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Re: PM Debretsion speaks out
ወይ ወያኔ ! ይሄ ነገር በአስማት መሆን አለበት እንጂ እንዴት እንደዚህ ከተማ በአጭር ጊዜ ይቀየራል

Re: PM Debretsion speaks out
Mentally retarded Tommy, you are no better than the imbecile debrezero, you posted the very video exposing the mentally retarded debreperno,
who, over 1 year ago (and even long before that, as recorded in other videos when HMD was still the PM), gave the enemies of TPLF sitting next to him the ammunition they needed to dismantle TPLF. That was the beginning of the end of TPLF. He said this immediately after consolidating his position within TPLF. He is the mos pathetic subhuman to lead a political organization in the entire history of politics. There is no need to blame meshrefet or Amharu once you know everything that followed to cut TPLF to size is a result of this traitorous comment by debreporno. He is the one who is to blame for the arrest of those Tigreans who are languishing in prison. The protest drama he did after the fact was only becoz he saw Tigreans were mad at what happened. It is Meshrefet and co who leaked this video to the public when they saw Tigrean people being mad at them, and their intention to do so was, to show Tigreans what they did is what their TPLF leader recommended ( arrest all security people with no mercy... like debrezero himself repeatedly said it in the video). The rest is history.
99.999% of the reason we are in the current situation, including the appointment of traitors like Meshrefet to the PM post and the premature resigning of HMD, is Debreporno and co being TPLF leaders and blindly taking the ill-thought advice by the bekt bereket, abay tsehye, ebuy sibat, etc. Case close! This is the truth!
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- Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32
Re: PM Debretsion speaks out
Could you translate into Amharic for me, or if you can, either also in Afan Oromo?
Unfortunately these are the only languages I understand as of today from the country.
Just judging from the pure optics itself it seems to me that his two comrades on the stage from where he was talking look not have been that enthusiastic about what he is talking. You also understand, I hope, what these figures signify by being there and you know in the country we have political parties based on ethnic blood line. Isn’t it? Adding these two obvious facts the chance of Debretseion becoming a PM could have been a possibility if either of his comrades was enthusiastic and the other disinterested in his talking, and as you see this is not the case. So, given all these don’t you think that the wish of PM for Debretseion is just a pipe dream?
And most importantly, who you think is responsible for such a fate of a citizen of a country where someone will not be a PM just out of where he/she happened to have been born?