Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven

Last edited by Fiyameta on 08 Feb 2025, 00:18, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
Frankie Fendadaw is the proud papa of the little one! he's ready to embrace the joys of parenthood with his very own little bundle of joy. I doubt the 76-year-old lady will pull a fast one on him.

Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
I doubt this is true. Most likely she has a very young granddaughter or relative who unwillingly became pregnant (maybe as a result of rape). This old lady is now claiming to have given birth so to protect her very young keen. For me that’s the most plausible explanation.
Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
A seventy- six years- old woman is not able to give birth. When a woman reaches about fifty-one-years old, she stops producing eggs. Using IVF yes a seventy-six-years old woman can give birth using a donor egg. The sperm and egg mix in laboratory. In practice the seventy- six years old woman carried in her pregnancy somebody’s child. Biologically the egg donor is the mother.
Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
Gave birth to what? አይጥ??
Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
Frankie Fendadaw where are you. ጥሌ እንጥሌ ከ jimmy የሚወርድበትን በትር መቋቋም አቅቶጥ ጥሎህ ሄዷል። አሁን ብቻዬን ጣቂህን ፣left right እያደረኩ እጠፈጥፍሃለሁ። no one to rescue that big booty of yours

Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
CNN reported that Frankie's 76-year-old ጠቅ gave birth via C-section. አጥሚት እና ቡላ ላክላቸው ASAP

Re: 76 year old Tigrayan woman gave birth - new world record if proven
It's an IVF child. She said that she stayed abroad ( I think India) until the three months check is completed. The doctors told her she could go to her country afterwards.
It's an IVF child. She said that she stayed abroad ( I think India) until the three months check is completed. The doctors told her she could go to her country afterwards.