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Isaias is the #1 responsible for the Tigray war!

Post by Axumezana » 15 Feb 2023, 14:21

- The war was a brain child of Isaias Afeworki as part of his goal to destroy and dismantle Tigray and TPLF and was planned prior to the coming of Abiy to power 4 years ago. Isaias's goal is to make sure Eritrea's control of politics , resources and market of Ethiopia in sustainable manner for the future and driven by the wrong assumption that Eritrea can only develop by controlling Ethiopia and TPLF and Tigray are strategic obstacles that have to be eliminated from the face of the earth.

-The war was supported and enabled by Abiy and Amhara extremists for their own respective goals. Abiy to consolidate his power by dismantling TPLF and Amhara extremists to clear the way on their plan to come back to power. The issue of Welkait and Raya have been used by Isaias, Abiy and the Amhara extremists to mobilize support toward their respective goals. Abiy has been the key internal actor in organizing and leading the anti -Tigray and TPLF alliance with full support and guidance of Isaias and his intelligence operatives.

- The first phase of the war against TPLF and Tigray was launched starting 2016 , when innocent Tigrayans in the Amhara state. specially in Gondar, were persucated , killed , looted and forced out of the Amhara state. The intensive demonization of Tigrayans through various media including ESAT was part of the war.

- The 2nd Phase was implemented between the year 2018 and the year 2020 and the main focus was weakening the economy and political stand of Tigray by putting economic blockage on Tigray and marginalizing TPLF by dismantling EPRDF and replacing it by the Prosperity Party. , further demonization of Tigrayans and TPLF even using the media outlets established by TPLF/EPRDF. General Seare, the then Ethiopian forces Chief of Staff was killed by Eritreans intelligence to clear obstacle ahead and Weaken the influence of Tigrayans on the military.

- The 3rd phase of the war was ignited on November 3/4, 2020 after the pre-emptive attack by TPLF forces on the Ethiopian Defense Forces Northern Command. Isaias and Abiy ( including Amhara forces) were already ready for this phase of the war and were able to get the upper hand easily . As TPLF intention was to control and use the Northern command against Abiy, it had prepared only less than 10 thousand special forces but as Isaias and Abiy were already ready , TPLF did not have time to effectively mobilize the Northern Command and the result was Tigray was easily occupied by Abiy forces, Isaias genocidal forces and Amhara criminal forces that together committed genocide, rape, extrajudicial killing destruction and looting of infrastructure , factories and private prosperities

- The 4th phase of the war was conducted in 2021 in Tigray between TDF( gorilla resistance forces affiliated to TPLF ) and Abiy and his allied forces which resulted in the pushing them out of Tigray and reinstatement of TPLF in Mekelle as government of Tigray

- The 5th phase of the war was mainly orchestrated by TDF launch of an offensive war toward the Amhara state, Afar state and Addis Ababa. In November 2021 , TDF was very close to Addis Ababa but forced to return back to Tigray under the pressure of the USA. The decision of TPLF/TDF to follow the directive of USA was a right decision as entering to Addis Ababa could had further destabilized Ethiopia to uncontrollable anarchy.

- The 6th phase of the war had started in August , 2022 following 5 months preparation and restocking of supplies while Tigray has been under 360 degree siege for more than a year and a Peace Agreement has been singed to stop the war on November 2, 2022 after Abiy was pressurized by the USA to stop the war. It looks the Eritrean forces and Amhara forces are determined to spoil the agreement and continue the war while Abiy's commitment to the agreement he signed is under test. One can raise a valid question , "could this war be stopped with out dealing with the owner of the war Isaias Afeworki of Eritrea?" TPLF has been under pressure to immediately stop the war due to the suffering of the Tigrayan people as the war that have been conducted by Abiy and Isaias is lawless, genocidal and using food as a weapon of war.

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Re: Isaias is the #1 responsible for the Tigray war!

Post by TesfaNews » 15 Feb 2023, 15:44

Isaias humbled the tesfafi tigrayans like you that thought the destruction of Ethiopia can be financed in mekele..

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Re: Isaias is the #1 responsible for the Tigray war!

Post by Fiyameta » 15 Feb 2023, 16:17

Axumezana wrote:
06 Nov 2020, 13:40
Our TPLF forces preemptively disabled the Northern Command and confiscated all military hardware. I wonder where they're heading next.

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Re: Isaias is the #1 responsible for the Tigray war!

Post by Hawzen » 15 Feb 2023, 21:06

Vodkachew Reda disagrees with his agame brother Axumezana. In fact, he confirms who is responsible for the war in norther Ethiopia the devastated the people of Afar, Amhara and Tigray.

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Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF terrorist group

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Re: Isaias is the #1 responsible for the Tigray war!

Post by Axumezana » 28 Feb 2025, 02:22

Axumezana wrote:
15 Feb 2023, 14:21
- The war was a brain child of Isaias Afeworki as part of his goal to destroy and dismantle Tigray and TPLF and was planned prior to the coming of Abiy to power 4 years ago. Isaias's goal is to make sure Eritrea's control of politics , resources and market of Ethiopia in sustainable manner for the future and driven by the wrong assumption that Eritrea can only develop by controlling Ethiopia and TPLF and Tigray are strategic obstacles that have to be eliminated from the face of the earth.

-The war was supported and enabled by Abiy and Amhara extremists for their own respective goals. Abiy to consolidate his power by dismantling TPLF and Amhara extremists to clear the way on their plan to come back to power. The issue of Welkait and Raya have been used by Isaias, Abiy and the Amhara extremists to mobilize support toward their respective goals. Abiy has been the key internal actor in organizing and leading the anti -Tigray and TPLF alliance with full support and guidance of Isaias and his intelligence operatives.

- The first phase of the war against TPLF and Tigray was launched starting 2016 , when innocent Tigrayans in the Amhara state. specially in Gondar, were persucated , killed , looted and forced out of the Amhara state. The intensive demonization of Tigrayans through various media including ESAT was part of the war.

- The 2nd Phase was implemented between the year 2018 and the year 2020 and the main focus was weakening the economy and political stand of Tigray by putting economic blockage on Tigray and marginalizing TPLF by dismantling EPRDF and replacing it by the Prosperity Party. , further demonization of Tigrayans and TPLF even using the media outlets established by TPLF/EPRDF. General Seare, the then Ethiopian forces Chief of Staff was killed by Eritreans intelligence to clear obstacle ahead and Weaken the influence of Tigrayans on the military.

- The 3rd phase of the war was ignited on November 3/4, 2020 after the pre-emptive attack by TPLF forces on the Ethiopian Defense Forces Northern Command. Isaias and Abiy ( including Amhara forces) were already ready for this phase of the war and were able to get the upper hand easily . As TPLF intention was to control and use the Northern command against Abiy, it had prepared only less than 10 thousand special forces but as Isaias and Abiy were already ready , TPLF did not have time to effectively mobilize the Northern Command and the result was Tigray was easily occupied by Abiy forces, Isaias genocidal forces and Amhara criminal forces that together committed genocide, rape, extrajudicial killing destruction and looting of infrastructure , factories and private prosperities

- The 4th phase of the war was conducted in 2021 in Tigray between TDF( gorilla resistance forces affiliated to TPLF ) and Abiy and his allied forces which resulted in the pushing them out of Tigray and reinstatement of TPLF in Mekelle as government of Tigray

- The 5th phase of the war was mainly orchestrated by TDF launch of an offensive war toward the Amhara state, Afar state and Addis Ababa. In November 2021 , TDF was very close to Addis Ababa but forced to return back to Tigray under the pressure of the USA. The decision of TPLF/TDF to follow the directive of USA was a right decision as entering to Addis Ababa could had further destabilized Ethiopia to uncontrollable anarchy.

- The 6th phase of the war had started in August , 2022 following 5 months preparation and restocking of supplies while Tigray has been under 360 degree siege for more than a year and a Peace Agreement has been singed to stop the war on November 2, 2022 after Abiy was pressurized by the USA to stop the war. It looks the Eritrean forces and Amhara forces are determined to spoil the agreement and continue the war while Abiy's commitment to the agreement he signed is under test. One can raise a valid question , "could this war be stopped with out dealing with the owner of the war Isaias Afeworki of Eritrea?" TPLF has been under pressure to immediately stop the war due to the suffering of the Tigrayan people as the war that have been conducted by Abiy and Isaias is lawless, genocidal and using food as a weapon of war.

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Re: Isaias is the #1 responsible for the Tigray war!

Post by Selam/ » 28 Feb 2025, 03:56

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