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Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.S.A.

Post by Abere » 03 Feb 2025, 15:00

Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.S.A.

Ethiopia needs a leader that has Ethiopia in his heart - not any vestiges of Woyane/TPLF -OLF/PP, anti-Ethiopian and a saboteur for Shabia.

Existential rights are inviolable and no so called cr@p UN (NGO) or any entity trumps it. Assab is Ethiopia's territory. All the Shabia sewer rat are out here to scam about it.

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Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Fiyameta » 03 Feb 2025, 15:40

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Dama » 03 Feb 2025, 16:21

Abere wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 15:00
Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.S.A.

Ethiopia needs a leader that has Ethiopia in his heart - not any vestiges of Woyane/TPLF -OLF/PP, anti-Ethiopian and a saboteur for Shabia.

Existential rights are inviolable and no so called cr@p UN (NGO) or any entity trumps it. Assab is Ethiopia's territory. All the Shabia sewer rat are out here to scam about it.

Aberash, you forgot to include 'historical' right to your 'natural and legal' right. If all these 3 rights don't bring in Asab, you can use the 'right of self-determination' for the Afar people of Eritrea to decide their political association with whoever they choose.
I hope I helped.

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Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Abere » 03 Feb 2025, 16:35


You are scaring "Fiyarmata" :lol: I am sure there are more qualifying criteria as 'historical right' is one of them for Ethiopia to effectively re-claim Assab.

The single most reason Floating Garbage of Ascari-landers floating in this forum is, they vey well know (100%) Assab is not theirs. It is a stolen territory given away by Meles Zenawi of Eritrea province - a complete fraud.

Dama wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 16:21

Aberash, you forgot to include 'historical' right to your 'natural and legal' right. If all these 3 rights don't bring in Asab, you can use the 'right of self-determination' for the Afar people of Eritrea to decide their political association with whoever they choose.
I hope I helped.

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Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Dama » 03 Feb 2025, 18:04

Misunderstood me. I was being sarcastic. There is no historic or natural right for Ethiopia in the context of Asab being the property of Ethiopia.
A 'natural right' refers to inalienable rights of a person such as services in the language of his/her own or language that is understood by the person, right to procreate, right to custody of your children, parents and next of kin.

An Historic right refers to rights to properties you possessed in the past but lost possession of them by illegitimate means, by acts of nature such floods, droughts, evacuations due to fires or volcanoes, displacements due to wars or conquest. For example, Gurage, Kembata, Hadiya, Afar, Harar, Amara, Tigrey, Somali do have historic rights to reclaim lands forcibly possessed and settled by Oromo.

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Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Abere » 03 Feb 2025, 18:29

እግዚአብሄር እውነቱን እንኳን አናገረህ። ተሳስተህ ሳይሆን ሆድህ ውስጥ ያለውን እውነት ነው ያወጣኸው። ሆድ ያበለውን ብቅል ያወጣዋል ይባላል። ነገር ሲያሰክርህ እውነቱን አወጣህ። አሰብ የኢትዮጵያ ታሪካዊ እና ተፈጥሮአዊ አካል ነው። ሰው ብቻ አይደለም አገርም እንደ ሰው ነው - አካል አለው።

Dama wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 18:04
Misunderstood me. I was being sarcastic. There is no historic or natural right for Ethiopia in the context of Asab being the property of Ethiopia.
A 'natural right' refers to inalienable rights of a person such as services in the language of his/her own or language that is understood by the person, right to procreate, right to custody of your children, parents and next of kin.

An Historic right refers to rights to properties you possessed in the past but lost possession of them by illegitimate means, by acts of nature such floods, droughts, evacuations due to fires or volcanoes, displacements due to wars or conquest. For example, Gurage, Kembata, Hadiya, Afar, Harar, Amara, Tigrey, Somali do have historic rights to reclaim lands forcibly possessed and settled by Oromo.

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Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by kebena05 » 03 Feb 2025, 18:37

ሙርከኛ ከንባታው MF

Come and get it. I am sure, your welfare a’ss going to come to the front line to acheve your dream.

By the way, we heard even the little Djibouti bombed rhe sh$tout of your famine ridden us recently and your coward ENDF couldn’t even utter one sing word :lol: :lol:

Abere wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 15:00
Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.S.A.

Ethiopia needs a leader that has Ethiopia in his heart - not any vestiges of Woyane/TPLF -OLF/PP, anti-Ethiopian and a saboteur for Shabia.

Existential rights are inviolable and no so called cr@p UN (NGO) or any entity trumps it. Assab is Ethiopia's territory. All the Shabia sewer rat are out here to scam about it.

Posts: 3435
Joined: 22 Jun 2024, 21:05

Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Dama » 03 Feb 2025, 18:38

Abere wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 18:29
እግዚአብሄር እውነቱን እንኳን አናገረህ። ተሳስተህ ሳይሆን ሆድህ ውስጥ ያለውን እውነት ነው ያወጣኸው። ሆድ ያበለውን ብቅል ያወጣዋል ይባላል። ነገር ሲያሰክርህ እውነቱን አወጣህ። አሰብ የኢትዮጵያ ታሪካዊ እና ተፈጥሮአዊ አካል ነው። ሰው ብቻ አይደለም አገርም እንደ ሰው ነው - አካል አለው።

Dama wrote:
03 Feb 2025, 18:04
Misunderstood me. I was being sarcastic. There is no historic or natural right for Ethiopia in the context of Asab being the property of Ethiopia.
A 'natural right' refers to inalienable rights of a person such as services in the language of his/her own or language that is understood by the person, right to procreate, right to custody of your children, parents and next of kin.

An Historic right refers to rights to properties you possessed in the past but lost possession of them by illegitimate means, by acts of nature such floods, droughts, evacuations due to fires or volcanoes, displacements due to wars or conquest. For example, Gurage, Kembata, Hadiya, Afar, Harar, Amara, Tigrey, Somali do have historic rights to reclaim lands forcibly possessed and settled by Oromo.
What's God or god to do with it?

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Re: Assab is Ethiopia's natural and Legal possession: Gulf of Panama rumored to be claimed to be Gulf of Mexico, the U.

Post by Fiyameta » 03 Feb 2025, 18:43

:lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
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