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Ethiopia under the control of Wahbist Islamists!

Post by Democrat » 21 Jul 2019, 18:58

Most of the minsiterialosts in Ethiopia and most of the foreign missions are occupied by Wahbist muslims. Ethiopia's population followers of Islam are around 30% of the population and yet 50% of the posts are occupied by moslems and this in a country with a more educated christians than moslems.

Ethiopians have been accepting the idea of allwoing muslims to join government as it is undemocratic and against the constitution. But the moslems have exploited the situation driving the agenda of making Ethiopia a muslim country.

Abiy Ahmed Ali, the self-appointed PM of Ethiopia, who came to power through a coup by burining factories, destroying public transport and schools, killing people etc is a muslim fundamentalist.
The deputy PM is a muslim
The president of The House of Federation is a muslim from Tigray, a region which has about 3%-5% muslim

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Re: Ethiopia under the control of Wahbist Islamists!

Post by sun » 21 Jul 2019, 19:28

Democrat wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 18:58
Most of the minsiterialosts in Ethiopia and most of the foreign missions are occupied by Wahbist muslims. Ethiopia's population followers of Islam are around 30% of the population and yet 50% of the posts are occupied by moslems and this in a country with a more educated christians than moslems.

Ethiopians have been accepting the idea of allwoing muslims to join government as it is undemocratic and against the constitution. But the moslems have exploited the situation driving the agenda of making Ethiopia a muslim country.

Abiy Ahmed Ali, the self-appointed PM of Ethiopia, who came to power through a coup by burining factories, destroying public transport and schools, killing people etc is a muslim fundamentalist.
The deputy PM is a muslim
The president of The House of Federation is a muslim from Tigray, a region which has about 3%-5% muslim

So you are saying this in order to come out of your Makale hide outs after 28 years of looting and dreaming to go down to Addis Ababa to build wide spread concentration camps and torture chambers and then start doing what you are experienced and more than good at, that is to say, cut limbs, arms, pull out eyes, pull out nails from fingers and toes as well as castrate journalists like Eskinder Nega who came out totally paranoid due to tplf excesses. Thanks God the Oromo egalitarian youths and their egalitarian leaders closed all of those concentration camps and dirty torture chambers freeing all of those traumatized prisoners like Eskinder Nega and company who you want to come back and throw them again in to your habitual sadistic concentration camps.

Wahabism is found on the other side of the sea where your sisters and brothers migrate to work and earn their livings which you are not able to provide them other than barking day and night insulting the societies kindly hosting your unemployed. Qefo ras ikko neh!

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Re: Ethiopia under the control of Wahbist Islamists!

Post by Medo » 22 Jul 2019, 09:53

There is no such thing as wahbi in Ethiopia. The only wahabi was Tplf that was chased to Meqele forever such that its probability of coming back is 1/trillion. Kkkkkkkkkkkk

Posts: 896
Joined: 18 Jan 2019, 00:19

Re: Ethiopia under the control of Wahbist Islamists!

Post by Democrat » 22 Jul 2019, 10:56

Abiy Ahmed Ali Hussein is a wahabist, an islamic fundamentalist or ISIS wannbe. He will not be able to proclaim a new caliphate in Abyssinia as The Habeshas ae snakes they smile and bite and kill you when opportune. Obo Aniy Ahmed Ali Hussein might want all Habeshas like Herod killed. The Habeshas see dying for their country a calling, not to go to heaven, but for their country to prosper and grow.

TPLF can take power and is in fact the best group tha ever ruled Ethiopia since the last 150 years. Of course the landlocking of Ethiopia is a grave mistake.

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