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The infighting between the TPLF forces is escalating to a dangerous confrontation leading in to factional conflict

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 25 Feb 2025, 12:47

TPLF dug the hole much deeper to burry Amhara, but now they are about to jump in it. :mrgreen: The horn seems to be sliding in to to an abyss that could potentially put Ethiopia asunder. The Orommuma jingoism is exacerbating the already tense political landscape.However, the corridor development is heading at full speed. :lol:

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Re: The infighting between the TPLF forces is escalating to a dangerous confrontation leading in to factional conflict

Post by Abere » 25 Feb 2025, 14:21

TPLF is the most stupid rebel movement that ever happened in humanity.

1) This group fought against Ethiopia, first, to breaking away Eritrea and second, to breaking away Abay-Tigray - both stealing territory and people from Ethiopia proper. This comes from stupid mentality for these provinces are naturally deprived of resources and historically been migrating and settling in the southern part of Ethiopia, relived from crashing proverty in the north, created wealth everywhere, most interestingly treated at the same level as the other Ethiopia. In many instances, they were the most favored by past kings. While they could create peace and strong united Ethiopia, they all wanted to loot Ethiopia. That crazy choice locked both at war with Ethiopia , no Ethiopian likes Woyane and Shabia. The very reason TPLF k!ssed goodbye, because it was not liked by most Ethiopians. We also saw during the Badme war, all Ethiopians took revenge against Shabia and decimated Shbia in couple of weeks. Wrong mission ends up deadly loss. And it is impossible to fix stupid. Since, Tigray does not deserve to fix stupid, it should break it up like a falling glass on hard floor.

2) Out of wrong choice and decision, stupid always find itself between hard and rock place. As everyone knows Abiy Ahmed is f@rting up and down to save TPLF and steal Amhara victory of Welqait and Raya. Obviously, these two thugs (OLF and TPLF) do not have issues between them. If Abiy could give them defeating Fano, he could do in a blink of an eye. But this is totally impossible , he is fighting for his survival. An other strategic wing of TPLF also is doing monkey business with Shabia - but for the same goal of stealing Amhara territory. How is that possible? Is Abiy Ahmed too in alliance with Shabia?
When all the dust being stir by TPLF, Fano is not a spectator for all this ቡራ ከረዩ (brag) is against Fano.

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