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Ob Bulchà Dammaqsà was Bold to Use Afàn Oromô in Parliament, which the OLFites Galàsà Dilbô and Dīmà Nagô Couldn’t Dare!

Post by OPFist » 24 Feb 2025, 02:41

Ob Bulchà Dammaqsà was Bold to Use Afàn Oromô in Parliament, which the OLFites Galàsà Dilbô and Dīmà Nagô Couldn’t Dare!

We lost the bold and courageous Oromô father, who used to speak Afàn Oromô in Ethiopian parlamentnt for the first time. Unfortunately, even the OLFites Ob Galàsà Dilbô and Dr. Dīmà Nagô didn’t Dare to do the same. He was one of few Oromô elites like Dr. Haile Fida, who could understand the central role of promoting Afàn Oromô to its legitimate primary position in Ethiopia. He definitely knows that Afàn Oromô freely used in federal institutions is tantamount to transformation of Ethiopia to Oropia (Oromummà led state). To such elites, of course, an independent Oropia (earning net salary) is secondary to an integrative Oropia (owning gross salary). That was the reason for his vehement advocacy of Ethiopian unity with Afàn Oromô as primary federal working language.
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Re: Ob Bulchà Dammaqsà was Bold to Use Afàn Oromô in Parliament, which the OLFites Galàsà Dilbô and Dīmà Nagô Couldn’t D

Post by OPFist » 24 Feb 2025, 06:05

Otherwise, it is good to observe that finally the OLFites in OPP re-started to speak Afàn Oromo in Ethiopian parlament, which was the main principle of Ob. Bulchà Dammaqsà during the Woyane rule. It took the OLFites in Biltsigina six years to be so courageous. Nice step, even though a little bit late and not yet enough. Actually, all Oromo parlamentarians starting from Dr. Abiy had to respekt their own language and use it, instead of revering the alien language (Amarigna). Unfortunately, they are still slave minded, who have to be liberated first, in order to be proud of their mother tongue. The OLFites in OPP are slowly becoming courageous to do the liberating job. I just would like to say: well done!

The Oromo already got our freedom from Habesha’s colonization, but we are still under Hybrid’s suppression. The Hybrids are determined to keep Amarigna’s primacy at the cost of Afàn Oromo’s possible promotion. The OLFites, who infiltrated the OPP, are struggling to reverse this trend and promote Afàn Oromo to the primary working language of the federation, replacing Amarigna. The current regime is still reluctant in giving Afàn Oromo its legitimate primary position. Thus, Oromo’s struggle now should concentrate on getting freedom from the suppressing Hybrids and then promote Afàn Oromo to its legitimate primary position as language of all federal institutions like the palace, parlament, court, cabinet, military and security. That the hybrid regime talks about Ethiopia’s prosperity is merely wishfull thinking, which can not be materialized as long as the Oromo and other nations are not free. But, hopefully, The OLFites in The ruling party shall be successful in persuading the Hybrids to assert their plan of Oromiffa’s Primacy and Oropia’s prosperity accordingly.

No question that the current regime is a pro-Amaranet dictatorial one just like the previous others since 1270. All of them were determined to keep the existing domination of Amarigna/Amaranet at the cost of Oromiffà/Oromummà. Oromo Prosperitans in power seem to be comfortable with the existing domination and never dare to promote Afàn Oromo to its legitimate leadership position based on demographical advantage of the Oromo. That is why few Amara elites are riding the Oromo prosperitans to maintain their domination of the empire. I hope this will change soon through the bitter struggle of genuine Oromo republicans, who definately shall promote Oromiffà/Oromummà to its legitimate primary position, so that all institutions of the country will use Afaan Oromo primarily, by replacing Amarigna. With that accomplishment, the present regime shall be the last of the hitherto pro-Amaranet dictatorial regimes.

Unfortunately, Biltsiginnà is becoming as fascist as Derg and Woyane. The extrajudicial assasination of the young boy in Dembidolo showed explicitely all the fascistic actions this regime took till now in Oromia, Tigrai, Amaria…etc. It is the matter of time that any regime, which kills its people will perish. Both Derg and Woyane lost power despite the strength they had and showed. Biltsiginnaà can not be otherwise. The Million dollar question to be answered now is: who shall follow? Amara Repessors, who want to keep the existing domination of Amaranet (camouflaged as Ethiopiawinet) at any cost or Oromo Republicans, who definately will implement the legitimate leadership of Oromummà in the genuine rainbow Ethiopiawinet of about 80 colours (linguistic identities)?. Now, it is high time for Oromo republicans led by the OLF and OFC to be empowered and lead the Oromo in this final phase of our liberation struggle.

Tegaru hegemonists finally lost never to come back again. Thus, there is no more triangular struggle (Amara-Tegaru-Oromo) for power in Finfinne palace. Now, the conflict is more of a dicotomy: dictatorial Amaranet vs democratic Oromummà. Amaranet is still dominating the palace and all federal institutions. Oromo elites, from Yekuno to Abiy, ruled Ethiopia in order to promote Amaranet at the cost of Oromummà. Dictatorial Amara elites are rallying behind such PAE (pro-Amaranet elites) of Oromo nation as long as Amaranet/Amarigna is dominating. The Oromo national struggle should focus against these dictators. Tegaru elites are done; Amara elites should yet be checked.

Actually, the Oromo already defeated the assimilative Amara elites during the first phase of our struggle in 1991 and got rid of the hegemonist Tegaru elites through the second phase in 2018. Now, our struggle is in the third and final phase to overcome the obstacle from the Pro-Amaranet elites (PAE) of the Oromo. These elites are satisfied with Afàn Oromo as secondary to Amarigna at federal level. They are dedicated to keep the existing Amaranet dominated dictatorial federation. On the contrary, Pro-Oromummà elites (POE) in the OLF and OFC are pushing further to realize democratic federation in which Afàn Oromo will have its legitimate and right position of being the primary working language of the whole country. That means, it will be the main language of communication in the parlament, cabinet, palace, justice, military, security and other federal institutions.

Otherwise, how surprising to observe that the pro-Amaranet Oromo elites could control Finfinne palace again. This trend is going on since 1270 and we thought that we changed the trajectory in 2018 as Abiy took the PM position. Unfortunately, Abiy betrayed Oromummà and opted to keep the dominance of Amaranet being masked with Ethiopiawinet. Oromo struggle for freedom is again at square one. Now, our struggle is not necessarily against the explicit Abyssinian elites, but against the very subtle pro-Amaranet Oromo elites led by Abiy Ahmed. This phase of our struggle will be the most bitter for it divides the Oromo camp clearly in to two: the incumbent pro-Amaranet vs the opposing pro-Oromummà! How pity that the true Oromo nationalists lost in the last three revolutions because of the self-beating Oromo elites: 1) 1974 the Oromo head of state Col. Mengistu fought against the OLF (the symbolic face of Oromo’s bilisummà/freedom). 2) 1991 the Oromo presidant Dr Nagàssô was against the OLF and 3) since 2018 the Oromo PM Abiy Ahmed is sabotaging the OLF.

No question that Derg style Ethiofascist Abyssinian elites, who try to instrumentalize Ethiopian unity and Woyane type Ethnofascists, who attempt to use Ethnic liberty are dead never to come back again. But the hybrid Biltsiginnà (combining both Ethio- and Ethnofascism) is still ruling. Now the two federalist blocs of Oromian elites (Ethiofederalists like ECS as well as Ethnofederalists like OFC) are flourishing on the grave of the two fascist camps against the hybrid current regime. The ongoing and future democratic competition in Ethiopia can only be between these two federalist blocs. As long as Oromo’s ÀAÀ (Àdà/culture, Afàn/language and Àngo/power) are not compromised, the two types of federations (geography based Ethiofederation and language based Ethnofederation) are not disadvantageous for the Oromo. But, it seems the Hybrid-federalist Abiy is pro-Amaranet and against the promotion of ÀAÀ at federal level.

To explain this fact, let’s look back at certain event. The burning issue for all Ethiopians in the year 2012 was the Oromo people’s national liberation struggle, which was led by the vanguard front – the OLF. A lot of things related to this century old struggle was controversially discussed. The sparkling event for the debate was the decision taken by certain Oromo nationalists at a meeting convened at Kelly Inn in St. Paul, Minnesota, on January 1, 2012, where oneled by Gen. Kemal claimed to have changed the OLF political program. This step was interpreted by most Oromo nationalists as a betrayal of the objective of the Oromo national liberation struggle by the group was the step taken by the General.

Was Kamal’s group a traitor in this sense? What were the presumptive contract, norm, objective, trust or confidence amongst Oromo nationalists in the OLF? Who was rival group of the OLF supported by the breakaway group? I personally understood that the comprehensive Oromo’s objective is the right to national self-determination, including independence or integration (union), based on the Oromo public verdict per referendum. OLF’s goal is also not far from this, even though the vanguard organization either emphasizes a mandatory national independence or stresses a voluntary regional integration based on objective realities and situations. It was clear that Kamal’s group explicitly abandoned Oromian independence as an objective. I can call it as a betrayal to only one-side of the original aim; it was actually a betrayal to the core of the goal. It seems that the move of the group was designed to limit the right of Oromo nation to only one-side of the objective. This was absolutely wrong; as long as Oromo nation was under subjugation, I think no need of giving up independence as the alternative, unless otherwise, it was a rhetoric made under the gunpoint as, for instance, the OFC at home was doing.

In all my hitherto articles, I advocated an imperative unity of Oromo liberation forces and an important alliance with the other anti-TPLF forces in order to be efficient in our struggle for freedom of Oromo from the past ruling fascist and racist regime. But, I have tried to show also what sort of alliance could be different from the previous ones and make a difference on the ground. For example, I once wrote:

“… I am personally against any sort of dictatorial unity, and I am supporter of a possible union of free peoples in the empire/region based on free will of the respective peoples. Any unity without Oromo’s public verdict will fail, take it only 1 year, about 10 years or as long as 100 years. That is why I do advocate for a lasting solution based on free will of all stakeholders, instead of the temporary wishy-washy solution. Some organizations seem to have chosen unconditional unity as a precondition for the alliance against the EPP, but the unity they do strive for will surely never last long, because it is not based on accepting self-determination of peoples, but based on a predetermination of future fate of peoples by only few elites. The future possible alliance against EPP, which may be forged by the OLF et al. must be based on a solid ground by taking self-determination of nations, rather than unconditional unity of the empire, as precondition for an alliance,

I was not expecting alliance based on a precondition set by Dr.Berihanu and on a predetermination made by General Kamal, but a stable and strong alliance based on the self-determination of nations as a common ground. Unfortunately, both Berihanu and Kamal seemed not to be ready for such all-inclusive and effective alliance, which could have brought the militarily stronger OLF and ONLF on board. But yet, that was not end of th hulue game, we could have this better option if we all would have come to our sense and be ready to be ruled by public verdict, be it the Oromo people will decide for independence (having ethnofederalism as a prelude) or for integration (with ethiofederalism as prelude). The steps taken by both Berihanu and Kamal have got certain fallacy. Let me put it as follows.

A) That of General Kamal:
– his group of Oromo nationalists should have waited till there will be unity of Oromo nationalists in the liberation camp, so that they can go to the cooperation with the anti-TPLF Abyssinians having a united backing of the strong Oromo constituency, the majority of which the General seemed to lack.

– if the majority of the Oromo constituency was not behind the group, it is both strategically and symbolically a mistake for the move of Kamal can be interpreted as a victory for the anti-Oromo Abyssinians, who were celebrating the step taken by him.

– even if the General had support of the Oromo majority, giving up the core aim of national independence was a great mistake as long as the Oromo nation was under a colonial subjugation.

– as I did hear in the rhetoric of Kamal’s group, it included AG7 into its “we” discourse, and denounced the other Oromo nationalists, who opposed its move, as “they” and the “others,” so that it considered itself as a part of the AG7, but not as part of the other Oromo nationalists.

– General Kamal′s declaration of being Ethiopian citizen, whereas this name, Ethiopia, was already contaminated with the dirt of the oppressive Abyssinianism, so that it can not be palatable for Oromo nationalists, who were struggling for Oromian liberation from Abyssinian domination. The group could have demanded a change of the name of the future new union it envisioned to be Oromia, replacing the designation Ethiopia for the Oromo nation as a majority in the empire is the titular nation, which does have the legitimacy to claim and deserve the name change.

– the readiness of Kamal’s group to speak a broken Amarinya in all forums, be it in real or virtual world, instead of demanding from the AG7 to start using Afaan Oromoo, if the later genuinely wants to be called a multinational movement as it wishes to be seen; the fact on the ground is that AG7′s media outlet (ESAT) is promoting and using only Amarinya by neglecting and oppressing Afaan Oromoo for many years.

– General Kamal should have been cautious enough not to be seen as a horse of AG7; if the group had the Oromo majority behind it, surely it could have played the role of a horseman riding the AG7; good news is that time showed us who was the horse and who the horseman; of course, the optimal solution had to be partners to each other in the possible alliance, not one of them being a pawn for the other.

B) That of Dr.Berihanu’s group:
– its [ deleted ] manipulation to divide the OLF made the group to be seen as enemy of Oromo liberation movement; it could have waited till OLF factions unite, instead of starting to work with one group and criticizing the other as it did through its own other media outlet.

– its attempt to put Ethiopian unity as a precondition for the possible alliance against the ruling regime, instead of accepting and respecting the right of nations to self-determination.

– its rejecting the basic right of the Oromo nation to self-determination, be it in a form of language-based federation or as an independent republic, so that it is trying to get rid of Oromia as a national area of the Oromo people.

– its continuous vilification of the Oromo liberation movement as something ‘ye gosa poletika’ (clan politics) and as zerenyinnet (racism).

– its trying to manipulate Oromo mass by instrumentalizing the Afaan Oromoo speaking Vice Chairman, just as it did try to use Aadde Birtukan Midhagsa to fool the Oromo people during the CUD era.

– its visible paternalistic ‘I know for you’ mentality, by which it tried to prescribe a medication for the Oromo problem, while rejecting the solution presented by the genuine Oromo nationals.

– its nostalgic wish to bring back an Ethiopian state, where we all be Amharinized. Its rejection not to give a single hour of transmission in Afaan Oromo for about 5 years through its highly-financed ESAT was a classical example; 24-hour Amharinya service, but few hours for Afaan Oromo, for the country in which the Oromo people are the majority, shows the anti-Oromo position of the Ezema. This simple step was the symbol for the vision of Ezema in the future Ethiopia, which it wants to save. After many years, thanks to #Oromoprotest, it started now to broadcast in Afaan Oromo, eventhough both the quality and quantity are not yet enough.

Disregarding these mistakes committed by both Berihanu and Kamal, it was legitimate when most Oromo nationals did protest against the decision at Kelly Inn for only one simple reason: the move was euphorically celebrated by the Abyssinians’ camp, which is traditionally against the right of the Oromo nation to self-determination. To me, only this euphoria was enough to be skeptical regarding the move of both groups. I heard as a child one wise Oromo elderly saying “whenever someone praises you too much, ask yourself where you have committed a mistake.” He told the reality that people praises us, whenever they are getting advantage out of our action, not because the action is right for ourselves. Accordingly, I just asked myself: what mistake did the General commit so that the AG7 and its Abyssinian camp could euphorically rejoice as such? Of course, the main mistake was the explicit giving up of the fight for an independent Oromia, while we are still under Abyssinian national domination. Nothing can make the colonialists happier than the colonized people abandoning the liberation struggle. If the General might have taken this step only tactically (I liked to give the group the necessary benefit of doubt), time would show us the effect. Lately, the u-turn of the General to persue the vision of independence spoke a million about the alliance.

After putting on paper here my own mini-analysis of this situation, let me now try to look into the future. I am still believer of both the imperative unity in Oromo camp and the important alliance with all the anti-EPP forces, if we really want to keep our freedom from the oppressors. The unity was very mandatory, not an option. I know that some Oromo nationalists were skeptical regarding the unity for they think that certain OLF faction could take advantage of it, but I see, from my relatively neutral point-of-view, that there was no alternative to such unity to achieve freedom. Any sort of genuine alliance against the tormentors was also very important, but the alliance should not have compeled any organization to change its political program (as General Kamal did) in order to be the partaker.

Otherwise, how interesting it was to observe TPLF cadres enjoying the conflict in the year 2012. They just sensed that there was no unity in Oromo liberation bloc and no alliance in the anti-TPLF camp. Nothing could give the ruling fascists such a relief than being unsuccessful in building a strong opposition or a challenging rebel force through unity and/or alliance. The cadres were very busy in pouring benzine into fire. They celebrated both the Abesha vs. Oromo conflict, and the Oromo-Oromo conflict.

As far as I am concerned, there was a way out of this situation, which was, unfortunately, in favor of the ruling regime at cost of all the oppressed nations in the empire, including the oppressed Amhara people. The General already corrected its betrayal, by re-emphasizing that it is not against an independent Oromia (using ethnofederalism as prelude), if the Oromo public will vote for it, even though AG7 itself will advise the public to favor a union (integration with ethiofederalism as prelude). Actually the general took u-turn and advocated an independent Oromia. For AG7, being against Oromo interest is equivalent to be on the verge of its own burial; no political group in that empire can survive having the Oromo as an enemy. It can prevent its burial only by accepting and respecting the God-given and Man-made right of the Oromo nation to self-determination. Other Oromo nationalists also differentiated positions of Berihanu and Kamal, and started to approach or manage both of them accordingly. General Kamal is our own, who had different approach and came back, as he started to notice that his move was against the interest of the Oromo nation. Thus, we needed to refrain from cursing, insulting and vilifying his group, which was part of our struggle for an independent Oromia. AG7 is the moderate part of our colonizers, with whom we can reason to some extent, but if it is such a [ deleted ] fox and manipulative as it seemed to be, surely it can be declared as part and parcel of our enemy like the TPLF, and nothing can hinder us, the Oromo nation, from fighting against such colonial force. It was up to the AG7 to take a clear step not to be against the liberation struggle of the Oromo people; otherwise, the step taken by Kamal at Kelly Inn could be the cause for the burial of Berihanu, who would have no more influence on the Oromo constituency, which he had highly tried to win for his own cause.

Last but not least, nothing can bypass the aspiration of Oromo nation for freedom and sovereignty. Regional integration of that cursed area, be it in the form of a union or otherwise, can only be a reality with the public verdict of Oromo people. Regional integration should not happen at the cost of Oromo national freedom. Real, stable and true regional integration can only be build on the stable rock of a strong Oromo national freedom. May Waaqa help all the stakeholders of the region not to be against this noble cause of Oromo people, i.e. against the national independence with the regional integration in the form of own Oromia state within Ethiopian union! Now, the well evolved ethiofederalists and ethnofederalists in the countfy can agree on democracy as rule of the game and compete for power in Caffee Araaraa in the coming elections. But, regarding the two big competing identities, which one will prevail further? The ongoing Amaranet domination or the optimum Oromumma leadership?

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