Re: በአስተሳሰብም በግብረ ገብነትም የጨነገፈው አሳፋሪ ትውልድ!
"Who are they" is the question?
These are probably college graduates (at least some), with some family wealth, who watch hell-wood movies, who believe movies are true (not hype) and attempting to live movie/western life in poor Ethiopia. A lot of them don't even know that most well to do people in the west actually are health obsessed and try not to throw everything in their mouth.
Addis karens with pet names; western named cafes (New York, London...).
Brain washed, deceived generation. Spoiled kids.
Many of us had same thinking. We changed a lot after facing reality.
These are probably college graduates (at least some), with some family wealth, who watch hell-wood movies, who believe movies are true (not hype) and attempting to live movie/western life in poor Ethiopia. A lot of them don't even know that most well to do people in the west actually are health obsessed and try not to throw everything in their mouth.
Addis karens with pet names; western named cafes (New York, London...).
Brain washed, deceived generation. Spoiled kids.
Many of us had same thinking. We changed a lot after facing reality.
Re: በአስተሳሰብም በግብረ ገብነትም የጨነገፈው አሳፋሪ ትውልድ!
ብልግናን፣ ማስመሰልንና የአቋራጭ መፍትሄን የሚያበረታታ፤ ባህልን፣ መልካም ምግባርንና ታታሪነትን ግን የሚደፍቅ የተጣመመ አስተዳደር ስለሰፈነ ነው።
Re: በአስተሳሰብም በግብረ ገብነትም የጨነገፈው አሳፋሪ ትውልድ!
ትውልዱ እንዲጠፋ በሌላ ነገር እንዲወስድ ስልሃገሩ እንዳይረዳማ ተስርቶበታል:: ተደርጎበታል::
we dug on the bible while they dug on the land ብለው ኬንያኖቹ ስለፈረንጅ እንዳሉት ስዎቹ social and land engineering እያካሄዱ ነው:: ጀነሬሽኑ በብልጭልጭ በቅንጦት ወዘተ ያተኮረ ይመስላል!
ይህን የማደንዘዣ ስራም እንዲስሩ እንደኮሪደሩ ወሬ አሳላጮች ሃላፊነት የተስጣቸው ይኖራሉ::
we dug on the bible while they dug on the land ብለው ኬንያኖቹ ስለፈረንጅ እንዳሉት ስዎቹ social and land engineering እያካሄዱ ነው:: ጀነሬሽኑ በብልጭልጭ በቅንጦት ወዘተ ያተኮረ ይመስላል!
ይህን የማደንዘዣ ስራም እንዲስሩ እንደኮሪደሩ ወሬ አሳላጮች ሃላፊነት የተስጣቸው ይኖራሉ::
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- Posts: 9720
- Joined: 30 Apr 2007, 17:38
Re: በአስተሳሰብም በግብረ ገብነትም የጨነገፈው አሳፋሪ ትውልድ!
Horus thinks this attitude is advancement. That is why he is cheering for Addis corridor limat. It was s race to living like Western in impoverished Ethiopia
Re: በአስተሳሰብም በግብረ ገብነትም የጨነገፈው አሳፋሪ ትውልድ!
ጭልፊቱ ቁሻሻ ውስጥ ስላደገ፣ በተረፈችው ዘመን የድሮ ኪሳራውን ለማካካስ ልቡን ሸጦ በብልጭልጭ በመታወሩ አትፍረዱበት። አንዲት ቀኬ ትንፋሹን አንቃ ትገላግለዋለች።