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Naga Tuma
Posts: 5947
Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

I took a leave of absence. Did I come back to the same world? Or did I end up in a different world?

Post by Naga Tuma » 15 Feb 2025, 19:55

This is an attempt at a satire.

Even I was tired of my annoying noises. So, why not take a leave of absence and hear later the annoyed make it music on their history channel.

That is not the point.

The question is if I came back to the same world or if I ended up in a different world.

Before I took leave, two galaxies were in a delicate dance. The roving galaxy starring King Trump was advancing to say the rising galaxy starring Kings Xi and Putin can’t surpass us.

The Panama Canal was to be operated by King Trump’s troops to take control of a gateway to both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Canada was to become the 51st State of King Trump’s galaxy. Greenland was to become its second gateway State like Nevada, for the cold blooded ones. Gaza was to become its Mediterranean City.

Gliding into NATO under the nose of King Putin sounded within reach for the Gladiator of Ukraine.

President Macron’s relentless calls for Liberte in the midst of the galaxies sounded Herculean.

Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada was confiding in his country’s folks to take the roving galaxy seriously. He must have given up on NATO’s Article 5, which stated an attack on one NATO member is an attack on all. The roving galaxy that mostly funded NATO was about to swallow one if its own and the English Speaking Canadian was having difficulty interpreting its Article 5.

I was in that world before I took leave of absence.

When I came back, I read a report from none other than King Trump that the two galaxies have merged into one, that America is Great and that Russia was also Great in the same galaxy. The report added that fate would have both in the same galaxy once again and forever.

G7 would ran out of its galactic energy and movies in the new G3 galaxy starring Kings Trump, Putin, and Xi would come to a theatre near you.

In Washington, D.C., it would be King Trump followed by the other two Kings. In The Kremlin, it would be King Putin followed by the other two Kings. In Being, it would be King Xi followed by the other two Kings.

In each city, a Weather King would be on a standby to tell you which King takes the second place.

The delicate dance of the galaxies found a way to rise above a new horizon in the Universe.

If these aren’t two different worlds, I don’t know how they could happen in the same world.

How could this happen?

Has King Trump become a born again visionary who could say America is Great like Russia was and continues to be, like China was and continues to be? Or has King Putin made King Trump a Kompromat? Or has he put the maxim ስራ የሚሰራዉ በቁመት መስሎታል to use? Or has he promised the ever petrodollar hungry Chevron with Techron some petroruble from its vast petroleum reserves?

I intend no pun against ሎጋዎች of the world by wondering about its ጉፋያዎች። I am an equal opportunity offender of deficit in merit.

The richest ever American President, the South African Boer, seems to say he can see the South African Ocean better from The White House than from one of the high rises in South Africa. His little one who hopped on his shoulders at The White House was his witness.

Thank you Tina Faye for that timeless line.

Trying hard to figure out if I ended in a different world, I turned to news of theology. At 88 years of age, the Pope of counting miracles hasn’t found a miracle to get rid off an inconvenient bronchitis and continues to see doctors.

I don’t even want to say Gaza because one can’t say it without feeling pain for its innocents across the board.

I turn to Kinshasa and look where in it Samuel L. Jackson took residence in this different world.

I hear ጭምጭምታ of country folks. It felt about something that happened in ancient times. እነዛ አማሪካኒዎች እህል ብለዉ መትፋት ወይም ማማጥ የማይቻል ክንን ሕዝቡን ኣስቀመቀሙ?

I got lost even more. It reminded me my high school days when I could brag about watching Delta Force movies starring Chuck Norris, pretending watching it intently was understanding it well enough. The Texan Cowboy was a star for an Ethiopian Country Boy. I was a dreamer.

Pretending again that I understand the American Comedy before I took leave, I checked Stephen Colbert’s Late Night Show. He had also checked out after I took leave of absence.

I would quickly check with the senior comedian Sir Stewart.

He was there sitting next to a brass of checks and balances. What a brilliant impression to see for the Country Boy dreamer from Ethiopia. I got up to watch him put it into motion.

He wouldn’t and I gaze at it like I was studying the brilliant impression of Mona Lisa.

I got a huge appetite for an excellent work out of a brilliant impression. In the old world of physics in which I had some clues, work is done when force is applied over a distance.

Was Mona Lisa that genius Italian’s best work? No, no, no. He invented pulleys that got work done easily.

I kept waiting for some pulleys that would rotate the brass and spit out what it was able to produce over the last 248 years.

He put away that brass without showing how it has been working over the last 248 years, one term at a time. I coiled back hungry for it.

Galaxies merged into one, G3 poised to consign G7 into history books, the Pope continuing to see doctors for an inconvenient bronchitis, food aid being talked about all over the world as an ancient tragedy, the old world of physics taking a backseat to glitter, did I come back to the same world or did I end up in a different world?
Last edited by Naga Tuma on 15 Feb 2025, 20:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I took a leave of absence. Did I come back to the same world? Or did I end up in a different world?

Post by Fiyameta » 15 Feb 2025, 20:04

We're living in a different world. President Trump's orders for the termination of USAID has threatened the existence of both Tigray and Ethiopia.

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