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Jawar Mohamed: I am Oromo, not Ethiopian

Post by Yakume » 10 Jan 2025, 07:02

Yesterday Oromo hypocrites like Jawar Mohamed were saying “we are not Ethiopians” and misled thousands of Oromos about Ethiopia, today they want to use Ethiopia to massacre other ethnic groups in Ethiopia and attack neighbouring countries as well.

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Re: Jawar Mohamed: I am Oromo, not Ethiopian

Post by Yakume » 13 Jan 2025, 14:20

This mad dog (Jawar Mohamed) is in trouble and playing dirty games. He was rejected by his Oromo people including Arusi and Gurage tribes, then trying to sell his dirty lies to Amharas, Tigrayans and Somalis whom he slaughtered yesterday. Amhara, Tigray and Somalis are not stupid and will not buy his lies.

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Re: Jawar Mohamed: I am Oromo, not Ethiopian

Post by Dama » 13 Jan 2025, 14:49

Jawar has explained himself more than you and I would. He left nothing unclear about where he stands in Ethiopian politics and for whom.
He made it clear he stands for the attainment of maximum political power and wealth for the Oromo ethnic group. Ethiopia for him is to supply the power and wealth it possesses for the benefit of Oromo and its ethnic ideological friends, mostly Cushitic speaking. Him opposing Obbo Abiyot Ahmed is just natural because he imprisoned him. Other than that he sees him as an Oromo brother who has failed to produce the power and wealth Oromo deserved.

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Re: Jawar Mohamed: I am Oromo, not Ethiopian

Post by Yakume » 13 Jan 2025, 15:16

I absolutely can agree with this. For him and other Oromo leaders, Ethiopia is a Trojan horse or a stolen camel behind which criminals and thieves walk to hide themselves from the eyes of others.

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Re: Jawar Mohamed: I am Oromo, not Ethiopian

Post by Fiyameta » 13 Jan 2025, 15:57

TPLF's constitution clearly states that every person has the right to pledge allegiance to their own ethnicity first, and to the Failed State second. It is called Ethnic Federalism, or Ethnic Balkanization, or every-man-for-himself.

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Re: Jawar Mohamed: I am Oromo, not Ethiopian

Post by Dama » 13 Jan 2025, 16:18

Yakume wrote:
13 Jan 2025, 15:16
I absolutely can agree with this. For him and other Oromo leaders, Ethiopia is a Trojan horse or a stolen camel behind which criminals and thieves walk to hide themselves from the eyes of others.
If you weigh his views on a scale of tendencies, all the three, namely, PP, OLF and Jawar, the needle for all indicates the same point. Oromo supremacy in parliamentary seat and national budget allocations and land distribution. They have already attained these above mentioned. What all the three are working toward is and where they have diffetence opinion on how to achieve it is making the Oromo language the official language of Ethiopia.
Abiy wants to wait for his second term to declare the Oromo language the official language of Ethiopia. Jawar suspects Abiy may never do that for fear of Amara rejection. OLF wants to achieve that by toppling Abiy snd declare Oromo as the official language of Ethiopia.
Orheewise, other than Oromo language not achieving as the official language of Ethiopia, Oromo already has the highest number of parliamentary seats, the highest budget and the largest swathes of lands it annexed from all ethnic groups it has borders with all Ethiopian groups other than Tigrey.

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