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Abiy Ahmed With Servitude Mindset of OPDO vs Jawar Mohammed With Sovereignty Mindset of OLF!

Post by OPFist » 09 Feb 2025, 04:19

Abiy Ahmed With Servitude Mindset of OPDO vs Jawar Mohammed With Sovereignty Mindset of OLF!

The Oromo as a big nation, who had been under subjugation for many years, consists two types of elites: those with servitude mindset (like Abiy Ahmed of OPDO) and those with sovereignty mindset (similar to Jawar Mohamed of OLF). The first group of elites are the scar in our society, who developed slave mentality, thus always ready to be submissive and serve an interest of our oppressors. That is why they are PAE (pro-Amaranet elites). We had such elites during Menilik, H/Sillasie, Mengistu and Meles era as well as now under Abiy leadership. These enslaved elites were always instrumentalized to act against Oromummà and Oromo national struggle. The current Oromo elites with such servitude mindset are the Prosperitans (OPDO) led by Dr. Abiy. They used to serve TPLF and now they are serving ANDM just to keep the ongoing domination of Amaranet. The second group includes all Oromo nationalists, who are fighting for complete freedom and sovereignty of the Oromo. Especially, the establishment of the OLF in 1960s was the starting of Oromo development towards this trajectory. Since then, we have millions of Oromo elites with this OLF’s mindset of sovereignty, now mainly represented by Oromo Republicans in OLA, OFC and OLF. After the recent demise of TPLF, the main struggle is becoming between Oromo Prosperitans with servitude mindset doing the bidding of ANDM to keep Amaranet domination and Oromo Republicans with sovereignty mindset to promote Oromummà to its legitimate leading position in Oropia (Oromummà led Ethiopia). Surely, the Republicans with freedom and sovereignty mindset shall prevail.
Read more: ... biy-ahmed/

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Re: Abiy Ahmed With Servitude Mindset of OPDO vs Jawar Mohammed With Sovereignty Mindset of OLF!

Post by OPFist » 09 Feb 2025, 09:49

Otherwise, it is nice to see that Jawar Mohammed, whom I once critisized harshly, is becoming a promising leader of Oromo movement at this time when Abiy Ahmed seems to fail regarding the hoped fulfillment of Oromo questions. It is becoming clear that Abiy’s regime is under control of neo-naftagnas, who are vehemently against the democratic right of nations and nationalities. Unfortunately, Dr. Abiy is comfortable in keeping and maintaining the dominance of Amaranet at cost of Oromummà in Caffé Aràrà palace, in Finfinné city and in the whole Ethiopian federal institutions like the parlament, government cabinet and juridiction. It is good that both Lamma and Jawar may run for the next election leading an inclusive Ethnofederalist OLF (merger of OFC and OLF). The transformation of EPRDF to Ethiofederalist EPP led by other OLFites in ODP was actually not bad move. We like it or not, Oromo’s mind set of freedom (the OLF) will be the leading in both federalist camps. Of course, the OLF is evolving from its politics of low confidence (past goal of independent Oromia) to politics of intermediate confidencce (present aim of federal Union) and further to politics of high confidence (future vision of integrative Oropia). Neither of the two goals, i.e Ethiofederalism (geography based) including Integration and Ethnofederalism (language based) including Independence is disadvantageous for the Oromo. But, Abiy’s neo-neftagna Regime is for neither of the democratic federation, but subtily working to keep the dominance of Amaringa speaking neo-Naftagnas in Finfinné palace in particular and in the whole Ethiopia in general. Jawar leading the aspiration of nations and nationalities for self-determination and self-rule is contrary to this move of neo-naftagnas.

I read Jawar’s multiple comments regarding Dr. Abiy’s EPP (Ethiopian Prosperity Party) and its development towards dictatorial rule. I share most of his perspectives. It seems that Dr. Abiy is compromising on Oromo’s national interest and trying to hinder the geneuine nationalist Oromo republicans like the OLF from coming to power during the coming election. He was warning Dr. Abiy not to gamble and take risk at this particular time. He said that only Amharas will benefit from the transformation of EPRDF to EPP. I also agreed with the timing, but not with the principle. As principle, the Oromo will have no disadvantage for there will be no domination of Amhara and Amharanet in the future Oromummà led Ethiopia as it was in the hitherto Amaranet dominated Ethiopia. Lamma and Jawar in particular and all Oromo elites in general need to register this and move on from our hitherto victim struggle to our here to forth victor sovereignty. I agree with the timing, because Amharanet is still dominating in the palace, Finfinne and Ethiopia. As long as this domination is there, Ethnofederalim is more beneficial than Ethiofederalism for the Oromo. Dr. Abiy had to work on dealing with this domination before dismanting the Ethnofederalist ODP and fostering an Ethiofederalist EPP. Ob. Lamma’s pastt move shows his tendency to join and lead the future merger of Oromo republicans (OFC and OLF).

Otherwise, I commend Jawar’s integrating mission and his integrity regarding Oromo’s national interest these days. I was following the unfortunate conflict between the OLF and OPP on such issue for some time. Are these two Oromo orgs so stupid to give away the God given opportunity of the Oromo to our enemies, who always benefited from the Oromo-Oromo conflict? If we look at Oromo history closely, our main enemy is always another Oromo. It all started 3000 years ago. The Oromo (Cushites) in the northern part of Ethiopia started to entertain new identity of being converted to Solomontites, instead of being proud as Cushites. Most of them are now hiding their true identity (Kushawinet) behind the double mask (Ethiopiawinet in a sense of Semites as external mask and Habeshanet as internal mask). Then the son of giftii Mandi’a (Yekuno-Amlak) semented the Amarazation process of the Oromo. The Habeshanized Oromo King Minilik continued the de-Oromization process. As certain Oromo nationalists started to fight back this anti-Oromo move of ourselves, again other Oromo elites played a big role in blocking it. Oromos fought against feudalism of monarchs to liberate ourselves, then beaten by Oromo (Mengistu H/Mariam) led Derg. We struggled against Derg and got our freedom to again lose it because of the Oromo in OPDO, who fought against the OLF. Now, we are in best situation to liberate not only the Oromo, but also the whole Cushites. But, our orgs are again in trap to repeat the same mistake and are playing in favour of our enemies. It is at this crucial time that I heard Jawar warning both the OLF and the OPP. He took a reconciliatory position and tried to promote unity of Oromo orgs in order to consolidate the victory we achieved.

I personally do not know who Jawar Mohammed is. The first article I read from him was the “best criticism” he made against the OLF leadership few years ago. Then a sort of discussion was going on between him and Dr. Messay Kebede. I was the “Oromo interlocutor”, who provoked Messay to write one article on OLF, self-determination and the Oromo liberation movement. I had certain important conversation with him regarding the right of the Oromo to self-determination. Messay seemed to be one of Amara-minded Ethiopianists with Oromo biological heritage, but who is vehemently against the right of Oromos to self-determination with a pretext of keeping Ethiopian unity. Anything challenging the unconditional Ethiopian unity he is continuously preaching, including the challenge from right of Oromo nation to self-determination, is cursed and discredited by him and by others who claim also to be Oromo, but who are in practice Amara activists. This includes a lot of people, who are said to be Oromo or who claim to be as such, like the author of many articles on Abesha-centeric websites with a nick name Robele Ababiya (RIP). I just say such people can be biological Oromo, but they are mentally Amara, who are ready to fight and die for the Amara cause, which is nowadays being covered as the “Ethiopian cause”. They do it either consciously or being mentally enslaved Oromo so that they subconsciously identify themselves with our enemies; sadly this phenomenon is one of the negative results of our subjugation for more than 150 years.

I wrote this opinion as Jawar was active in Habesha camp and as he used to write articles criticizing the OLF. Regarding him and his likes, it is not possible to put them in this category of Amaranized Oromo, but I did ask, if particularly, he was one of the smart foes – TPLF cadres or one of misguided friends, be it Oromo or not, who used to play into hand of our enemies naively or opportunistically. Even though I don’t know Jawar, the following was in short the opinion I read about him. He was a young Oromo, who has been active in Oromo youth association in Diaspora, who was alleged to have good contact with the ruling regime in Finfinné, and who has got a privilege to be promoted to study at Stanford University.

Some commentators even considered that the articles written under his name were not actually his own, but written by Diaspora department of Wayne, which was very active to attack the OLF in Diaspora, so this liberation front may lose its mass support and be weakened. I can neither disprove nor verify this allegation, but there were a lot of similarities between his assertion and that of the notorious TPLF cadres roaming in forums just to discredit and curse the OLF. This had put him in a radar of suspicion. Here were few of the similarities between his past opinion and that of TPLF cadres:

– their modern approach was a divide between the “evil and incompetent” OLF leadership Vs. the good OLF supporters, so they mainly attack the leadership of the liberation movement and they seemed to be very happy to see the OLF leadership divided into three or more.

– their wishful fantasy about the “damage of OLF beyond repair”. This was summary of Jawar’s conclusion in his articles. Fact is that this was only the wish of our foes. OLF can be weakened structurally, but it can never be damaged as they do want, rather it is becoming part of every Oromo individual’s life for all Oromo are being directly or indirectly affected by the noble ideology of this organization.

– their conclusion that OLF is “good for nothing”, so it needs to be abandoned by all its supporters; this being the smear campaign made by the TPLF since it was in conflict with OLF for the about 27 years. They even declared many times that this “good for nothing organization” is no more in existence, so Oromo would give up their support to this front!

– their agitation that OLF supporters should stop specially giving financial support to OLF, but go back home and support the “legal organizations struggling for Oromo cause and these organizations are now more productive than the liberation fronts”. They designate OLF as a business company for making profits, but not fighting for the noble cause of liberation.

– their stand against the cooperation between the Eritrean government and the OLF leaders. The only ones who are crying about the Eritrean involvement in Ethiopian politics are TPLF activists. Even the Amara, let alone the Oromo, have given up attacking Eritreans, be it for tactical reason or otherwise.

– their stand against a possible reunification and reconciliation of OLF factions to effectively lead the Oromo liberation movement. TPLF knows above all that it is only the united and strong OLF which can lead the Oromo to our end destination, that is why it directs all its propaganda machinery against the OLF. My assertion here is not intended to neglect the contribution of genuine Oromo activists organized under other organizations like OFC and even OPP. These Oromo are part and parcel of the activists led by the OLF mindset. Covertly or overtly, all are pushing for the Oromo’s right to self-determination.

Now, the Habeshanized Oromos like Messay seem to have knowingly or unknowingly chosen to be part of Oromo foes to fight against the God-given as well as the Man-made (for example, in UNO charter) right of Oromos to self-determination. But, assuming that Jawar can be an Oromo young “intellectual”, let me ask further, who was he in reality, at the time he criticized the OLF so harshly? Part and parcel of the smart Oromo foes – part of TPLF’s Diaspora department or a naive young Oromo individual acting as a misguided friend of Oromo, unknowingly playing into the hand of our arch enemy? Leaving all the details of his “criticism” against the OLF in his past articles to his own entertainment aside, let me put his message, in short, as follows:

It sounded, in short, like “the Oromo should abandon this beyond-repair-damaged, good-for-nothing organization – the OLF, and go back home to rally behind the good legal Oromo organizations.” Interestingly, this was the message of all TPLF cadres in Oromo forums and websites for many years. Was this another method of “using Jawar’s name” to achieve the same result, a new way of doing the same business for the TPLF Diaspora department? At that time, I wrote: let the future clear if this is speculation or reality. Now looking retrospectively, it is clear that Jawar was not part of the Diaspora department!

If we consider Jawar to be one of the misguided friends as an Oromo, who was doing naively a damage on our liberation movement, what were the points which made him to be designated as such? Here were few facts about him:

– he was naively critiquing his own leaders in a forum full of our foes, also in a cyber-world so that our foes take advantage of it. Did he know that in the present modern world, directing a single word of criticism against an enemy is equivalent to shooting the enemy with a bullet? That means, he used to shoot thousands of bullets against the OLF leaders! Did this make him an Oromo foe or Oromo friend? I am not against criticizing Oromo leaders per se, but Oromo friends know the appropriate manner, place and time to do it constructively. Sure is that Jawar’s choice of manner (fault finding and cursing), place (cyber-world) and time (at the critical time where the Oromo were doing our best to consolidate our struggle against the tormentors of our people) made him not to be a smart friend, but one of the destructive criticizers.

By the way, fault-finding is a very simple and cheap job even any imbecile can do. I do expect from Oromo intellectuals a solution-seeking mind which is the best way of doing a constructive criticism. The best constructive way of criticizing our leaders is by showing better solution and, if possible, by doing the better practical way of struggle. Now, Jawar is doing this best way of criticism by being himself a constructive and an integrative leading activist. That is why I am in principle against any abhorrent propaganda the OLF factions are doing against each other. Instead of blabbering the negative criticism against their rivals, they need to show us the better way of doing business. Oromo people support them not by looking at their performance of propaganda against another faction, but by seeing their best way of leading us in the liberation movement.

– not only the words that Jawar chose, but also the tone of his writing at that time, spoke more for the TPLF cadres being behind the articles than a writing by a genuine Oromo seeking a better performance in the liberation journey. The tone of genuine Oromo criticizing Oromo liberation leaders is usually full of respect, love, openness, goodwill, complement and corrective messages, whereas that of our enemies is hatred, despising, discrediting, divisive, denouncing and accusative. Was Jawar acting naively as an enemy?

– even if he was genuine in his assertions, he was too young and inexperienced to objectively judge what really went on in Oromo liberation camp for more than 40 years. He might have read a lot and discussed with many people to gather facts, but that was not enough to have a solid reality about leaders who have been in the liberating business their life-long. As an example, I found it very shallow when he tried to compare TPLF’s “success” with OLF’s “failure” in one of his articles. Thinking mono-dimensional or even bi-dimensional is not enough to make a good judgment. Hundreds of factors did play to determine the results of these liberation movements, which I do not want to list here and now. But our “naive” Jawar as an enthusiastic student thought to know the real reasons for the failure and the success. I advised him to have a humility and leave such jobs for the professional and unbiased political scientists and historians to do the judgment. Otherwise, he will just be, knowingly or unknowingly, the propaganda mouthpiece of the TPLF Diaspora department. He really seems to listen my advice and now he is very constructive Oromo intellectual. I appreciate his current integrative position of uniting Oromo forces. I just want to say thank you!

Last, but not least, I do not want to avoid giving him a credit for the change of a tone in his last critical article as a response to Messay, where he, at least, tried to recognize the eligibility of Oromo’s cause to self-determination and the recognition he gave to OLF in achieving the status quo. For he was not part of TPLF’s conspiracy as alleged by some, I was sure Jawar will yet learn from experience, be one of the best leaders in Oromo liberation movement, and accept OLF as a vanguard of liberation movement as majority of our people do, instead of being misguided instrument of our smart foes, who are still wishing our beloved organization’s “damage beyond repair”. This was my prediction few years ago and now he is already turned out to be one of the best young Oromo integrative figures and leaders; surely he is a promising leader to replace Dr. Abiy, who hithrto failed to answer Oromo’s questions and still keeping the dominance of Amaranet at the cost of Oromummà in Ethiopia. Thanks to Wàqa for the transformation of Jawar!

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