Ethiopia Out of BRICS
Ethiopia benefits by allying with USA, Israel and Europe rather than the anti-USA BRICS! Ethiopia should limit its relations with BRICS countries only to a bilateral level.
Re: Ethiopia Out of BRICS
US is a dying power. A lonely rogue that is not bound by international law. Selfish is more than greedy. It wants no friend; its so called friends are those its sucks their bloods dry.
Heavly indebted to the tune of US$36 trillion, 124% of its gdp.
Heavly indebted to the tune of US$36 trillion, 124% of its gdp.
Re: Ethiopia Out of BRICS
Alliance with USA does not prevent Ethiopia from benefiting from
Regional rivals China & India. Russia is economically weak but only a military power which is hungry to sell its arms as far as we have money. Europe and USA could ground Ethiopian Airlines over night. All airplanes belong either to USA or Europe.
Regional rivals China & India. Russia is economically weak but only a military power which is hungry to sell its arms as far as we have money. Europe and USA could ground Ethiopian Airlines over night. All airplanes belong either to USA or Europe.