Oropia (Oromumma Led Ethiopia) Needs Only two Political Organizations: Democrats Led by OLF vs Prosperitans Led by OPP!
To be pragmatic, future Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia) needs only two political organizations: the ruling prosperity party of Dr. Abiy, who seems to be comfortable by keeping Amharigna as a primary working language of the federation at the cost of Oromiffa, which legitimately should have been the primary working language and republican party to be forged by the pro-Oromumma forces like the OLF and OFC in order to promote Oromiffa to its legitimate primary position. The main diffirence between the Ethiopian Prosperity Party (EPP) and Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP) is not only their vision of geo-federation vs con-federation, but mainly their pro-Amharanet vs pro-Oromummaa stand. The EPP is pro-Amharanet party, whereas EDP will be pro-Oromummà party. The OLF has to foster such pan-Ethiopian democratic party, which can be led by the Oromo similar to the currently ruling prosperity party. Such inclusive democratic party can challenge the incumbents in the future, be it in ballet box or bullet of barrel.
Read more: https://fayyisoromia.wordpress.com/2018 ... publicans/