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Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Ghirmawi » 20 Apr 2019, 04:06

Yeamen Gebreab was aksed yesterday in London at the YPFDJ Europe conference about the rumuros spreading by digital frogs. He said "it is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or nor. It is their issue. But Ethiopian navy shall not be in Eritrea. Period".

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by eden » 20 Apr 2019, 04:27


You realize President Lemma got elevated to the federal post of defence ministry, right?

He made news a while ago. He was asked why navy but no Sea. He answered: "maybe we'll have Sea one day." Nobody thinks other countries but Eritrea has to be in his mind. Now blaming Weyane activists for this is weak. Of course, Weyane exploits what Lema or PM Abiy or General Jula says but that is secondary issue for us Eritreans. The primary issue is that these top leaders are from ODP - the mover and shaker of Ethiopia today.

Yemane's statement doesn't give me comfort because that's what all the other neighbors would say too but they don't because their people don't even raise the question to their leaders as raised to Yemane.

This's not the big issue for me any way. The big issue is Ethiopia is vast land with 10 to 200 times the population of its individual neighboring countries. I'm Eritrean by birth but I see this clearly. I don't know how but Ethiopia needs to own Sea. War is not an option. I know that much.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Degnet » 20 Apr 2019, 05:02

eden wrote:
20 Apr 2019, 04:27

You realize President Lemma got elevated to the federal post of defence ministry, right?

He made news a while ago. He was asked why navy but no Sea. He answered: "maybe we'll have Sea one day." Nobody thinks other countries but Eritrea has to be in his mind. Now blaming Weyane activists for this is weak. Of course, Weyane exploits what Lema or PM Abiy or General Jula says but that is secondary issue for us Eritreans. The primary issue is that these top leaders are from ODP - the mover and shaker of Ethiopia today.

Yemane's statement doesn't give me comfort because that's what all the other neighbors would say too but they don't because their people don't even raise the question to their leaders as raised to Yemane.

This's not the big issue for me any way. The big issue is Ethiopia is vast land with 10 to 200 times the population of its individual neighboring countries. I'm Eritrean by birth but I see this clearly. I don't know how but Ethiopia needs to own Sea. War is not an option. I know that much.
All I think is of a highway Mekelle Assab,be positive,etom leflafo TPLF mes tewegedu,kab sebeytin mesten newtsae

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Ghirmawi » 20 Apr 2019, 05:28

Eduska lol, Lemma becoming defence minister should worry u, not Eritrea, for it truely left TPLF in cold. You say Ethiopia needs to own a sea. May be. But that is not Eritreas problem. You sound as if they have not tried. Just look the history of the region during the last 5 decades. Ethiopia has been trying to own a sea at the peril of Eritreans, ever since from the unilateral abolition of the confederal arrangement by Hailesilassie. Look where that gets u. If you try again, it will be war, distruction, famine, ignorance all over again. Let alone Lemma, even Mengistu Hailemariam could not do it. If Ethiopia still feels it needs to own a sea, it should look for it elsewhere. Not in Eritrea. It simply is a folly.

Having said that though, Ethiopia may use our ports just as they were using it pre 1998. It is ur weyane gods who declined to use it with a local currency. Instead, they opted in for Djibouti. That igonrance costed Ethiopia uneccessary foreign currency in the amount of billions of dollars annually. Nonetheless, Ethiopians are always welcome to use our ports.

Last edited by Ghirmawi on 20 Apr 2019, 05:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Fiyameta » 20 Apr 2019, 05:31

The $300 million dollars a year Ethiopia earns from Oromian coffee exports is not enough to feed the 100 million plus population. Western countries increasingly experiencing donor fatigue, and the World Bank and IMF frustrated over Ethiopia's inability to repay its heavy debt, they all have been exploring other alternatives to help the heavily-indebted country generate revenue to satisfy its debt repayment obligations.

Utilizing the human resources of the second most populous nation in Africa as a low paid "peace-keeping force" in the African continent, seems to be the only practical solution to guarantee debt repayment. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonades. And when life gives you overpopulation, you turn every person into a soldier for hire. World powers will save a lot of money using soldiers-for-hire to secure the critical oil and trade routes in the Indian Ocean. It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Ethoash » 20 Apr 2019, 07:10

Yeamen Gebreab

asked stupid question he should have answer it is classified information not everything should be told for public what is wrong if Ethiopia have Nave in Eritrea .. look Djibouti they have USA, Japan, China military base ... it was not long Eritrea leased to Arab the port so what is wrong if Eritrea lease it to Ethiopia... in fact it would be much better for Eritrea if they lease us Assab port not Assab city but only the port area this way everything would be Ethiopian responsibility to develop Assab port all Eritrea can do is collect none stop lease income this is the only way Eritrea can grow otherwise i dont think Assab economically advantageous to Ethiopia only Amhara is emotionally attached to Assab no other ethnic will use it so why not get one time deal and earn regular income for next 99 years ... if u ask me Massaw is much useful to Tigray so u can lease that to Tigray and u can earn money and develop ur Massawa port just like Djibouti did in just ten years.

Massawa port

Djibouti port

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Benn » 20 Apr 2019, 08:28

If we cut all the crap, Eden's ultimate message is that if Eritrea saves the Woyanes or (do something, anything top that effect), Assab will be safe, ain't it ?

eden wrote:
20 Apr 2019, 04:27

You realize President Lemma got elevated to the federal post of defence ministry, right?

He made news a while ago. He was asked why navy but no Sea. He answered: "maybe we'll have Sea one day." Nobody thinks other countries but Eritrea has to be in his mind. Now blaming Weyane activists for this is weak. Of course, Weyane exploits what Lema or PM Abiy or General Jula says but that is secondary issue for us Eritreans. The primary issue is that these top leaders are from ODP - the mover and shaker of Ethiopia today.

Yemane's statement doesn't give me comfort because that's what all the other neighbors would say too but they don't because their people don't even raise the question to their leaders as raised to Yemane.

This's not the big issue for me any way. The big issue is Ethiopia is vast land with 10 to 200 times the population of its individual neighboring countries. I'm Eritrean by birth but I see this clearly. I don't know how but Ethiopia needs to own Sea. War is not an option. I know that much.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Ethoash » 20 Apr 2019, 08:39


u r online can u answer this for me... Eritrea had Assab for the last 28 years and Ethiopia have Djibouti for last ten years ... mind u Djibouti was under French for 99 years lease but they never developed under French rule then under Derug Djibouti was dirt poor too.. no body see the potential of Djibouti port but Meles did and look how he transfer her by paying her two billion dollar unlike Amhara Meles did not ask free port service he paid for it .. and Djibouti was grateful for this Allah sent money and they use it to modernized their nation now pls tell me what stop Eritrea from modernizing Assab what happened do the affar deserved to live in poverty or they should vote to rejoin Ethiopia and live to their fullest pls answer kindly waiting your answer u r the smart one so i am hoping an answer .

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Cartmann » 20 Apr 2019, 11:24

eden wrote:
20 Apr 2019, 04:27

You realize President Lemma got elevated to the federal post of defence ministry, right?

He made news a while ago. He was asked why navy but no Sea. He answered: "maybe we'll have Sea one day." Nobody thinks other countries but Eritrea has to be in his mind. Now blaming Weyane activists for this is weak. Of course, Weyane exploits what Lema or PM Abiy or General Jula says but that is secondary issue for us Eritreans. The primary issue is that these top leaders are from ODP - the mover and shaker of Ethiopia today.

Yemane's statement doesn't give me comfort because that's what all the other neighbors would say too but they don't because their people don't even raise the question to their leaders as raised to Yemane.

This's not the big issue for me any way. The big issue is Ethiopia is vast land with 10 to 200 times the population of its individual neighboring countries. I'm Eritrean by birth but I see this clearly. I don't know how but Ethiopia needs to own Sea. War is not an option. I know that much.
ኤዱ ጓል ዜና፣ ፍርሒ ቄሮ ገና ኣይወጻልክን ድዩ። ማለሊት በዓል ለማ ምስረኣየት በርጊጋ ናብ ክልላ ናብ መቐለ ስለ ዝሃደመት፣ ኩሉ ሃዳሚ ድዩ መሲሉኪ።

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Benn » 20 Apr 2019, 11:44


The fact that Defence Minister Lema has not said what you posted had been proved in this site repeatedly. Why are you then posting this crp fallacy again and again ? Here s the full video of Oromia's President Lema's speech on the Anniversary of Ethiopian Army day ! I hope that you will apologize to forumers for misleading them all this time:

eden wrote:
20 Apr 2019, 04:27

You realize President Lemma got elevated to the federal post of defence ministry, right?

He made news a while ago. He was asked why navy but no Sea. He answered: "maybe we'll have Sea one day." Nobody thinks other countries but Eritrea has to be in his mind. Now blaming Weyane activists for this is weak. Of course, Weyane exploits what Lema or PM Abiy or General Jula says but that is secondary issue for us Eritreans. The primary issue is that these top leaders are from ODP - the mover and shaker of Ethiopia today.

Yemane's statement doesn't give me comfort because that's what all the other neighbors would say too but they don't because their people don't even raise the question to their leaders as raised to Yemane.

This's not the big issue for me any way. The big issue is Ethiopia is vast land with 10 to 200 times the population of its individual neighboring countries. I'm Eritrean by birth but I see this clearly. I don't know how but Ethiopia needs to own Sea. War is not an option. I know that much.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by captain_obvious » 20 Apr 2019, 11:45

Ethiopia needs a port in a full ownership. Its geographically obvious and not up for negociation. It is surrounded by a tiny countries forming a narrow strip of 60 mile along the sea, the heritage of colonization.

Now, Eritrea, between the Axumite Empire heritage, the Orthodox church, the Habesha culture, the Afar and Tigrinya languages, have connexions with Ethiopia that go tremendously deeper than just a wharf to dump cargo on.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Benn » 20 Apr 2019, 11:48

eden wrote:
20 Apr 2019, 04:27

You realize President Lemma got elevated to the federal post of defence ministry, right?

He made news a while ago. He was asked why navy but no Sea. He answered: "maybe we'll have Sea one day." Nobody thinks other countries but Eritrea has to be in his mind. Now blaming Weyane activists for this is weak. Of course, Weyane exploits what Lema or PM Abiy or General Jula says but that is secondary issue for us Eritreans. The primary issue is that these top leaders are from ODP - the mover and shaker of Ethiopia today.

Yemane's statement doesn't give me comfort because that's what all the other neighbors would say too but they don't because their people don't even raise the question to their leaders as raised to Yemane.

This's not the big issue for me any way. The big issue is Ethiopia is vast land with 10 to 200 times the population of its individual neighboring countries. I'm Eritrean by birth but I see this clearly. I don't know how but Ethiopia needs to own Sea. War is not an option. I know that much.

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Telomerase » 20 Apr 2019, 12:40

Deceitful agame Eden,

If you have 12 children and you don't have a car, and your neighbor has five cars with two children does it mean that he is obligated to give you one of his ? :lol:

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Re: Yemane Gebreab: It is not our concern whether Ethiopia has a navy or not, but it shall not be in Eritrea

Post by Cowboy Humera » 20 Apr 2019, 14:32

Most of you here know me as a famous human rights activist from Tigrai. But there are other things you don't know about me. I am a peace broker. If Ethiopia drops its illegal claims on my country Tigrai's sovereign territories of Welqayit, Raya and Humera, we may consider allowing Ethiopia to have its navy on Tigrai's Awash River under a 30 year lease contract.

Deal or no deal?

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