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Halafi Mengedi
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To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 06 Jan 2025, 00:38

You have the power to pick fact finders to investigate who are the responsible Tigrayan leaders for the genocide crime in Tigray and arrest them and punish them to death by hanging them in public square to deter other leaders not to do similar crimes in Tigray. Tigrayans are watching the criminals Debresiol GebreAnzar, Leba Fetlewor and Banda Diqala Wolamo Alem. Those criminals should have been hanged log time ago for their crime against Tigray. The president of Tigray has the mandate to find the genocide criminals to face justice yet he is allowing them to challenge other innocent Tigrayans to hide their own humanity crimes.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 06 Jan 2025, 03:12

We know the end goal of Diqalu Sebhat Nega Mislenewoch to support Issayas if Abiy starts war against Bandaland but we do not have a shred of idea what the end goal of the transitional government yet. Is your mission to count your days and months or years to stay in power or do you have if this does not happen that will be implemented and General Tsadkan has been talking about democratization yet the transitional government refused to bring all stakeholders of Tigray and set up a new inclusive transitional government to set up true and genuine democratic election to be held in Tigray to vote for president and congress.
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 09 Jan 2025, 17:56, edited 1 time in total.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 06 Jan 2025, 16:06

Tigray has been with us over 3K years and Tigray was under the control of provinces and Awraja and they coexisted peacefully with at most respect each other and defended their interests against invaders. The last 40 years two awrajas dismantled the good system and created something does not help the provinces in order to control them. This system must be discarded now and revive the province system every province will control their destiny by representing their own provinces and Awrajas at the federal in Mekelle. TDF generals and commanders should be from each provinces and Awrajas not just a single or two Awrajas, that is were the problems stemmed and destroyed Tigray without check and balance when one or two Awraja make a bad decision for Tigray the others can intervene and say no and stop it from implementation early on. The main reason Tigray exposed for genocide was the army leaders where just from two regions of Tigray, Adwa and Axum and there was no opposing voices to correct them and Tigray was heading the wrong direction for many years but the generals and securities were "Yes" men Wardiya of the Diqalu Meles and Sebhat to stay in power and to defend Issayas than Tigray. Now, the transitional government must retire some of the old generals and commanders and bring fresh youths from the regions do not represent in the army hierarchies, is this bad idea or a good idea to balance out???
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 09 Jan 2025, 18:00, edited 1 time in total.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 07 Jan 2025, 03:19

The best tool you have right in your own hands to clean terrorists in Tigray is genocide investigators to hant down the responsible leaders exposing Tigray for genocide by Issayas and Amhara. For Debresiol, Leba Fetlewor and Wolamo Diqala Alem no need any investigation,you just send security and arrest them for crime of humanity and pile all the crime they committed direct or indirect and Tigray will focus to its needy business.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 07 Jan 2025, 13:02

Tigray authorities, what did you learn from the Diqalu?

They did not care the death of Tigrayans, they did not care the distraction of Tigray, they do not care the plight of Tigrayans and they do not care the future of Tigray. If they care about Tigray and Tigrayans, why terrorizing all over Tigray after they committed heinous crime against Tigray and Tigrayans???

Why three Diqalu (Alem, Debresion and Leba Fetlewor) none Tigrayans and spy and mercenaries of Issayas to disturb the entire Tigray, what is wrong with Tigray authorities do not catch them and face justice for the crimes they committed, we are talking genocide, not a petty crime looted Worento, they facilitated Tigray to be wiped out, do you really have brain to see what they did???

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 10 Jan 2025, 00:30

Assume the very weak transitional leader arrests all the Diqalu Issayas mercenaries and hang them in public square for their crimes, who is going to open his or her mouth to defend the criminals, none and every Tigrayan will cheer and feels relieve the pain he and she endured for over 50 years Diqalu and Deqi Nefahti embulta took power and controlled Worada Deqi Aqeytay bending their head for 50 years and allowed the none Tigrayan Diqalu open Tigray doors for genocide.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: To transitional govern’t of Tigray, what are you waiting for you do not set up genocide investigators???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 13 Jan 2025, 02:01

The most astonishing thing for me is the transitional government ignored the best tool to qualm the current situation and shut the mouth of the filthy looter Issayas mercenaries Debresiol, Leba Fetlewor and Diqala wolamo Alem from making noise is to set up commission to investigate the responsible leaders for the genocide crime in Tigray. The more you wait doing nothing the more they will organize to kick you out and kill you, that is what you are waiting like Fasica Mukut.

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