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Re: Ethiopian Orthodox Church Achieved Symbolical Victory for Pro-Amharanet Bloc & Systematic Victory for Pro-Oromumma C

Post by OPFist » 16 Feb 2023, 14:20

To make the difference between Abyssinian dominated Ethiopia and Oromian led Ethiopia clear, let’s imagine two bottles of apple juice; one is filled with the true apple juice and the other with urine having the same color to apple juice. On both bottles, it is written the name apple, and we are given the chance to buy the juice. Surely, we can not identify the two externally for they do have similar color and the same name. To differentiate the two, we have to taste. Then, we know that the contents are totally different; one is nutritive and useful, whereas the other is poisonous and destructive. The same is true about the name ‘Ethiopia’. What matters is the content, not the bottle (name). Ethiopia with Habeshism as a content is like the bottle filled with urine, i.e. despotic and destructive, whereas Ethiopia with its true ingredients like Oromianism is democratic and constructive. That is why, what we need in the region called Ethiopia/Cush is to get rid of Habeshism and to promote Cushitism.

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Re: Ethiopian Orthodox Church Achieved Symbolical Victory for Pro-Amharanet Bloc & Systematic Victory for Pro-Oromumma C

Post by OPFist » 16 Feb 2023, 14:27

I know that this approach may sound Ethiopian-friendly and, surely, certain Oromo nationalists can accuse me of “being an Ethiopianist.” But, fact is that I personally do have no problem in liberating the Oromia, the size of this Biyya-Oromoo being either as small as that of OPP, about 284,000 SqKm, or as big as shown here:, about 800,000 SqKm. The reality on the ground is that, it is not less beneficial for Oromo people in particular, and for all nations of the region in general, if we can re-build Oromian Ethiopia on the grave of the hitherto Abyssinian Ethiopia. Oromo people, as the majority over all the country, can be confident enough to have this second type of sovereignty as another option or as an alternative. That is why the job of choosing between an ‘independent Gadaa Oromia’ and an ‘integrative Great Oromia’ must be left to Oromo public.

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Re: Ethiopian Orthodox Church Achieved Symbolical Victory for Pro-Amharanet Bloc & Systematic Victory for Pro-Oromumma C

Post by OPFist » 16 Feb 2023, 14:40

To bring Oromo people to this level of decision making, all Oromo nationalists in the walk of life should learn to work together, instead of fighting against each other on minor issues. It is really disgusting, when we read from any Oromo nationalist supporting one faction of Oromo liberation movement and turning her/his pen or verbal gun against another faction. As far as I am concerned such pal-talkers and pal-writers are simply cowards and fools who do shy fighting against our current tormentor (EPP), but try to “roar like a lion” against another Oromo group, which may have different approach to achieve our freedom. They are simply the dalga-fiigdota (horizontal runners) as described in Oromo proverb: ‘kan gaara bahuu dadhabe, dalga fiiga’ (who couldn’t walk vertical up mountain, runs horizontal). I hope these dalga-fiigdota will stop the senseless wasting of their precious talents, money and time in fighting against their fellow Oromo, and I encourage them to start exercising the process of conflict resolution like negotiation, mediation, diplomacy and creative peace-building. To this effect, the conflict among the Oromo liberation forces is not irreconcilable as our foes try to suggest and want to make us believe.

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Re: Ethiopian Orthodox Church Achieved Symbolical Victory for Pro-Amharanet Bloc & Systematic Victory for Pro-Oromumma C

Post by OPFist » 16 Feb 2023, 14:45

But, it is clear that the conflict between Habeshism and Cushitism is irreconcilable, which should end with a victory for Cushitism. To assure this victory, there is no other way bypassing unity of Oromo nationalists for our freedom. My wish here is as always to see all of us, Oromo nationals, fighting together against the oppressive Abyssinian elites’ system of domination and against their Amharianism/Habeshism ideology in order to foster our freedom and sovereignty, be it the future independent Gadaa Oromia in from of Gadaa republic or integrative Great Oromia; i.e democratic Ethiopia, with the Cushitic flag, which I would like to suggest as common flag of future union: Abbaa-Gadaa’s flag with Odaa and its surrounding golden sunshine in the middle. This newly constructed (mixed) flag can be used as symbol of our unity for freedom, because it is the combination of OLF’s Odaa surrounded by golden sunshine on Abbaa-Gadaa’s tricolor, the new mix which we can choose as national flag of future independent Gadaa Oromia or that of integrative Great Oromia/democratic Ethiopia. Such Oromummaa led Ethiopia shall flourish on the grave of Amharanet dominated Ethiopia. All other nations in Ethiopia either keep the existing domination of Amharanet or support the emerging leadership of Oromummaa. May Waqaa help us!

Noble Amhara
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Re: Ethiopian Orthodox Church Achieved Symbolical Victory for Pro-Amharanet Bloc & Systematic Victory for Pro-Oromumma C

Post by Noble Amhara » 22 Feb 2025, 06:35

Amhara consist above 60% of ethiopias orthodox church nearly 2/3 of tewahedo in ethiopia are amhara

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