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Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Odie » Yesterday, 15:00

Seven western embassy diplomats for the barren land to meditate the two worst criminals in the country together with Oromo fascist cult leader :mrgreen:

I believe all of them are libtard junks who want to promote the ethnic fiefdom the installed over 30 years ago and the lettered community cultural revolution :lol:

Otherwise there is no natural resource in chigray to salivate about.
And another confirmation there is no government in the country. Just utter anarchy and foreign intervention. Even Djibouti droning civilians in the country! ማሞ ቂሎ thinks addis is a galla property and thinks he rules the galla land. He does not care as far as northerners don’t pester him!

And the crocked TPLF/chigaru, what does it mean when they cry implement pretoria? Means just give me Amhara land. And a day ago the inept traditional general Tsadkan cried we go to war and all west in mekele at finger snap-what the hell is going on? why don’t TPLFites eat one another? who cares for chigreans solving their problem?

What is grandpa ሻውያ thinking about this? Jealous? Or more!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Abere » Yesterday, 15:22

Everyone knows TPLF, Shabia and OLF like iPhone are not made in Ethiopia. :lol: These malicious mercenaries are not something Ethiopians recall for they have been so terrible and socially undesirable. Their manufacturer and producer recalls, but not really they want. Do you recall that one US Diplomat reported TPLF elected democratically 99.9% , beating any record hold by modern democratic country :lol:

These are three evils are the Wuhan covid virus for Ethiopia, produced outside of Ethiopia. They all came by the two non-majority Ethiopian tribes of Oromo and Tigre (Eritrea + Tigray). All the more than 83 tribes of Ethiopia have been disturbed because of this viruses.

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Odie » Yesterday, 15:37

Abere wrote:
Yesterday, 15:22
Everyone knows TPLF, Shabia and OLF like iPhone are not made in Ethiopia. :lol: These malicious mercenaries are not something Ethiopians recall for they have been so terrible and socially undesirable. Their manufacturer and producer recalls, but not really they want. Do you recall that one US Diplomat reported TPLF elected democratically 99.9% , beating any record hold by modern democratic country :lol:

These are three evils are the Wuhan covid virus for Ethiopia, produced outside of Ethiopia. They all came by the two non-majority Ethiopian tribes of Oromo and Tigre (Eritrea + Tigray). All the more than 83 tribes of Ethiopia have been disturbed because of this viruses.

It was the hope of the innocent citizens, they will eat it out but every time they square up (to fight it out-all three), they prop them up!
I understand!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Axumezana » Yesterday, 16:13

TPLF has been the most successful party in Africa for the last 50 years & it has the secrets to stabilize Ethiopia and the Horn Africa and it shall continue to be so for the next hundreds of years!That is the reason all eyes are on TPLF!
You may not like that but your only option is to adapt & live with such reality. Elites like Abera are blinded by hate and cannot see the strengths of TPLF that has brought Ethiopia where it is today!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Abere » Yesterday, 16:32

If TPLF were not designed and manufactured outside of Ethiopia, why would it all its rag tags TPLF roll on their back on the dirt streets of cities in the West singing the beautiful lyrics of "UUU JoeBiden"? You must be kidding yourself, not anyone else.

Was not the USA rumored to have smuggled weapons hiding in wheat sacks? Did not USAID refused to allow checking at check points. :lol:

TPLF is a hazardous toy (like China made dangerous stuff) marketed among illiterate and innocent Ethiopians so as that hazardous chemical its made up of is anti-humanity, lethal internationally banned tribalism element.

Axumezana wrote:
Yesterday, 16:13
TPLF has been the most successful party in Africa for the last 50 years & it has the secrets to stabilize Ethiopia and the Horn Africa and it shall continue to be so for the next hundreds of years!That is the reason all eyes are on TPLF!
You may not like that but your only option is to adapt & live with such reality. Elites like Abera are blinded by hate and cannot see the strengths of TPLF that has brought Ethiopia where it is today!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Axumezana » Yesterday, 16:41

Abere you live in the old paradigm of the Amhara so called elites barking like a toothless dog & blindly opposing ( as it happened during the start of the GERD ) but no positive contribution to build Ethiopia. እኔ ስልጣን ካልያዝኩ ሰርዶ አይብቀል አይነት ጩኸት!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Odie » Yesterday, 16:46

Axumezana wrote:
Yesterday, 16:41
Abere you live in the old paradigm of the Amhara so called elites barking like a toothless dog but no contribution to build Ethiopia.
እብድ ውሻ!
ፈረንጅ ትግራይ ስለገባ ነሽጠህ አይደል?

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Axumezana » Yesterday, 16:52

Odie learn the history of the Pre-Axumities, Axumites and the Tigray people. If you are a Bible believer you could also read Isaiah Chapter 18!
The Tigray people and their ancestors are fearless and indomitable people that cannot be manipulated by outsiders. The main reason Ethiopia was not colonized was due to the Tigray people ( with out denying & underestimating the contribution of the great Amhara, great Oromo & other peoples of Ethiopia who died with Tigrayans at various battle fields both in the present day Eritrea and Tigray) .

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Odie » Yesterday, 17:02

የባንዳ ልጅ!

አያቶችህ ኤርትራዊ መስለው ሊቢያውያንን ወግተዋል!
Son of askari!

እናንተ የሚያምርባችሁ ስትለምኑ ነው:: ከዛ በተረፈ ስትጠግቡ ስራችሁ violence and hate!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Abere » Yesterday, 17:22

ነጮቹ ትግራይ የገቡት ወደ ማርስ-ትግራይ የላኳት መንኮራኩር ተሰባብራ ጥገና ለማድረግ ወይም ቅሪቷን ሙዝየም ለማስገባት ይሆናል።

Odie wrote:
Yesterday, 16:46
Axumezana wrote:
Yesterday, 16:41
Abere you live in the old paradigm of the Amhara so called elites barking like a toothless dog but no contribution to build Ethiopia.
እብድ ውሻ!
ፈረንጅ ትግራይ ስለገባ ነሽጠህ አይደል?

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Abere » Yesterday, 17:29

Are you a Degenerative AI? :mrgreen:
Woyane in 21st century? Exporter of the product of Woyane might think of another product-line, Orommuma appears their trial over the counter. It too will be pulled out of shelves. :lol:

Axumezana wrote:
Yesterday, 16:41
Abere you live in the old paradigm of the Amhara so called elites barking like a toothless dog & blindly opposing ( as it happened during the start of the GERD ) but no positive contribution to build Ethiopia. እኔ ስልጣን ካልያዝኩ ሰርዶ አይብቀል አይነት ጩኸት!

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Odie » Yesterday, 17:35

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Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Post by Odie » Yesterday, 17:45

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