልክ ክልል እየፈርሰ ገና ሁልሽ እርስ በርስ ትተላለቂያለሽ ።
ክልል ይፍረስ ያልኩት ዛሬ ሲዳማና ጉራጌ ክልል እነሁን ካሉ በኋላ ሳይሆን የመለስ ሴራ በኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ (ሕዝቦች የሚባል ነገር የለም) ላይ የተጫነ ቀን የዛሬ 30 አመት ነው። ወደፊትም አንድ ቀን መሃይም ሁሉ ሞቶሞቶ ሲሰለቸው ክልልን እንደሚያፈርስ አረጋግጥልሃለኡ።
የክልል መፍረስ መጀመር ያለበት ክልል ይፍረስ በሚለው ሃሳብ ውይይት በመጀመርና በሃሳቡ ስምም ስንሆን መችና እንዴት ወደ ሚለው የምፍትሄ ወይይት እንገበባለን።
የክክል ቀወስና ግድያ ለሁሉም እኩል የሆነ የጋራ ገዳይ ስለሆነ ገድለው እንሱ ከሞት እንድናለን የሚሉ ሌላ መሃይሞች መሆን አለባቸው ።
ማህበራው ሳይንስን በትንሹ እንኩዋን በሆን ለቀመሱ እንሆ ትንሽ ምክር፡
አንድ ተግባር የሚሳካው፣ አንድ አላማ ከግቡ ደርሶ ስኬት ሆነ የሚባለው የሚከተሉትን ዘመናት የሚይሽራቸው መርሆች ሲሟሉ ነው ።
አንድ፣ የአላማው ወይም የተግባሩ መንሳኤ ምክንያትሞቲቭ ትክክል ወይም ፍትሃዊ ሆኖ ሲጀምር ነው። ልክ ካልሆነ፣ ጀስት ካልሆነ፣ ትክክል ካልሆነ ምክኛት የሚጸነስ አላማ ሆነ ምኞት ወዳቂ ነው። ስለ ሆነም ክልል እንሁን መነሻ ሞራላዊ ልክነቱ፣ ፍትሃዊ ትክክለኝነቱ ምንድን ነው? ከበደ ክልል ስለሆነ አለሙ ክልል የሚሆንበት ሞራል መርህ ከየት ነው ሚፈልቀው?
ሁለት ፣ አንድ አላማ ወይም ሞቲቭ ወይም ፍላጎት የሞራልና ሌላ ትክክለኝነት ቢኖረው እንኳ ያን አላማ ለማስፈጽም የሚወሰደ እርምጃ፣ የሚደረገው ተግባር ትክክለኛ መሆን አለበት ። ለምሳሌ አንድ ክልል እንሁን እሚል ቡድን በስመነጋ ሰላማዊ ሕዝብ መግደልና መዝረፍ እንዴ ብሎ ነው የክልልነትን ጥያቄ ስኬታማ የሚያረገው? ይህን ነው መሃይምነት የምለው !
ሶስት፣ አንድ ተግባር አላማውም (ሞቲቩም) የሚወስደው እርምጃም ትክክል ሆነው በትክክለኛ ዘዴ ፣ በትክክለኛ መንገድ ካልተሰራ ያ ፕሮጀችት ወዳቂ ነው። ራስ ገዝነትም ሆነ ክልል ልሁን ተግባር የራሱ የሆነ ትክክለኛ መፈጽሚያ መንገድ፣ ዘዴ አለው ። ከተማን ማንደድ፣ ሕዝብን ማሸበር፣ አገርን ማፍረስ ራስ ገዝነት ማምጫ ዘዴዎች አይደሉም፣ ሽብርና ሁከት ብሎም ጥፋት ማወረጃ ዘዴ እንጂ። ይህን ነው አረመኔነት ያልኩጥ
አራት፣ ክላይ ይቀረብኳቸው የሞቲቭ፣ የርምጃው እና የዘዴው ትክክል ምሆን እንኳ ቢረጋገጥ አንድ ተግባር ወይ አንድ ፕሮጀችት በትክክለኛ በራሱ ግዜ ብቻ ነው ሊሰራ የሚችለው ። ሞኞችና ችኩሎች ሺ ግዜ ጥያቄአቸው ትክክል ቢሆን የግዜን ሕግ ሊጥሱ አይችሉም፣ ግዜ ለኩልክሙ ማለት የተፈጥሮ ሕግ ነውና
እነመለስ ኢትዮጵያን እንደ ግል እቃቸው በሸጡና በሸነሸኑበት ወራት ያኔ የክልል ዘመን ነበር ። ዛሬ በክልልነት ሳቢያ 2 እስከ 3 ሚሊዮን ሕዝብ መፈንቅለ ህይወት ወስጥ ባሉበት ወቅት ክልል ክልል ብሎ ሕዝብን መግደል የግዜን ምንነት ያለመገንዘብ ግብዝነት ነው ። ክልሎች በርሳቸው ድካምና ቀፎነት እየፈረሱ አዲስ ክልል ልሁን የሚሉ ያሳዝኑኛል፣ ያስቁኛልም ።
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
እኔ እኮ ከአንተ ጋራ ተስማምቻለሁ ክልል እንዲፈርስ። ነገር ግን ጥያቄ በጠየቕሁ ግዜ ። ፈርጥጠህ ስለምትጠፋ ነው ግራ የተጋባሁት።
ጥያቄዬ እንደሚከተለው ነው።
፩። ክልልን አፍርስን በምንድነው የምንተካው
፪። ክልል አይፈረስ ለሚሉ ምን መልስ አለህ
፪ሀ፣ ጦር ትልክባቸዋለህ
፪ለ፣ በክልል መፈርስ እስከሚያምኑ ደርስ መለመንና መለማመጥ
፪ሐ፣ ጭራሽ አሻፈረኝ ለሚሉስ ደግሞ ማስርና በሞት መቅጣት
፫፤ እንበል ይህ ክልል ፈረስ ። ምን ቋንቋ ነው ሁላችንም ይምናገረው።
፬፣ ክልል ከሌላ እንዴት ነው ኦሮሞዎች ቋንቋቸውን የሚያዳብሩት።
፭፣ ምን ትላለህ ለሲዳማ በምንም አይነት ክልል አይሁኑ ትላለህ ።
፮፣ እንቢ ካሉ ደግሞ ፈደራልን ልኮ የአሊኤሌን ፃዋን ማቅመስ ትላለህ።
እኔ እኮ ከአንተ ጋራ ተስማምቻለሁ ክልል እንዲፈርስ። ነገር ግን ጥያቄ በጠየቕሁ ግዜ ። ፈርጥጠህ ስለምትጠፋ ነው ግራ የተጋባሁት።
ጥያቄዬ እንደሚከተለው ነው።
፩። ክልልን አፍርስን በምንድነው የምንተካው
፪። ክልል አይፈረስ ለሚሉ ምን መልስ አለህ
፪ሀ፣ ጦር ትልክባቸዋለህ
፪ለ፣ በክልል መፈርስ እስከሚያምኑ ደርስ መለመንና መለማመጥ
፪ሐ፣ ጭራሽ አሻፈረኝ ለሚሉስ ደግሞ ማስርና በሞት መቅጣት
፫፤ እንበል ይህ ክልል ፈረስ ። ምን ቋንቋ ነው ሁላችንም ይምናገረው።
፬፣ ክልል ከሌላ እንዴት ነው ኦሮሞዎች ቋንቋቸውን የሚያዳብሩት።
፭፣ ምን ትላለህ ለሲዳማ በምንም አይነት ክልል አይሁኑ ትላለህ ።
፮፣ እንቢ ካሉ ደግሞ ፈደራልን ልኮ የአሊኤሌን ፃዋን ማቅመስ ትላለህ።
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
ዲዲቲ፣DefendTheTruth wrote: ↑21 Jul 2019, 16:37Ethoash,
I tried to read half of your gibberish long essay about sex trafficking, drug control, divorcing your wife/husband wezeterfe.
ተመልሼ የፃፍኩትን ለማንበብ ብሞክር እኔ ራስ ግራ ገባኝ ምን ለማለት እንደፈለግሁ። እንደውም አንተ በደንብ ገብቶሀል። ለምን እንደሆን እንግሊዘኛ ውይም ምንም መፃፍ የሚባል ነገር አይሆንልኝም። ስለዚህ ባይገባህ አልፈርድብህም።
ሴተኛ አዳሪነት፣ አደንዛዥ እፀ፤ትዳር መፋታት፣ አልኮል ሱስ መያዝ። ምን ያገናኘዋል ከሲዳማ ክልል የመሆን ጉዳይ። መልሱ በደንብ ያገናኝዋል
ሁሉም የተዘረዘሩት መንግስት ሊቆጣጠራቸው ሞክሮ ሲያቅተዋ የለቀቃቸው ሲሆኑ የሚያገናኘው ሐረግ ደግሞ የራስን እድል በራስ መወስን የሚለው መብት ነው።
ለምሳሌ አንድ ሴት በገላዋ ሴተኛ አዳሪ ብት ሆን ባት ሆን ለምን መንግስት ያገባዋል
ለምሳሌ በኔ ስወነት ባጨስ፣ በጠጣ፣ ሺሻ በወስድ፣ መንግስት ምን ያገባዋል ይህ ነው እንግዲህ ቁምነገሩ።
መንግስት እንደለማዱ ሺሻ ማጨስ ብንፈቅድ ሁሉ ስው ላጭስ ይላል።
መጠጥ መጠጣ ፣ ማጨስ ብንፈቅድ ሁሉ ሰው በሱስ ይጠመዳል ስለዚህ መንግስት መቆጣጠር አለበት።
ይህ አይነቱ አባባል ደግሞ ሲዳማ ክልል ልሁን ስትል የሚነሳ የመንግስት ጣልጋ ገብነት ፣ አይን አውጪነት ። አግጦ የሚያሳይ ነው።
ለሲዳም ክልል ለመሆን ብንፈቅድ ሁሉም ደቡቦች እንገንጠል እና የራሳችን ክልል እንሁን ይላሉ። ስለዥህ ሲዳም ይቅርባት እንቢ ካለች ደግሞ ጦር እንልክባታለን።
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
እኔኮ ሰርቼ የማድር ሰው ነኝ፤ ሙሉ ቀን የማንንም ምናብ ሳስተናግድ አልውልም።
1 ክልል ፈርሶ በጉርብትና ሲስተም ይተካል ። ጉርብትና ለሺ ዘመናት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የተጠቀመበት ግሪክችን የሚቀድም ሴራ ነው ። እሱ ባንድ ቃል አንድ ባህበረ ሰብ፣ አንድ ኮሚኒቲ የሚቆመው አብረው ባንድ ቦታ በሚኖሩ (place based) ሕዝብ ነው። ሰዎች እንደ ፍላጎትና ችግራቸው ቦታ መርጠው ቦታ ቀይረው ይኖራሉ ። ለስራ ለመኖር ለማደግ ከነገር ለመሸሽ ካንድ ቦታ ወዳንድ ቦታ ይሄዳሉ ። በሚሄዱበት ቦታ ጎረ ቤት ይኖራቸዋል። ያ ጉርብትና ማለትም ጎረቤተኛ ማለት ነው። ይህ ነው በዘርና በዘር ቋንቋ ላይ የሚሞከረው የመሃይሞች ቅዠትን የሚተካው። ጉርብትና ሁሉንም ያንድ ማህበረ ሰብ ጉዳዮችን ይፈታል ። ነዋሪዎቹ እምነታቸው ከተለያየ በየእምነታቸው ተከባብረ ይኖራሉ ። ለምሳሌ ጉራጌ አንድ አገርነት የሚመሰርተው በዚያ መልክ ነው።
ክልል ለሚሉ መልሱ አላማ ቢስ ከሆነው የዘር እስር ቤት ይልቅ በእድገት እና ስልጣኔ ዙሪያ በጉርብቲና ቢቆሙ እንድሚያድጉ ማስተማር። ይህ ማለት ክልል ሲባል አልማ ካለው ማለት ነው። የክልል አጀንዳ የሆነ ያልዘመነ ሃሳብ ከሆነ ዘመናዊ አስተማሪና ነጋዴ ሳይንቲስት ከዚያ ሙልጭ ብሎ ወደ ስልጡን ከተሞች መሄድ አለበ ት ። ክልላሞች የሆኑ ህጻናት አይደሉምና !
3 ጦር የሚላከው አገርና ሕዝብ የሚጎዱ ሽፍቶች ከወጠጡ ብቻ ነው
4 መለማመጥ ልምን? ሲዳማ ወይ መቀለ ሌላ ሰው ካልፈለጉኮ ሰዉ ሌላ አገር ይሄዳል ፤ አጉል መሃይምነት ያበቃል
5 አሻፈረኝ ኢትዮአያ አልተስማምኝም የሚሉ ወደ ሚወዱት አገር እንዲሄዱ መንገዱ ወለል ብሎ ይከፈትላቸዋል ! ወሸቴን ነው !!!!
እኔኮ ሰርቼ የማድር ሰው ነኝ፤ ሙሉ ቀን የማንንም ምናብ ሳስተናግድ አልውልም።
1 ክልል ፈርሶ በጉርብትና ሲስተም ይተካል ። ጉርብትና ለሺ ዘመናት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የተጠቀመበት ግሪክችን የሚቀድም ሴራ ነው ። እሱ ባንድ ቃል አንድ ባህበረ ሰብ፣ አንድ ኮሚኒቲ የሚቆመው አብረው ባንድ ቦታ በሚኖሩ (place based) ሕዝብ ነው። ሰዎች እንደ ፍላጎትና ችግራቸው ቦታ መርጠው ቦታ ቀይረው ይኖራሉ ። ለስራ ለመኖር ለማደግ ከነገር ለመሸሽ ካንድ ቦታ ወዳንድ ቦታ ይሄዳሉ ። በሚሄዱበት ቦታ ጎረ ቤት ይኖራቸዋል። ያ ጉርብትና ማለትም ጎረቤተኛ ማለት ነው። ይህ ነው በዘርና በዘር ቋንቋ ላይ የሚሞከረው የመሃይሞች ቅዠትን የሚተካው። ጉርብትና ሁሉንም ያንድ ማህበረ ሰብ ጉዳዮችን ይፈታል ። ነዋሪዎቹ እምነታቸው ከተለያየ በየእምነታቸው ተከባብረ ይኖራሉ ። ለምሳሌ ጉራጌ አንድ አገርነት የሚመሰርተው በዚያ መልክ ነው።
ክልል ለሚሉ መልሱ አላማ ቢስ ከሆነው የዘር እስር ቤት ይልቅ በእድገት እና ስልጣኔ ዙሪያ በጉርብቲና ቢቆሙ እንድሚያድጉ ማስተማር። ይህ ማለት ክልል ሲባል አልማ ካለው ማለት ነው። የክልል አጀንዳ የሆነ ያልዘመነ ሃሳብ ከሆነ ዘመናዊ አስተማሪና ነጋዴ ሳይንቲስት ከዚያ ሙልጭ ብሎ ወደ ስልጡን ከተሞች መሄድ አለበ ት ። ክልላሞች የሆኑ ህጻናት አይደሉምና !
3 ጦር የሚላከው አገርና ሕዝብ የሚጎዱ ሽፍቶች ከወጠጡ ብቻ ነው
4 መለማመጥ ልምን? ሲዳማ ወይ መቀለ ሌላ ሰው ካልፈለጉኮ ሰዉ ሌላ አገር ይሄዳል ፤ አጉል መሃይምነት ያበቃል
5 አሻፈረኝ ኢትዮአያ አልተስማምኝም የሚሉ ወደ ሚወዱት አገር እንዲሄዱ መንገዱ ወለል ብሎ ይከፈትላቸዋል ! ወሸቴን ነው !!!!
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
፩፤ ማን ነው ጎረቤቶች አይጣሉም ይለህ
፪፤ እሺ እንግዳ ከሆንክ በአማርኛ ተግባባህ እንበል
፫፤ ግን አስር አመት ከተቀመጥክ በኋላ የጎረቤትሕን ቋንቋ መልመድ አለብ ውይ
፬፤ ኬሌለብህ እሱ ደግሞ በራሱ ቋንቋ መናገር መብት አለው ውይ ። አንተብ በእንግድነት ብትኖርም
፭፤ ጎረቤቶች በቤታችው ቢያጨሱ ቢጠጡ በሲዳምኛ ቢያወሩ ፣ የመከልከል መብት አለብህ ውይ
፮፤ ጎረቤቶችእስ አንተ ቤት ጣልቃ መግባት ይቻልሉ ውይ
እንደው በነገሩ በዘር አታሳንሱ እያልክ በጎስ አታሳንሱን እያልክ ሀገርን የሚያክል በሁልት ጎሬቤቶች አሳነስከው ውይ።
እንደው እንበል ለክሶ ይህ ብሄረስብ አለበት እንበል። አንተ ከመምጣት ህ በፊት በሲዳምኛ ባህል ለቅሶቸውን ያካሂዱ ነበር ። ላንተ ሲባል በአማርኛ ሁሉን ነገር ማረግ አለባቸው ማለት ነው ውይ። እሺ እንግዳ ከሆንክ ቢችገሩልህ ምንም አይደለም ግን እዚያው ሲዳማ ለ ፩፶ ዓመት ኖረህ ሲዳምኛ አላውቅም ሲትል ትንሽ አስቅጥጠህም
እንዳየሁት አንተ ምንም መላ የለህም ይህንን የጎረበት ተራ ቀልድ ከኋላ ኪስ ህ ነው ያወጣኽ ው
ሀገር በጎረቤቶች ጉንኝነት አታንስም። ለምሳሌ ሲዳማ ፭ ሚሊዬን ሲዳምኛ ተናጋሪ አሏት አንድ ሚሊዬን አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ጉራጌዎች፣ አማሮች፣ ኦሮሞዎች፣ ትግሬዎች፣ ሱማሌዎች ይኖሩባታል እነበል ታድያ ሁሉም በምን ቋንቋ ይግባቡ። ሁሉም አማርኛ ይቻላሉ እነበል ታድያ ምን ቋንቋ ይጠቀሙ። ያንን ነው መመለስ ያለብህ ። ፭ ሚሊዬኖቹ ሲዳማዎች አማርኛ ይናገሩ የፈደራል ቋንቋ ነው ካልክ ከ ፻ ዓመት በኋላ ሲዳምኛ ፻ በ ፻ ከሲዳም ይጠፋል ታድያ ይህ ነው ውይ ፍላጎት ህ። እኔ በእርግጠኝነት ትግሬውም፣ ኦሮሞውም፣ ሱማሌውም ሲዳመኛ ለመናገር ይስማማል ለምን ብትል በቤቱ ያራሱን ቋንቋ እንዳያጣ በማስብ
እሲቲ አዲሳባን በደንብ ተመልከት አማርኛ ሌላውን ቋንቋ አጥፍቶታል። ፱፰% ዘጠና% አዲሳባባዎች አንድ ቋንቋ ነው የሚችሉት ጉራጌም ቢሆኑ ኦሮሞም ቢሆኑ ቋንቋቸውን በአንድ ትውልድ ብቻ ሙሉ በሙሉ ይረሱትና በአማርኛ ብቻ ያወራሉ ይህ ማለት እኮ የቋንቋ የዘር ማጥፋት ነው።
ተድያ ፈድራልዚም እንዴት ቋንቋዎች እንደሚያብቡ ለመረዳት ድሬደዋ መሄድ ብቻ ነው።
አደርኛ በአደሬዎች ብቻ አይደለም የሚነግረው ኦሮሞውችም ሱማሌዎችም ይናገሩታል
ኦሮምኛም እንዲሁ አደሬዎች፣ ሱማሌዎች ያወሩታል
ሱማልኛንም ደግሞ አደሬዎችም ፣ ኦሮሞዎችም ያወሩታል
ይህ ነው እንግዲ ቋንቋ ማክበር ውጤቱ። አንድ የስው ልጅ ስባት ቋንቋ በደምብ አጣርቶ መናገር ይቻላል ታድያ ብዙ ቋንቋዎች ቢነገሩ አማሮችም የሌላውን ቋንቋ አክብረው ቢያወሩ እምኑ ላይ ነው ጉዳቱ።
፪፤ እሺ እንግዳ ከሆንክ በአማርኛ ተግባባህ እንበል
፫፤ ግን አስር አመት ከተቀመጥክ በኋላ የጎረቤትሕን ቋንቋ መልመድ አለብ ውይ
፬፤ ኬሌለብህ እሱ ደግሞ በራሱ ቋንቋ መናገር መብት አለው ውይ ። አንተብ በእንግድነት ብትኖርም
፭፤ ጎረቤቶች በቤታችው ቢያጨሱ ቢጠጡ በሲዳምኛ ቢያወሩ ፣ የመከልከል መብት አለብህ ውይ
፮፤ ጎረቤቶችእስ አንተ ቤት ጣልቃ መግባት ይቻልሉ ውይ
እንደው በነገሩ በዘር አታሳንሱ እያልክ በጎስ አታሳንሱን እያልክ ሀገርን የሚያክል በሁልት ጎሬቤቶች አሳነስከው ውይ።
እንደው እንበል ለክሶ ይህ ብሄረስብ አለበት እንበል። አንተ ከመምጣት ህ በፊት በሲዳምኛ ባህል ለቅሶቸውን ያካሂዱ ነበር ። ላንተ ሲባል በአማርኛ ሁሉን ነገር ማረግ አለባቸው ማለት ነው ውይ። እሺ እንግዳ ከሆንክ ቢችገሩልህ ምንም አይደለም ግን እዚያው ሲዳማ ለ ፩፶ ዓመት ኖረህ ሲዳምኛ አላውቅም ሲትል ትንሽ አስቅጥጠህም
እንዳየሁት አንተ ምንም መላ የለህም ይህንን የጎረበት ተራ ቀልድ ከኋላ ኪስ ህ ነው ያወጣኽ ው
ሀገር በጎረቤቶች ጉንኝነት አታንስም። ለምሳሌ ሲዳማ ፭ ሚሊዬን ሲዳምኛ ተናጋሪ አሏት አንድ ሚሊዬን አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ጉራጌዎች፣ አማሮች፣ ኦሮሞዎች፣ ትግሬዎች፣ ሱማሌዎች ይኖሩባታል እነበል ታድያ ሁሉም በምን ቋንቋ ይግባቡ። ሁሉም አማርኛ ይቻላሉ እነበል ታድያ ምን ቋንቋ ይጠቀሙ። ያንን ነው መመለስ ያለብህ ። ፭ ሚሊዬኖቹ ሲዳማዎች አማርኛ ይናገሩ የፈደራል ቋንቋ ነው ካልክ ከ ፻ ዓመት በኋላ ሲዳምኛ ፻ በ ፻ ከሲዳም ይጠፋል ታድያ ይህ ነው ውይ ፍላጎት ህ። እኔ በእርግጠኝነት ትግሬውም፣ ኦሮሞውም፣ ሱማሌውም ሲዳመኛ ለመናገር ይስማማል ለምን ብትል በቤቱ ያራሱን ቋንቋ እንዳያጣ በማስብ
እሲቲ አዲሳባን በደንብ ተመልከት አማርኛ ሌላውን ቋንቋ አጥፍቶታል። ፱፰% ዘጠና% አዲሳባባዎች አንድ ቋንቋ ነው የሚችሉት ጉራጌም ቢሆኑ ኦሮሞም ቢሆኑ ቋንቋቸውን በአንድ ትውልድ ብቻ ሙሉ በሙሉ ይረሱትና በአማርኛ ብቻ ያወራሉ ይህ ማለት እኮ የቋንቋ የዘር ማጥፋት ነው።
ተድያ ፈድራልዚም እንዴት ቋንቋዎች እንደሚያብቡ ለመረዳት ድሬደዋ መሄድ ብቻ ነው።
አደርኛ በአደሬዎች ብቻ አይደለም የሚነግረው ኦሮሞውችም ሱማሌዎችም ይናገሩታል
ኦሮምኛም እንዲሁ አደሬዎች፣ ሱማሌዎች ያወሩታል
ሱማልኛንም ደግሞ አደሬዎችም ፣ ኦሮሞዎችም ያወሩታል
ይህ ነው እንግዲ ቋንቋ ማክበር ውጤቱ። አንድ የስው ልጅ ስባት ቋንቋ በደምብ አጣርቶ መናገር ይቻላል ታድያ ብዙ ቋንቋዎች ቢነገሩ አማሮችም የሌላውን ቋንቋ አክብረው ቢያወሩ እምኑ ላይ ነው ጉዳቱ።
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
sir son,
i think u and son are totally wrong.. just because one Gurage mistake u cant punish the whole Gurage community living in Sidama .. Dr. Hororo IN HIS OWN, in fact he is sale out who represent the Amhara not even the Gurage so why would the Gurage punished for crime of one person...
Gurage have constitutional right to live in Sidama they also have few responsibility to learn the local language and respect the local culture that all, beside that they can enjoy full constitution right not Sidama not the fed. government
can take away from them..
Dr. pest..
i dont know why like fly u r attracted to 3rd class massage ... Masuda lower the massage and u want to lower it farther .. why not left the thread and comment positively how to left up our community instead of pulling us all down
- Senior Member
- Posts: 11908
- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
Well, I did say that I wanted to finish my comment but opened the thread once again but still lost about your argument.Ethoash wrote: ↑22 Jul 2019, 11:02sir son,
i think u and son are totally wrong.. just because one Gurage mistake u cant punish the whole Gurage community living in Sidama .. Dr. Hororo IN HIS OWN, in fact he is sale out who represent the Amhara not even the Gurage so why would the Gurage punished for crime of one person...
Gurage have constitutional right to live in Sidama they also have few responsibility to learn the local language and respect the local culture that all, beside that they can enjoy full constitution right not Sidama not the fed. government
can take away from them..
Dr. pest..
i dont know why like fly u r attracted to 3rd class massage ... Masuda lower the massage and u want to lower it farther .. why not left the thread and comment positively how to left up our community instead of pulling us all down
A guraghe is suppossed to live in Sidama and he is supposed to learn the language, at least if he would be there for 10 years or so. He is obviously supposed to learn the lingua franca of the country, Amharic, needless to say. It could be Afaan Oromo as well, because it is also proposed to be an official language in the country by many corners in the country by now, and finally I guess.
Let me try to implement this logic to someone who is born Guraghe and became a teacher who will be assigned to Sidama region to teach his field of study. This teacher should know the following languages, according to your logic.
- Guraghigna, his mother tongue
- Amharic (has to learn at school)
- Afaan Oromo (an official languag in the country may need to know, for his own interest)
- Sidamigna (because he has to live there for at least 10 years)
- English, because if he wanted to get advanced education a must for him.
Since he is an employee, he is also suppoed to get transfered to other regions in the country, say the following, for the sake of simplicity.
- Woleyitigna (10 years or so)
- Tigrigna (10 years or so)
- Somaligna (10 years or so)
- Gamebeligna (Anuak, Neuer, or the third language there)
- finally he may get retired and wish to live the rest of his life in Harari, for at least 10 or so years)
Did you count the number of languages he has to know just to be able to lead a decent life as a citizen? 10 languages, according to your logic, if that could be said logic.
Now let me ask you about how many languages those so called law-makers, who imposed on him/her (the teacher) this burden they themselves speak?
Most probably 1 or 2 from the country and additionally the brocken english, like myself here.
They speak a max. of 3 languages but still be allowed to impose on a hardworking citizen the burden of learning about 10 different languages?
Is that your logic? did I miss still something?
That is what we called practicability and this is just one aspect of it, but you don't seem to remotely appreciate what it means.
Agree. This is why I had decided not respond to folks like Masud, Ethioash. I have been telling the cheer leaders of Qero and Ajeto that people of modern skills and investment ventures will simply leave areas of violence and childish instability and these wanabee liberators can have their under development. This is 2020 and those people who are not tied to a particular land shall not be pushed too much these fools. The entire Afrika is a market for persons of skill and business, the whole middle east, the whole of Indian subcontinent.
As for language, these fools understand little about its dynamics and how language is tied to development, commerce and cultural vitality. Here is my bad news for them Amharic will forever remain the #1 language of Ethiopia. Even if Oromofa were to be imposed on all as another official language it will remain a marginal one for the simple reason that it neither language or culture, science, technology, commerce, literature, art and Ethiopian history nor appealing for learning as it is written with foreign script and unmanageable system of spelling. I want to hear on this forum if there is a single person who is not Oromo who has ever read anything in qubie ! I rest my case. There is a reason why Amharic #1 language in Mekelle !!
Agree. This is why I had decided not respond to folks like Masud, Ethioash. I have been telling the cheer leaders of Qero and Ajeto that people of modern skills and investment ventures will simply leave areas of violence and childish instability and these wanabee liberators can have their under development. This is 2020 and those people who are not tied to a particular land shall not be pushed too much these fools. The entire Afrika is a market for persons of skill and business, the whole middle east, the whole of Indian subcontinent.
As for language, these fools understand little about its dynamics and how language is tied to development, commerce and cultural vitality. Here is my bad news for them Amharic will forever remain the #1 language of Ethiopia. Even if Oromofa were to be imposed on all as another official language it will remain a marginal one for the simple reason that it neither language or culture, science, technology, commerce, literature, art and Ethiopian history nor appealing for learning as it is written with foreign script and unmanageable system of spelling. I want to hear on this forum if there is a single person who is not Oromo who has ever read anything in qubie ! I rest my case. There is a reason why Amharic #1 language in Mekelle !!
- Senior Member
- Posts: 11908
- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Well, if agree then why didn't you answer the simple question I asked you before?
Here is it, if you somehow missed it in the first post:
"would you mind to answer the following question?
Assuming that your suggestion of dissolving all "killils" today to suppress the demand from Sidama region in the southern Region federal state that popped up recently in the media is the right one, then how to implement this solution on the ground in your view? Declare all regions are illegitimate over night and send in police or national army to enforce it?
In that case the police and national army seem to be over-stretched already to even put down the violence in the tiny Sidama region, where does all the force that would potentially be needed for the whole of the country would come then?
Please explain!"
Amharic can remain # 1 but still there is a vital enrichment that will come up from the implementation of Afaan Oromo as the second and official languuage of the country, in my view and many others, for that matter.
You claimed in the past to have studied about languages and may then I ask you how much wisdom and knowledge could have been embedded in the language of a major folk in the country, like that of Afaan Oromo. According to many indications Afaan Oromo preceeds Amharic and even if not used in literature, the value it buries in itself can't be overlooked, in my view. But this is something that has to be discussed and decided on through the means of legal and democratic options, no imposition. I am someone who subscribe to the means of legal option, unlike you, if I have to add here.
My way or the high way is not an option specially in a pluralistic country like Ethiopia, and the difference between me and you is that my view is just from the practicability of the implementation, instead of your claimed "worthless ness". Every language has got a value, in my view, and as such they should be still given state level protection from extinction, these are national treasures in my view.
Re: ኤጀቶ የተባለ አረመኔ መንጋ ሲዳማን ያወድማታል፤ ዘረኛ ሁሉ በራሱ እሳት ይነዳል
so why not reduced our language to 3 language then why bother with 80 language .. if what u said is truth...
let take your example i am a expert eng. lived and work in ten place .. i dont need to learn the local language because they need me .. that is why they hire my expertly
but if i am daily worker who no skill and unemployed are looking for daily food then i have to learn the language fast to get the job
if i am a maid and want to go to Arab country then i have to learn Arabic
if i am English teacher and the Arab hire me to teach English then i dont need to learn Arabic
it is a market place supply and demand
if u r unskilled workers who r looking for job and lived in ten place they might ask u to learn the language so that they will give u the job if not they have tell other job seeker who will take your job
another thing is no body force no body to learn any language if u think it will give u an edge u learn the language if not dont learn that is your prerogative ... the problem start is when u start forcing other to learn Amharic so that u can understand them or they understand u...
do yourself a favor and find harari people and ask them how many language they speak they will tell u they speak fluently 7 language ... so dont worry i also think like u only one language we need to communicate but we dont human being can speak more then 7 language
i dont think i will convinced u but i try... in the end it is up to Sidama, oromo, Tigray and Gmallbe to make up their mind if they will pick up Amhara at cost of losing their language...
what you give me example of the teacher is 1% the people for this poor one teacher 100 million people should learn Amharic that is what u r saying
second what u saying is the other ethnic have no expert or teacher so if they dont learn Amahra they could not have teacher that come from Addis Ababa trust me every region will have their own teacher their own expert there will be time they dont need to improt teacher from other region who ever want to come they need the job hence the local will tell them knowing the local language is recommended .. if qualified local speaker found he will be picked first so u better learn local language
unlike the only teacher who lived in ten region i have store of 40 million of settler and regional immigrant who lived in one place for 150 years without learning the local language i give u example
haile gebrselassie born in oromia and his family come to oromia 150 years ago like him 20 million Amhara lived in oromia who doesnt speak afan orimia now tell me what is their justification
recently there were Amhara people displaced from Somalia who claimed lived and born in Somalia region mind u this people immigrated some 50 years ago in Derg time most of them are born in Somalia but never speak Afan Somalia now tell me what is their justification .. it would have been their own advantage had they know the local language now it would be their lose ... now if they want to return how in hell they can be identified any body can claim they come from Somalia and claim they cant speak Afan Somalia ...knowing Somalia language would have been their id and green card for return home
anyhow i cant keepppppppppppppppppppppppp teaching u about this dead subject.. everyone move on only the Amhara are living in the pace u like it or not even to work at fed. level u must learn the local language otherwise how in hell u going to serve the local if u dont know their language ... yes u might speak Amharic but that is not full service any Ethiopian have a constitutional right to be serviced in his own language r u going to hire army of translator or hire who know the language....
it is very interesting answering your question it is so dumb at the same time make me laugh at come from point of arrogant, i know it all... i know as person u might not be u might even good person but they feed u arrogant thought so u cant help it
for example if Ethiopia hire one Chinese expert to build us road are we going to tell him speak Amharic the answer is no.. but if 100,000 refugee come and want to live in Ethiopia then we will ask them learn the language.... even today a lot of Ethiopian learning Chinese to get job at Chinese factory it is market place of language no government should get involve let the winner come at the top..
so why not reduced our language to 3 language then why bother with 80 language .. if what u said is truth...
let take your example i am a expert eng. lived and work in ten place .. i dont need to learn the local language because they need me .. that is why they hire my expertly
but if i am daily worker who no skill and unemployed are looking for daily food then i have to learn the language fast to get the job
if i am a maid and want to go to Arab country then i have to learn Arabic
if i am English teacher and the Arab hire me to teach English then i dont need to learn Arabic
it is a market place supply and demand
if u r unskilled workers who r looking for job and lived in ten place they might ask u to learn the language so that they will give u the job if not they have tell other job seeker who will take your job
another thing is no body force no body to learn any language if u think it will give u an edge u learn the language if not dont learn that is your prerogative ... the problem start is when u start forcing other to learn Amharic so that u can understand them or they understand u...
do yourself a favor and find harari people and ask them how many language they speak they will tell u they speak fluently 7 language ... so dont worry i also think like u only one language we need to communicate but we dont human being can speak more then 7 language
i dont think i will convinced u but i try... in the end it is up to Sidama, oromo, Tigray and Gmallbe to make up their mind if they will pick up Amhara at cost of losing their language...
what you give me example of the teacher is 1% the people for this poor one teacher 100 million people should learn Amharic that is what u r saying
second what u saying is the other ethnic have no expert or teacher so if they dont learn Amahra they could not have teacher that come from Addis Ababa trust me every region will have their own teacher their own expert there will be time they dont need to improt teacher from other region who ever want to come they need the job hence the local will tell them knowing the local language is recommended .. if qualified local speaker found he will be picked first so u better learn local language
unlike the only teacher who lived in ten region i have store of 40 million of settler and regional immigrant who lived in one place for 150 years without learning the local language i give u example
haile gebrselassie born in oromia and his family come to oromia 150 years ago like him 20 million Amhara lived in oromia who doesnt speak afan orimia now tell me what is their justification
recently there were Amhara people displaced from Somalia who claimed lived and born in Somalia region mind u this people immigrated some 50 years ago in Derg time most of them are born in Somalia but never speak Afan Somalia now tell me what is their justification .. it would have been their own advantage had they know the local language now it would be their lose ... now if they want to return how in hell they can be identified any body can claim they come from Somalia and claim they cant speak Afan Somalia ...knowing Somalia language would have been their id and green card for return home
anyhow i cant keepppppppppppppppppppppppp teaching u about this dead subject.. everyone move on only the Amhara are living in the pace u like it or not even to work at fed. level u must learn the local language otherwise how in hell u going to serve the local if u dont know their language ... yes u might speak Amharic but that is not full service any Ethiopian have a constitutional right to be serviced in his own language r u going to hire army of translator or hire who know the language....
it is very interesting answering your question it is so dumb at the same time make me laugh at come from point of arrogant, i know it all... i know as person u might not be u might even good person but they feed u arrogant thought so u cant help it
for example if Ethiopia hire one Chinese expert to build us road are we going to tell him speak Amharic the answer is no.. but if 100,000 refugee come and want to live in Ethiopia then we will ask them learn the language.... even today a lot of Ethiopian learning Chinese to get job at Chinese factory it is market place of language no government should get involve let the winner come at the top..