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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by union » 13 Jan 2025, 00:33

The best thing the ferenjis have hopping to happen was to bring someone who pretend to be an Amara to power. That is why they spent billions recruiting አገውs and nurtured them for the past 50 plus years.

But the አገውs surprisingly to the ferenjis are exposed now. Amara know the Agews very well now.

The ferenjis like I said before are getting angry. Now they are forced to force another gala on Ethiopians. They think they can force Amaras to support Jawar. :lol: I am not understmating their effort.

The ferenjis think

1. They can mobilize ቄሮs again against Abiy and replace him with Jawar. They believe by mobilizing qerro around Addis and southern Ethiopia they can overwhelm Ethiopians and make Ethiopians believe oromos revolted against Abiy and demanding Jawar. So regardless of what other Ethiopians say they force Jawar to power.

2. Make Amara to support Jawar. They know Amara will never support Jawar so they will try to use አገውs to continue pretend to be Amara. For example, they will use አገው ዘመነ to announce negotiations with Jawar. Mark my words! If it's not Zemene, it will be Agew Gedu. Agew Gedu and Agew Zemene will lead the oromara #2 movement.

3. The ferenjis are thinking Amaras of course will reject Jawar, particularly FANNO. So they amplify using their countless mideas that አገውs are the real FANNOs and label the real FANNOs as terrorists. We will see United Nations busy sitting on multiple meeting to label FANNO as terrorists after Jawar is put to power.

4. It's an attempt to bring Jawar to power, they are trying to see how Ethiopian react to the idea of Jawar being the next Abiy. If the resistance is higher than expected, they will switch back to Gedu and Zemene.

5. The ferenjis are cornered. They are not confident about both options as they were confident about bringing gala Abiy to power.

What we need to do.........

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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by union » 13 Jan 2025, 02:42

Why do the ferenjis want gala Jawar or አገው Zemene?

1. The ferenjis can not afford to let Ethiopians have peace for not even a day. They have to keep going with the mass killings of Amaras and all Ethiopians. A peaceful Ethiopia is a bad environment for the ferenjis. The ferenjis think they will keep Ethiopians busy in civil war, starvation, lack of jobs, inflation, and etc, and break Ethiopians, destroy the social fabric until they lower their guards. They do this by investing in corridor limat in billions that is used to cover up the crime, confuse and convince the people.

Nobody better than Jawar can be a fit to perpetuate the crimes for the ferenjis. If አገውs are exposed Jawar is their option to maintain the troubles in Ethiopia. They assume Jawar will be able to mobilize fresh more oromos into the war in Amara.

2. The recent protest in support of gala Abiy that were conducted in Amara region was a testing or a mock-up attempt to see how many Amaras can be forced to protest along with other ethincs in Amara when they need them to support Jawar.

Basically, when they need support for Jawar they will force hopeless people and others ethinics in Amara to come in mass and support Jawar.

3. አገው Zemene is actually preferred by the ferenjis than Jawar. They gave him the green light. That is why he was saying he will take the power in 4 killo with confidence. That is why we used to see lots of confidence on the faces of the Agews such as ባህላዊ engineer Yiliqal, Gedu, ቧያለው, ክርስቲያን ታደለ፣ መስከረም አበራ፣ ተመስገን ጥሩነህ፣ ባህላዊ Dr ደስ አለኝ and many more Agews.

Agew Zemene is preferred by the ferenjis because they will claim Amara got the power in 4killo and silence Amaras and FANNOs, Agew Zemene will do the crimes on Ethiopians in the name of Amara which will basically lead Ethiopia to disintegration with no doubts. But the clever Amaras exposed the Agews to their bones. The ferenjis are angry about this. They Zemene is a dangerous person worst than Abiy. We have seen him the war he opened on the Amara colonel in the name peace, the reporter he languished in jail, the countless civilians he already killed by labeling the እስኳድ፣ ፋፍዴ፣ ባንዳ etc. Agew Zemene already proved himself to the ferenjis that he will be the evil they need on power. Agew Zemene will open war on everyone to persue his agew agenda and the ferenjis will be happy to help him while they build the corridor limat :lol:
Last edited by union on 13 Jan 2025, 06:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by union » 13 Jan 2025, 02:49

Someone asked me questions privately. I thought one of his/her question was interesting; says what would the ferenjis gain from this

Don't waste my time if you don't know why the ferenjis are all over Africa today sponsoring all types of crimes, Ethiopia is not any different. Come on, people!! :lol:

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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by union » 13 Jan 2025, 05:51

The ferenjis are helping the murderer Jawar to freely move in the US even after he committed all types of crimes against Amara, Konso, many other debubs and etc. He let go of his citizenship to hold an office in Ethiopia which is illegal in laws of the USA. But they still let him come to the states do whatever.

The ferenjis are sponsoring him, it's obvious.

What we need to do:

1. Let's destroy the fake positive image they are trying to paint Jawar with.

2. Ethiopians on social medias need to intensify their anger at Jawar for the crimes he committed.

3. The true elite Ethiopians need to ask the international community to bring Jawar to a criminal court for justice to be served. Not tomorrow, but today!! Make the international community aware this guy is a jahadiest muslim extremest who have been involved in mascaring of thousands of people across Ethiopia.

4. Intensify protest against Jawar today all over Europe, America and Canada. And expose him to the world. Do this for the next three months because the ferenjis are working to paint him with some fake positive imajine for the next 4 months. Right now, they don't have videos of Jawar with postive imagine or interaction with all Ethiopians. They want to creat those videos for the next 4 months before they can promote him on the western medias.

5. Make people move against Jawar in Addis Abeba. In every apportunity they get they need make their voice heared to the international community and FANNOs that they will not tolerate such jahadiest criminal. This is goes to all Ethiopians. They need to request for the jahadist to be arrested and brought to justice.

5. Obviously the ferenjis are organizing and training qerros all over to prepare them for a systemic mass protest similar to the protest during tplf's last years. Ethiopians together can debunk queros again. I remember people of Addis Abeba chasing the beating the crap out of qerros. But this time the ጃልሲኒ militia is in Addis so it will be bloody. Arm yourselves people! Join FANO now!!

The bottom line is, it's time for all Ethiopians to support the Amara Fano organization aka አህድ ወይም አፋህድ

VIVA ታላቁ እስክንድር!

We have a well experienced, war hardened Fanno warriors that are in millions. This time the ferenjis are entering a territory they have NEVER been accustomed to! :lol: Amara Fanno can jump into Addis at any given moment :lol:

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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by union » 13 Jan 2025, 06:25

And the ferenjis know gala Abiy is exhausted, political done and military defeated!

He is a liability to them now, so they are thinking about how to kill him! Just like what they did to the frog meles :lol:

They will not allow him to be alive in some country because they do not want to deal with his associated drama for years to come :lol:

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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by ethiopianunity » 13 Jan 2025, 07:32

l have suspicion about you, supporting Shabia and division between Amara and Agew. However, you may be the insider.

With the way you explain, it looks like there is no government , no one to stop these crimes and killing in Amara or other regions, bringing peace and targeting the criminals so peace can manifest in the country. We hear EDF is mighty and no one , not even in Africa can challenge them. War is war weather in civil war or against other adversaries from another country. The population having no peace and the continuing killing of even one peaceful citizen to me is war. So what is the purpose of EDF? the govt controlling the nation certainly can mobilize locals against these criminals killing. What is then the purpose of govt?

You said they are not happy with Aby, and yet he is allowing the killings of citizens, allowing them the corridor limit, allowing every WEF the nwo agenda more than any other nations, he is fast forwarding the enslavement of Ethiopians by globalists. Therefore why do they want to remove Aby? Jawar has been trained in Egypt or Afghanistan as jihadist, it makes sense they want more chaos in Ethiopia than the chaos currently. They installed terrorists in Syria too.

The Ethiopians have been brain dead and seating duck for a long time l don’t know what they are doing. Even though, they have no information like you, if you are real, to do something against enemies of Ethiopia like Jawar or others internationally. There are some Aby cadres who think that we have to work with what we have with Aby even though not perfect because LFs and other enemies roaming around have mission the final stage to bring Ethiopia to disintegration.

You also have contradiction that we know you support Eritrea Shabia, and yet you disregard the fact that people like zemene have affiliations with Shabia, he was trained there. If these Agews are trained and proved to be anti Amara, they are also anti Ethiopia, such people targeting citizens no matter in Amara or elsewhere. Other Agews who want peace must put the zemene types to their place asap. The Agews must unite with Amara.

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Re: We Exposed አገው ገዱ and አገው ይልቃል, Now The Ferenjis Dropped the Agews and Turn to gala Jawar. Why? & What We Should do.

Post by union » 13 Jan 2025, 15:00

You said the Agews must unit with Amara, but that is not going to happen unless you go to Agew and organize them to remain Ethiopians. Other than that Agews will be brainwashed like Agames. Remember kinjit won election by 100% vote in mekele but ferenjis spent billions in tigray and change the young people to support tplf. Agews will do the same.

Regarding Eritrea, I am not a supporter of Eritrean government or shabia. I am saying shabia is not fighting with us directly. Esayas is no good for Eritreans, he destroyed the country for 35 years, he did nothing good for them. I saw the recent mass migration of Eritreans to Uganda and I was angry because I know the game they are playing, they are emptying out the habeshas from Eritrea. Esayas is there to attack the agazian/habeshes of Eritrea. Many Eritrean citizen side with FANNO because they sensed the truth. I don't see Esayas different from Abiy. Remember Esayas is now siding with Debretseon, the reason is they are both agews. Remember, debretseon was the leader of Agew wag himra region for over 25 years during tplf's era. And getachew is Agew. So all of the sudden Esayas showed intersest to talk with tplf for the first time ever. Rings the Agew bell :lol:

Anyway, we all saw how overwhelming the Eritrean people came out to support the unity with us, they thought Abiy was a real person, we all saw the love they have for peace. Imagine if he was a real person, peace among us would flourished by now.

Regarding why the ferenjis want remove Abiy is for the same reason they removed Meles. Meles was building the dam authorized by the ferenjis and he was busy killing the people per the ferenjis plans but the people were sick of Meles, more and more people were organically organizing particularly young people were arming themselves in Amara. The ferenjis sensed that with meles in power they will not be able to suppress the movement of the people against meles and tplf. So the ferenjis removed him before the people get in charge. Then playing Ethiopia ሱሴ they gave the people false hope to distract them from the momentum of the movement. The ferenjis know if one real Ethiopian comes to power the people will reverse all the damages or all the work the ferenjis have done for over 70 years actively in Ethiopia.

Now, Abiy is in worst condition than meles now, the people hate Abiy. The ferenjis know that. The FANNOs are more determined to fight because Abiy is there. Keeping him on power will only strengthen FANNOs, discourages the defeated qerros further and demoralized them completely, and make ALL Ethiopians seek more to be freed by FANNOs. If all Ethiopians see the truth strength of Fanno (እስክንድር ነጋs), it will be big problems for the ferenjis, not only in Ethiopia but also in Africa and all over the world. The defeat of FANNO is a key to the ferenjis for thier survival on the world stage - it's crazy!!!

VIVA God!!

ethiopianunity wrote:
13 Jan 2025, 07:32
l have suspicion about you, supporting Shabia and division between Amara and Agew. However, you may be the insider.

With the way you explain, it looks like there is no government , no one to stop these crimes and killing in Amara or other regions, bringing peace and targeting the criminals so peace can manifest in the country. We hear EDF is mighty and no one , not even in Africa can challenge them. War is war weather in civil war or against other adversaries from another country. The population having no peace and the continuing killing of even one peaceful citizen to me is war. So what is the purpose of EDF? the govt controlling the nation certainly can mobilize locals against these criminals killing. What is then the purpose of govt?

You said they are not happy with Aby, and yet he is allowing the killings of citizens, allowing them the corridor limit, allowing every WEF the nwo agenda more than any other nations, he is fast forwarding the enslavement of Ethiopians by globalists. Therefore why do they want to remove Aby? Jawar has been trained in Egypt or Afghanistan as jihadist, it makes sense they want more chaos in Ethiopia than the chaos currently. They installed terrorists in Syria too.

The Ethiopians have been brain dead and seating duck for a long time l don’t know what they are doing. Even though, they have no information like you, if you are real, to do something against enemies of Ethiopia like Jawar or others internationally. There are some Aby cadres who think that we have to work with what we have with Aby even though not perfect because LFs and other enemies roaming around have mission the final stage to bring Ethiopia to disintegration.

You also have contradiction that we know you support Eritrea Shabia, and yet you disregard the fact that people like zemene have affiliations with Shabia, he was trained there. If these Agews are trained and proved to be anti Amara, they are also anti Ethiopia, such people targeting citizens no matter in Amara or elsewhere. Other Agews who want peace must put the zemene types to their place asap. The Agews must unite with Amara.

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