Re: Stupid Horus thinks Elsisi and gala abiy are enemies. ቅቅቅ። They are both hand picked & placed on power by the ferenj
Elsisi himself is an Israeli who is hunting down Muslim brotherhoods in Egypt
Now you know he is an isreali take a while guess with what's going on in East Africa associated with Elsisi
I love stupid people like Horus

Now you know he is an isreali take a while guess with what's going on in East Africa associated with Elsisi
I love stupid people like Horus

Re: Stupid Horus thinks Elsisi and gala abiy are enemies. ቅቅቅ። They are both hand picked & placed on power by the ferenj
ጥሌ እንጥለው ከብልጽግና ጋር ድርድሩ እንዴት ነው፥፥ ቱለማው እንሽላሊት እጅ ከፍንጅ ከተያዘ በህዋላ ኢንተርቪው ያልቀረበበት ቦታ የለም፥፤ ደንገጡሮቹም በየሶሻል ሚድያው ሲራወጡ አይቼ ልቤ ቂቤ ጠጣ