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Re: why can't we Ethiopians get along ?

Post by Kara » 04 Jan 2024, 22:59

የዘር ጥላቻ መርዘኛው ችጋራም ትግሬ አመጣው ከዚያ መንጋ ለራሱ ማሰብ የማይችል ጋላ ውጦት እሪሳ መስቀል ጀመረ ለራሱ የማያስብ ከብት ጋላ ።

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Re: why can't we Ethiopians get along ?

Post by ethiopian » 04 Jan 2024, 23:16

wey gud gala is the only one giving justice to East Africa

Posts: 1442
Joined: 05 Dec 2014, 11:35

Re: why can't we Ethiopians get along ?

Post by @@ » 05 Jan 2024, 03:32

ethiopian wrote:
04 Jan 2024, 23:16
wey gud gala is the only one giving justice to East Africa
:lol: :lol: :lol:
gala is worst of all
this is because gala is wild, don’t understand rules or laws, gala is savage always attacks and kills civilians.
gala is only good at looting and corruption
everybody hates gala
gala can’t even rule itself let alone rule others. that’s why gala made oromia the most anarchist region where people are kidnapped, cars are burned, civilians are displaced, businesses flee region

once gala is removed from power it will take at least 50 years before any ethiopian thinks giving power to the most wild gala again

simple fact: gala ለአቅመ ስልጣን አልደረሰም, period
increasingly even many oromos are coming to this conclusion

Naga Tuma
Posts: 5944
Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

Re: why can't we Ethiopians get along ?

Post by Naga Tuma » 05 Jan 2024, 16:39

ethiopian wrote:
04 Jan 2024, 20:17
… Wherever I go people are nice and respectful … Why can't we get along and develop this great land together , and be proud of it ??? Why so much against one another ??? This is a question for you as well as myself !

First, I commend you for including yourself for the question.
Second, it is not clear if your question includes the nice and respectful people you saw back in Ethiopia or if it is for those of us that they sent to school to gain education in order to serve them.

Seriously, I have two topics about the same issue among those of us who they sent to school, which should be understood and discussed without delay because this has been going on for a long time, at least in my view. I also have a follow-up to a topic that I already started.

The first new topic is እላ ፊ እላሜ። The second new topic is about Departments of Discipline and Departments of Psychology. This one reminded me the teachings of Moses and Fraud in a profound way.

Interpersonal communication is generally hard. Established knowledge and experience about it makes it easier.

Have you ever met anyone whose logical reasoning came across as exactly yours? I have once on this forum. He is an Eritrean. We debated on opposite sides. He argued for Eritrea. I argued for Ethiopia. When facts were on his side, I gave them to him without hesitation. When facts were on my side, he gave them to me without hesitation.

For me, that kind of discussion is a standard for professionalism.

Facts and slights stick. Facts stick the right way. Slights stick the wrong way.

Another example of discussion is with an Ethiopian, also on this forum.

I asked a simple question in good faith in order to gain more knowledge about a simple word that I knew. The other Ethiopian didn’t read that I asked the question in good faith, that I tried to appropriate it from another language. The moment I read the reaction, I was flabbergasted because I didn’t mean the way it was understood.

Even then, I gave him the benefit of the doubt that put his misunderstanding upon myself imagining that he might have been in a hurry when he read it.

የእሱን ስህተት በራሴ ላይ ጫንኩኝ። ተመልሶ መጥቶ የእራሱን ስህተት በራሴ ላይ መጫኔ ልክ ነዉ ብሎ ኣለፈ። ሌላ ጭነትም ጨመረብኝ። ገርሞኝ እሺ ብዬ ኣለፍኩኝ።

Did I consider it professional? No. I have no idea if they teach that kind of unprofessionalism in political science. ከሆነ ያም ከኢትዮጵያዊይን ጨዋነት ያፈነገጠ መታረም ያለበት ትምህርት ነዉ።

In many ways, I think it is that simple.

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