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Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 17 Feb 2025, 16:20

"The first casualty when war comes, is truth"

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime"

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"

The Ethio-Eritrean feud will never get a solution through war. No doubt war is filled with crime and atrocities. The Abiy liar, crime adminstration, self imposed Oromo government, has been in killing rampage and war footing for the past six years. The country has become a trench. Abiy and his blood-gold generals still hope to win the Fano opposition and start war with Eritrea as well. It hopes its war machine will subdue the various oppositions against it in the country. The same group believes, it represents the Oromo people and those so called Oromo people will decide the fate of other Ethnics in the country and the “Oromo” should be the pacemakers. The principle they stand on is undifensible. They are there because they have the temporary control of the bank, tank and support of the corrupt from other Ethnics.
Any great future leader of the region or Ethiopia should be a person of principle, diplomacy and peace. No war please. The Only justifiable war in Ethiopia should be to change the adulterated cultish Ethnofascist fake prosperity gospel politics and TPLF.
Let the fate of Eritrea be decided by Eritreans. Let themselves unchain the chains of dictatorship or live with it if they choose. None of our business. Wait and see untill the hardliners die out and see if diplomacy to solve problems in the fiture will hold.
Let, the unskilled opportunist Oromoethnofascists fight it out to facilitate their own demise!

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Abere » 17 Feb 2025, 16:37

I can only say this, Abiy Ahmed and his OLF-PP without Amhara support would be roasted like Thanksgiving Turkey. Amhara Fano are on his throat.

Isaias Afework is a hopeless one leading a hopeless province, he may try shot in the dark.

Like it or not, war in Ethiopia is unavoidable as long as the three evils ( Shabia, OLF and Woyane) exist on the surface of earth. War is their lovely nutrition, it could also be the poison pill to take them all out and usher in era of peace.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Zmeselo » 17 Feb 2025, 16:40


Wow! I actually agree with you on this one, 100%. Who ever thought?

The war talk though is BS, generated out of fear and attempt at deflection. As usual, Eritrea, as the scapegoat. The lame baby at 4 kilo, doesn't have the ballz.

Odie wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 16:20
"The first casualty when war comes, is truth"

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime"

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"

The Ethio-Eritrean feud will never get a solution through war. No doubt war is filled with crime and atrocities. The Abiy liar, crime adminstration, self imposed Oromo government, has been in killing rampage and war footing for the past six years. The country has become a trench. Abiy and his blood-gold generals still hope to win the Fano opposition and start war with Eritrea as well. It hopes its war machine will subdue the various oppositions against it in the country. The same group believes, it represents the Oromo people and those so called Oromo people will decide the fate of other Ethnics in the country and the “Oromo” should be the pacemakers. The principle they stand on is undifensible. They are there because they have the temporary control of the bank, tank and support of the corrupt from other Ethnics.
Any great future leader of the region or Ethiopia should be a person of principle, diplomacy and peace. No war please. The Only justifiable war in Ethiopia should be to change the adulterated cultish Ethnofascist fake prosperity gospel politics and TPLF.
Let the fate of Eritrea be decided by Eritreans. Let themselves unchain the chains of dictatorship or live with it if they choose. None of our business. Wait and see untill the hardliners die out and see if diplomacy to solve problems in the fiture will hold.
Let, the unskilled opportunist Oromoethnofascists fight it out to facilitate their own demise!

Digital Weyane
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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Digital Weyane » 17 Feb 2025, 17:03

ኢትዮጵያ ፈርሳ ለማየት የሚጓጓ ወያኔ ይህቺን በእርስ በርስ ጦርነት እና በሰው ሰራሽ ረሃብ የታመሰችውን ሀገር በእርግጠኝነት ሊያፈርሳት ወደሚችል ሌላ ጦርነት ውስጥ እንድትገባ ፈልጎ ሰይጣን ፊት ተምበርክኮ ግምባሩን ወደ መሬት በመድፋት ፀሎቱን ያደርሳል። :roll: :roll:

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 17 Feb 2025, 17:16

Zmeselo wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 16:40

Wow! I actually agree with you on this one, 100%. Who ever thought?

The war talk though is BS, generated out of fear and attempt at deflection. As usual, Eritrea, as the scapegoat. The lame baby at 4 kilo, doesn't have the ballz.

Odie wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 16:20
"The first casualty when war comes, is truth"

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime"

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"

The Ethio-Eritrean feud will never get a solution through war. No doubt war is filled with crime and atrocities. The Abiy liar, crime adminstration, self imposed Oromo government, has been in killing rampage and war footing for the past six years. The country has become a trench. Abiy and his blood-gold generals still hope to win the Fano opposition and start war with Eritrea as well. It hopes its war machine will subdue the various oppositions against it in the country. The same group believes, it represents the Oromo people and those so called Oromo people will decide the fate of other Ethnics in the country and the “Oromo” should be the pacemakers. The principle they stand on is undifensible. They are there because they have the temporary control of the bank, tank and support of the corrupt from other Ethnics.
Any great future leader of the region or Ethiopia should be a person of principle, diplomacy and peace. No war please. The Only justifiable war in Ethiopia should be to change the adulterated cultish Ethnofascist fake prosperity gospel politics and TPLF.
Let the fate of Eritrea be decided by Eritreans. Let themselves unchain the chains of dictatorship or live with it if they choose. None of our business. Wait and see untill the hardliners die out and see if diplomacy to solve problems in the fiture will hold.
Let, the unskilled opportunist Oromoethnofascists fight it out to facilitate their own demise!
You can be assured, I am not a supporter of any war with Eritrea. Even mengistu, if was a good diplomat, should have resolved the eritrean issue in peace.
I don’t think war will resolve our issues. Cycles of violence only beget violence. That is what Abiy is reaping. If we get assab by violence, Eritreans will fight another cycle and on and on.
If Abiy had a diplomat capability, he should not have been chasing for Oromo hegemony (whether he believes that in his heart or persue it for his dictatorial aspiration). Each day there are news of genocide/ethnic cleansng going on in Ethiopia and that is perpetrated by supporters of Abiy regime. If Abiy was an all Ethiopian leader, he should not have let this happen. He should have represented all Ethiopians. He should have removed ethnic-fascism and brought about change in the constitution which majority asked for. He should have unified the country. He should not speak one thing in Oromifa another in Amharic. He should not have used Shimeles to insult us all.
He should have addressed the Fano question diplomatically not by using bombers and drone. The real trouble in east Africa are TPLF, OLF/PP/OPDO. I wish shabiya was not a source from where these evil group arose but bygone things are by gone. I am not here to analyse the goods and bads of shabiya which solely be left for eritreans to do.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 17 Feb 2025, 17:21

Digital Weyane wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 17:03
ኢትዮጵያ ፈርሳ ለማየት የሚጓጓ ወያኔ ይህቺን በእርስ በርስ ጦርነት እና በሰው ሰራሽ ረሃብ የታመሰችውን ሀገር በእርግጠኝነት ሊያፈርሳት ወደሚችል ሌላ ጦርነት ውስጥ እንድትገባ ፈልጎ ሰይጣን ፊት ተምበርክኮ ግምባሩን ወደ መሬት በመድፋት ፀሎቱን ያደርሳል። :roll: :roll:
መፍረስ ያለመፍረስ ጉዳይ ሌላ ሆኖ እኔ የግል እይታዬ ጦርነት ለኢትዮዽያና ኤርትራ ጦርነት አስፈላጊ አይደለም:: There are better solutions!

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Fiyameta » 17 Feb 2025, 17:34

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 17 Feb 2025, 17:51

War is not a joke! You know!
Let the Tigrian cook in it as they say war is their culture!
Let the “Oromo” who want to test their ጥጋብ burn in it!
They may wage war in the name of Ethiopia but majority of Ethiopians for sure are not in support of another Ethio-Eritrean war. Suspects are the usual evil oromo ethnofascists and TPLF criminals. They may think Abiy will crush Amhara and Tigre will get Amhara fertile land by perpetuating ethnofascism if able to throw away Shabiya. I am sure that is poor maths.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Dama » 17 Feb 2025, 18:13

Odie the monk Chimp
I applaud you for spitting the word peace. I do this even when I know you do not mean it. The pronouncement of the word peace is good enough for peace-starved Ethiopia. But, you did no war monger did. Cudos neftenya from south! zof course no neftenyas in the north.

I know you want Fano to win by war against the sitting gov of Abiy Ahmed. You hate him because he is defendinghis governemt that was shot at first. Not only you hate this individual, you hate all Oromos because of one man. You are biased toward Fano not because you are Amara, you are the worst of them, the uncoscienable cruel neftenya .
But, you did condemn TPLF for fighting against Abiy Ahmed. Not only you hate TPLF, several times you expressed hate to the people of Tigrey.

In short, I am saying that you are fake. Your call peace is fake. And you are a Fano puppy. No body buys your nonesense blabbers.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Abere » 17 Feb 2025, 18:21

You jumped to criticize Odie ( without giving much thought), but who are you supporting? What is your vision and end goal for this oldest Nation of Ethiopia?

You are angry at him, because he disagreed with OLF, TPLF and Shabia. Until you express yourself, you are supporter of OLF, TPLF and Shabia.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 17 Feb 2025, 18:38

Dama wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 18:13
Odie the monk Chimp
I applaud you for spitting the word peace. I do this even when I know you do not mean it. The pronouncement of the word peace is good enough for peace-starved Ethiopia. But, you did no war monger did. Cudos neftenya from south! zof course no neftenyas in the north.

I know you want Fano to win by war against the sitting gov of Abiy Ahmed. You hate him because he is defendinghis governemt that was shot at first. Not only you hate this individual, you hate all Oromos because of one man. You are biased toward Fano not because you are Amara, you are the worst of them, the uncoscienable cruel neftenya .
But, you did condemn TPLF for fighting against Abiy Ahmed. Not only you hate TPLF, several times you expressed hate to the people of Tigrey.

In short, I am saying that you are fake. Your call peace is fake. And you are a Fano puppy. No body buys your nonesense blabbers.
You have a very incoherent idea. You mix things up. When you are pressed, you slide into your Muslim extremism. Very impossible to exchange intellectual conversation with you.

You are such an idiot bred of Tigrians/TPLF. Even after completing college, you don't have the appreciation of the meaning of a country, but you live peacefully in a country others have built. Check your head. Move off ethnicism and love your country.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Dama » 17 Feb 2025, 19:37

Odie wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 18:38
Dama wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 18:13
Odie the monk Chimp
I applaud you for spitting the word peace. I do this even when I know you do not mean it. The pronouncement of the word peace is good enough for peace-starved Ethiopia. But, you did no war monger did. Cudos neftenya from south! zof course no neftenyas in the north.

I know you want Fano to win by war against the sitting gov of Abiy Ahmed. You hate him because he is defendinghis governemt that was shot at first. Not only you hate this individual, you hate all Oromos because of one man. You are biased toward Fano not because you are Amara, you are the worst of them, the uncoscienable cruel neftenya .
But, you did condemn TPLF for fighting against Abiy Ahmed. Not only you hate TPLF, several times you expressed hate to the people of Tigrey.

In short, I am saying that you are fake. Your call peace is fake. And you are a Fano puppy. No body buys your nonesense blabbers.
Odie the chimp monk
You have a very incoherent idea. You mix things up. When you are pressed, you slide into your Muslim extremism. Very impossible to exchange intellectual conversation with you.

You are such an idiot bred of Tigrians/TPLF. Even after completing college, you don't have the appreciation of the meaning of a country, but you live peacefully in a country others have built. Check your head. Move off ethnicism and love your country.
Hey nefteny chimp!
You do not regard non-Amara Ethiopians as Ethiopians equal to Amara. You regard them as subjects of Amara that should remain so. That is why you hate organized and armed groups to defend their freedoms. You see everything from the lesnses of the bible and Amara. According to you no other Chrsitian is equal Amara. You want to prezerve a privileged position for Amara. You see, you are ethnivist. You are an ethnic bigot. You are anti'christ, the unjust devil.
You condemn olf, TPLF, EPLF. But you never condemn Fano. Why? Because you are a racist. Ethnicist. Chrustian fanatic.
You are a war-monger. Not a peace lover.
Illiterate. Ignorant. Unread. Oops! only the Bible.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 17 Feb 2025, 19:43

Go wash your ar$e 5x a day. That is what you can do at best!

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Tiago » 17 Feb 2025, 20:02

Dama is a chimp with a chip on his shoulders.
He has an issue with Christian Amharas as if there are better religions forgetting all religions have more things in common than differences ( mainly cultural).
All religions believe in supreme creator, supernatural beings(Angeles,ghosts,satan,etc)
They also have a place of worship,etc
Some religions are copied and pasted with few cultural additions.
Deal with your shortcomings and leave the Amharas alone.

Dark Energy
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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Dark Energy » 18 Feb 2025, 23:08


Deep inside you are well educated good man.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Odie » 18 Feb 2025, 23:24

At times we bark on one other. That can happen. Not really that evil feeling we have for one another.
When I thought of another war, the love Ethiopian and Eritrean people showed to one another during the brief reconciliation after that long separation was surreal. Also the resource and the irreplaceable life of the young that was lost due to previous wars is not that easily forgettable. Perhaps Ethiopia and Eritrea should never walk in that road again. There are better options to thaw relations. My personal belief.

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Dama » 18 Feb 2025, 23:40

Odie wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 19:43
Go wash your ar$e 5x a day. That is what you can do at best!
Look at your religious bigot. Ethnic bigot.
Japan dies. India dies. Pakistan dies. Bangladesh does it. Vietnam does. M8ddle east does it because it's the ckeanest. When ypu wipe your [deleted]* wirh tpilet, you smear shiit all over, never torally clean as you wpuld with water.
Christian fanatic. idol tabot worshiper. Devil, you will burn in hell for heresy.


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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Dama » 18 Feb 2025, 23:52

Tiago wrote:
17 Feb 2025, 20:02
Dama is a chimp with a chip on his shoulders.
He has an issue with Christian Amharas as if there are better religions forgetting all religions have more things in common than differences ( mainly cultural).
All religions believe in supreme creator, supernatural beings(Angeles,ghosts,satan,etc)
They also have a place of worship,etc
Some religions are copied and pasted with few cultural additions.
Deal with your shortcomings and leave the Amharas alone.
Tiago, sck ma dck!

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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Selam/ » 19 Feb 2025, 00:23

Agazi General
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Re: Not a supporter of another Ethio-Eritrean war!

Post by Agazi General » 19 Feb 2025, 00:55


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