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Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 07 Feb 2025, 22:29

1. Brought in Oromo to central, east and northern Ethiopia as soldiers of Imam Ahmed el-Ghazi to repel Abyssinia's aggression southwards against Islamic Sultanates of Ifat and Hadiya.

2. Hiring and grooming of Isayas Afewerqi to spy and destroy the Muslim dominated Jebha or ELF supported by socialist Arabs evolved into the secession of Eritrea led by Isayas himself who was recruited to destroy the Muslims and keep Eritrea in Ethiopia.

3. Now Christian apartheid Ethiopia alienates and discriminates Muslim Ethiopia worse than women. There are more Christian women participation in public service than Muslim men.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Zmeselo » 08 Feb 2025, 02:07

Change ur nick to dambáss! :mrgreen:

Dama wrote:
07 Feb 2025, 22:29
1. Brought in Oromo to central, east and northern Ethiopia as soldiers of Imam Ahmed el-Ghazi to repel Abyssinia's aggression southwards against Islamic Sultanates of Ifat and Hadiya.

2. Hiring and grooming of Isayas Afewerqi to spy and destroy the Muslim dominated Jebha or ELF supported by socialist Arabs evolved into the secession of Eritrea led by Isayas himself who was recruited to destroy the Muslims and keep Eritrea in Ethiopia.

3. Now Christian apartheid Ethiopia alienates and discriminates Muslim Ethiopia worse than women. There are more Christian women participation in public service than Muslim men.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 08 Feb 2025, 10:21

Still sweating, still laboring, still unfree after 'independence'. Alone, poor and oppressed. At least spare a search for truth. Won't you Asmesslo?

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Axumezana » 08 Feb 2025, 12:14

You are living in the past, Ethiopia has been a secular country for more than 3 decades ! Better accept that fact & appreciate there are many Muslims actively participating in the politics of Ethiopia! A number of high officials in PP are Muslims.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Abere » 08 Feb 2025, 14:38

You are very malicious. It is not that you care about Muslim, it is you are a Trojan horse mercenary used by anti-humanity, back-ward fundamentalist Wahabi. The traditional old age Islamic faith of Ethiopian regards your cult irrelevant, bizarre and out of the world.

You and your likes do not dream off a better civilized world that empower the generation with life skills, scientific knowledge, ethical and lawful society where everyone is equal. Your likes only work their arse off expecting reward of 72 virgin girls after death. Still your Wahabi want to exploit women even after death. Your likes still unsatisfied for hoarding 5, 6 or 7 women as wives on earth, but work hard by spearheading violence to get a reward of 72 virgins.

Since you have been asking the impossible, violence is the building block of your cult. You hate Ethiopians, including your Silte tribe, for condemning them to carry this yoke of barbarism. Ethiopian, more than any other nation on earth, is the first to welcome the Arab Muslim weary refugees. Look, how ungrateful you and your cult is. Your master employers should learn a lesson from Ethiopia. Hands off Ethiopia.

Dama wrote:
08 Feb 2025, 10:21
Still sweating, still laboring, still unfree after 'independence'. Alone, poor and oppressed. At least spare a search for truth. Won't you Asmesslo?

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 08 Feb 2025, 15:03

Aberech, your ad homin puke is a prohibited behavior in ER's Community guidlines. ER moderators should block your account.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 08 Feb 2025, 15:08

Axumezana wrote:
08 Feb 2025, 12:14
You are living in the past, Ethiopia has been a secular country for more than 3 decades ! Better accept that fact & appreciate there are many Muslims actively participating in the politics of Ethiopia! A number of high officials in PP are Muslims.
1.Oromo is a very relevant and living history of Ethiopia that came to be as a result of Chiristian agagression against Sultanates of Ifat and Hadiya. The effect Oromo is with us brought about by Abyssinia's islamophobia.

2.The recruitment of Isayas by Ethiopia assisted by the CIA was to destroy Muslim dominated ELF and keep Eritrea in Ethiopia that had backfired.
The effect of Eritrea secession we are living it.

3. I completed a study of new hires for the Addis Light Rail.
Here are the stats:
90% Christian males
5.1% Females
4.9% Muslims

Muslims in Ethiopia numbering second to Christians, about 45-50 million, are left out of opportunities to contribute to national developments

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Axumezana » 08 Feb 2025, 15:40

Muslims control the private business of Ethiopia, can you dig their share and convince yourself !

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 08 Feb 2025, 17:16

Axumezana wrote:
08 Feb 2025, 15:40
Muslims control the private business of Ethiopia, can you dig their share and convince yourself !
Trade is outside of Ethiopian government provided opportunities from which Ethio Muslims are alienated and discriminated from. Trader or 'negade' has been an insult in the Abyssinian culture. Now it's mainly a political insult to mean traitor of selfish in Addis.
Christianization of education has been used to discriminate against Ethio Muslims. Ethio Muslims loyalty to Ethiopia had questioned and were not allowed in the military.

As we speak, 160 Grade 12 female students in Axum are denied education only because they preferred to wear islamic costumes such as hija. They are denied education disrespecting and violating court order and rules of the MoE.

Muslim Female students are in jail in Kolfe sub-city of Addis because they refused the schools order to not hijab or niqab in school of Kolfe district.

Female Muslim students beaten and then arrested in Gunchirye School of Gurage for the same reason stated above.
Dila University female Muslims students are barred from.the university for the same reason told above.

All these human rights violations of Ethio Muslims are religious discriminations of citizens of Ethiopia against all laws of Ethiopia in the books which retard their intellectual and skill development. There is no question it also impacts on Ethiopia's development.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Axumezana » 08 Feb 2025, 18:41


You are living in the pre 1974 era, when the Orthodox Church was the state religion.
In Pakistan and Egypt Christians suffer of discrimination.In Egypt Christians are garbage collectors! Similarly in India Muslims are discriminated. As far as I know Muslims in Ethiopia enjoy similar benefits as ever body else. I have never experienced a Muslim mistreated in Ethiopia ( the discrimination in India check it for yourself). The issues you mentioned related to hijab could be solved peacefully through discussion & with patience. The 1st Hejira has created a culture of of acceptance & coexistence between Christians and Muslims.I consider Ethiopia as a model of religious tolerance & peaceful coexistence. All Ethiopians suffer due to absence of democracy and the growing corruption and the lawlessness in Ethiopia.Do not drum the wrong drum! Let us all work for reconcilation, peace and democratization of Ethiopia.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Mesob » 08 Feb 2025, 19:01

Dumbasss is indeed another Abid Dumbo. If Ethiopia's political problem is mainly a religious conflict, why are the majority of the prisoners now Christian Amharas? Why are the majority Christian regions of Amhara and Tigray fighting against the Abiy Ahmed regime?
Are the Amaharas and Tigrayans fighting against a "Muslim Jihadi" regime in Addis?
When are the Arab Abid Concubine slaves like Dama to stop thinking using Jihadi Arab minds, instead of using their own Allah given head? When the Arab Muslim catches a cold, do you have to sneeze in Ethiopia?
Next time, you may echo and regurgitate your Arab Muslim masters by writing like: Christian Ethiopia is building huge dam on the Blue Nile river because they want to instigate drought and locust pestilence on Muslims. Because your Arab masters would rather see Ethiopians to starve in drought and poverty, while your thankless Arab masters are exporting fruit and vegetables to Europe and the Arab world, using Ethiopian waters in their irrigation for free.
Last edited by Mesob on 08 Feb 2025, 19:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by temari » 08 Feb 2025, 19:04

I'm sorry, you seem to make no sense! :lol:
Dama wrote:
07 Feb 2025, 22:29
1. Brought in Oromo to central, east and northern Ethiopia as soldiers of Imam Ahmed el-Ghazi to repel Abyssinia's aggression southwards against Islamic Sultanates of Ifat and Hadiya.

2. Hiring and grooming of Isayas Afewerqi to spy and destroy the Muslim dominated Jebha or ELF supported by socialist Arabs evolved into the secession of Eritrea led by Isayas himself who was recruited to destroy the Muslims and keep Eritrea in Ethiopia.

3. Now Christian apartheid Ethiopia alienates and discriminates Muslim Ethiopia worse than women. There are more Christian women participation in public service than Muslim men.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Dama » 08 Feb 2025, 19:30

temari wrote:
08 Feb 2025, 19:04
I'm sorry, you seem to make no sense! :lol:
Dama wrote:
07 Feb 2025, 22:29
1. Brought in Oromo to central, east and northern Ethiopia as soldiers of Imam Ahmed el-Ghazi to repel Abyssinia's aggression southwards against Islamic Sultanates of Ifat and Hadiya.

2. Hiring and grooming of Isayas Afewerqi to spy and destroy the Muslim dominated Jebha or ELF supported by socialist Arabs evolved into the secession of Eritrea led by Isayas himself who was recruited to destroy the Muslims and keep Eritrea in Ethiopia.

3. Now Christian apartheid Ethiopia alienates and discriminates Muslim Ethiopia worse than women. There are more Christian women participation in public service than Muslim men.
Take ESL classes.

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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Abere » 08 Feb 2025, 20:07


You see, you cannot handle the heat - you cannot stand freedom speech and thinking. That is why your cult is against humanity.

Dama wrote:
08 Feb 2025, 15:03
Aberech, your ad homin puke is a prohibited behavior in ER's Community guidlines. ER moderators should block your account.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Islamophobia has been costly to Ethiopia

Post by Sadacha Macca » 08 Feb 2025, 20:15

Our beloved angry tigrayan transpersonhumanwithmanyidentities, sister dama aka abyssinialadyboy aka eden aka kerenite aka somalimanlady must be bored and also obsessed with us Oromos. You bring us up all the time, it's actually indicating that you're mentally scarred by us. I'm sorry tigrayan sister, it must be beyond damaging to go from first class citizens in ethiopia to third or fourth class citizens in ethiopia, thanks to a movement initially started by the big bad expansionist oromos. I'd be mad too, I suppose.

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