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ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2023, 00:31

የሚሉሽ ባልሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ! ትርጉም፡ ሰው መስለህ ገበያ ባትወጣ ኖሮ ሕዝብ የሚሳለቅብህን ባልሰማህ ነበር ማለት ነው! የጉራጌ ተረት ነው !!

ከመስከረም 12 እስከ 24 (በሶዶ እስከ ጥቅምት አቦ) የሚዘልቀው የጉራጌ ሕይወት የሚገለጽበት መስቀል ምስለ ሕይወት !

መስከረም 12 የሌማት ማይ (መሶብ ማውረጃ ቀn)
መስከረም 13 ደንጌሳት (የልጆች መስቀል)
መስከረም 14 ዎልቀነ (የሴቶች መስቀል)
መስከረም 15 የእርድ ማይ (የወንዶች መስቀል)
መስከረም 16 የምጅር ማይ (የሳት ማይ) ደመራ!
መስከረም 17 ታላቁ መስቀል (የሻኛ ቀን)
መስከረም 18 ጀምሮ እስከ 24 ወይም ጥቅምት 5 አዳብና የወጣቶች መተጫጫና ሙሽሮች በአላት ቀኖች
መስከረም 24 የከሰል ማይ (የከሰል ክትፎ መስቀል ማሳረጊያ )

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Posts: 34526
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2023, 00:53

የአናቲ አዳብና
የኪዳነ ምህረት ታቦት ከገባች በኋላ ሙሉ ቀን የጎረምሶችና ልጃገረዶች ፍንደቃ ሙሉ ቀን ይቀጥላል ። የመጨረሻው አዳብና በምድረ ከብድ አቦና በዳዮ አቦ ያበቃል፣ ጥቅምት 5

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Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2023, 02:57

መስቀል ወርሃ ፍቅርና ጋብቻ !

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Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Abere » 06 Oct 2023, 08:52

DDT የወሸላ ቆረጣ ባህል በ UNESCO ሊያስመዘግብ ሂደት ላይ ነው - ስራ አታብዛበት። :mrgreen: የማይዳሰስ ባህል ሳይሆን የሚዳሰስ ቋንጣ ወሸላ በግንባር ላይ የሚቸከል። DDT ለትዕይንቱ ቀንድ አስመስሎ ተሸክሞ ይውላል - ልምምድ ላይ ነው፡ ካሪቡ/Caribou/ መስሎ ይንጎራደዳል። :lol:

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Posts: 34526
Joined: 19 Oct 2013, 19:34

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2023, 14:41

Abere wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 08:52
DDT የወሸላ ቆረጣ ባህል በ UNESCO ሊያስመዘግብ ሂደት ላይ ነው - ስራ አታብዛበት። :mrgreen: የማይዳሰስ ባህል ሳይሆን የሚዳሰስ ቋንጣ ወሸላ በግንባር ላይ የሚቸከል። DDT ለትዕይንቱ ቀንድ አስመስሎ ተሸክሞ ይውላል - ልምምድ ላይ ነው፡ ካሪቡ/Caribou/ መስሎ ይንጎራደዳል። :lol:
:lol: :lol: Where is DDT? This is freak'n funny :lol: :lol:

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Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by DefendTheTruth » 06 Oct 2023, 16:32


አንተ እኮ ድንጋይ ራስ ነህ፣ ምንም ለማልጨምር ምን ከድንጋይ ጋር አዳረቀኝ ብልህ ነዉ?

አንድ አማራጭ ብቻ ነዉ ያለህ፣ እንደተቃጠልክ (በጥላቻ) ወደ ጉድጓድ ማምራት!

Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by banebris2013 » 06 Oct 2023, 17:03

Horus wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 00:31
የሚሉሽ ባልሰማሽ ገበያ ባልወጣሽ! ትርጉም፡ ሰው መስለህ ገበያ ባትወጣ ኖሮ ሕዝብ የሚሳለቅብህን ባልሰማህ ነበር ማለት ነው! የጉራጌ ተረት ነው !!

ከመስከረም 12 እስከ 24 (በሶዶ እስከ ጥቅምት አቦ) የሚዘልቀው የጉራጌ ሕይወት የሚገለጽበት መስቀል ምስለ ሕይወት !

መስከረም 12 የሌማት ማይ (መሶብ ማውረጃ ቀn)
መስከረም 13 ደንጌሳት (የልጆች መስቀል)
መስከረም 14 ዎልቀነ (የሴቶች መስቀል)
መስከረም 15 የእርድ ማይ (የወንዶች መስቀል)
መስከረም 16 የምጅር ማይ (የሳት ማይ) ደመራ!
መስከረም 17 ታላቁ መስቀል (የሻኛ ቀን)
መስከረም 18 ጀምሮ እስከ 24 ወይም ጥቅምት 5 አዳብና የወጣቶች መተጫጫና ሙሽሮች በአላት ቀኖች
መስከረም 24 የከሰል ማይ (የከሰል ክትፎ መስቀል ማሳረጊያ )

The main reason i think you are absolute psycho with no insight is, you want others to recognize your culture while you are trashing others culture. Hate is a disease, you are a living example of those who are suffering the most from it. I am surprised you consider yourself Gurage. You are a disgrace to the good people of Gurage. You are more aligned with Amhara hooligans/extremists, who live far outside the realm of reality. On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless. I hope you do not hate biology as much as you hate Oromo.

Posts: 3787
Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Right » 06 Oct 2023, 18:40

On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless.
Only God knows who goes first. You remind me of a 40 years old French man that purchased a house at a cheap price from a 65 years old woman on conditions that he took over when she dies. He bragged about his sound investment assuming that she will die soon. He ended up dead before her @ 50. She went on to live to 104.

Don’t be grateful to your egoistic beliefs. You will die first before these 2 gentlemen will die.

Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by banebris2013 » 06 Oct 2023, 20:03

Right wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 18:40
On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless.
Only God knows who goes first. You remind me of a 40 years old French man that purchased a house at a cheap price from a 65 years old woman on conditions that he took over when she dies. He bragged about his sound investment assuming that she will die soon. He ended up dead before her @ 50. She went on to live to 104.

Don’t be grateful to your egoistic beliefs. You will die first before these 2 gentlemen will die.
Hi Right,
Forget about me leaving before or after these two ugly human beings, Horus being extreme hater of anything Oromo and Shuluqa Dawit being a thief and also wants to exterminate Oromo from the face of the earth if he gates an opportunity.
I might be egoistic, what about you defending these sub humans? You may think both are good for Amhara as they talk a lot about Amhara in such away it satisfies your ego. If you really care about Amhara and Ethiopia you should not defend these to hooligans. The current war in Amhara hurts Amhara as a people and destroys infrastructure that takes Amhara region back many years. If you are one of those who believed and still believe Fano can overrun the rest of Ethiopia, i respectfully tell you that it is not possible in todays Ethiopia as everybody has got armed. War is a path of destruction and Peace is the only way forward for Amhara and Ethiopia.
So Right. stop defending the indefensible and start preaching peace for the Amhara people. Preaching hate and talking about destroying Oromo as a people 24/7 will not take Amhara an inch forward. What we have seen so far from the war in Amhara region is destruction after destruction of Amhara regions infrastructure that takes very long to rebuild, and a lot burakarayu, kererto and proclamations to enter Arat Kilo within 24 hours.
So if you believe Shuluqa Dawit will bring Wolloga under Amhara as per his promise by eradicating all Oromos in wolloga, good luck with that. Horus also wants to bring Jima under Gurage rule as he thinks Gurage lost Jima to Oromos many centuries ago. In a way both of these guys are "rist asmelash" just like some Amhara activists. I hope you are not one of them.

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Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Selam/ » 06 Oct 2023, 21:02

ጀግናው - ፋኖ ጦርነት ውስጥ የገባው ተገዶ ነው፤ ነፍጥ ያነገበው ለህልውናው ሲል ነው። ጠባ ጫሪዎቹ የኦነግ-ሸኔው ዕድፋም መንግስት ፣ ሙዣሂዲን አብይና እርኩስ ግብርአበሮቹ ናቸው።

የአማራ ህዝብ ከኖረበት ቀዬው ሲፈናቀል፣ ስብዕና በሌላቸው የኦሮሞ አክራሪዎች በጠራራ ፀሃይ እንደከብት ሲታረድና የእምነት ቦታው ሲቃጠልበት ዝም ብሎ እጁን አጣጥፎ እንዲቀመጥ ትፈልጋለህን? ጣትህን ዳዊት የተባለው ግለሰብ ላይ ከመቀሰርህ በፊት፣ በደም የቸጨማለቀውን የአውሬ መንግስት አክ-እንቱፍ ብለህ አውግዘው። ይኸን ሳታደርግ የግለሰቦችን ስም ብቻ እያነሳህና የተበደለውን የአማራ ህዝብ የምትወቅስ ከሆነ፣ ሚዛናዊነት የጎደለህ ልፋጫምና ግዑዝ ካድሬ መሆንህን ከማስረገጥ ሌላ የምትጨምረውም የምትቀንሰውም ነገር የለም።
banebris2013 wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 20:03
Right wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 18:40
On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless.
Only God knows who goes first. You remind me of a 40 years old French man that purchased a house at a cheap price from a 65 years old woman on conditions that he took over when she dies. He bragged about his sound investment assuming that she will die soon. He ended up dead before her @ 50. She went on to live to 104.

Don’t be grateful to your egoistic beliefs. You will die first before these 2 gentlemen will die.
Hi Right,
Forget about me leaving before or after these two ugly human beings, Horus being extreme hater of anything Oromo and Shuluqa Dawit being a thief and also wants to exterminate Oromo from the face of the earth if he gates an opportunity.
I might be egoistic, what about you defending these sub humans? You may think both are good for Amhara as they talk a lot about Amhara in such away it satisfies your ego. If you really care about Amhara and Ethiopia you should not defend these to hooligans. The current war in Amhara hurts Amhara as a people and destroys infrastructure that takes Amhara region back many years. If you are one of those who believed and still believe Fano can overrun the rest of Ethiopia, i respectfully tell you that it is not possible in todays Ethiopia as everybody has got armed. War is a path of destruction and Peace is the only way forward for Amhara and Ethiopia.
So Right. stop defending the indefensible and start preaching peace for the Amhara people. Preaching hate and talking about destroying Oromo as a people 24/7 will not take Amhara an inch forward. What we have seen so far from the war in Amhara region is destruction after destruction of Amhara regions infrastructure that takes very long to rebuild, and a lot burakarayu, kererto and proclamations to enter Arat Kilo within 24 hours.
So if you believe Shuluqa Dawit will bring Wolloga under Amhara as per his promise by eradicating all Oromos in wolloga, good luck with that. Horus also wants to bring Jima under Gurage rule as he thinks Gurage lost Jima to Oromos many centuries ago. In a way both of these guys are "rist asmelash" just like some Amhara activists. I hope you are not one of them.

Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by banebris2013 » 06 Oct 2023, 21:25

Selam/ wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 21:02
ጀግናው - ፋኖ ጦርነት ውስጥ የገባው ተገዶ ነው፤ ነፍጥ ያነገበው ለህልውናው ሲል ነው። ጠባ ጫሪዎቹ የኦነግ-ሸኔው ዕድፋም መንግስት ፣ ሙዣሂዲን አብይና እርኩስ ግብርአበሮቹ ናቸው።

የአማራ ህዝብ ከኖረበት ቀዬው ሲፈናቀል፣ ስብዕና በሌላቸው የኦሮሞ አክራሪዎች በጠራራ ፀሃይ እንደከብት ሲታረድና የእምነት ቦታው ሲቃጠልበት ዝም ብሎ እጁን አጣጥፎ እንዲቀመጥ ትፈልጋለህን? ጣትህን ዳዊት የተባለው ግለሰብ ላይ ከመቀሰርህ በፊት፣ በደም የቸጨማለቀውን የአውሬ መንግስት አክ-እንቱፍ ብለህ አውግዘው። ይኸን ሳታደርግ የግለሰቦችን ስም ብቻ እያነሳህና የተበደለውን የአማራ ህዝብ የምትወቅስ ከሆነ[Never said Amhara has no Just cause/b]፣ ሚዛናዊነት የጎደለህ ልፋጫምና ግዑዝ ካድሬ መሆንህን ከማስረገጥ ሌላ የምትጨምረውም የምትቀንሰውም ነገር የለም።
banebris2013 wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 20:03
Right wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 18:40
On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless.

Only God knows who goes first. You remind me of a 40 years old French man that purchased a house at a cheap price from a 65 years old woman on conditions that he took over when she dies. He bragged about his sound investment assuming that she will die soon. He ended up dead before her @ 50. She went on to live to 104.

Don’t be grateful to your egoistic beliefs. You will die first before these 2 gentlemen will die.

Hi Right,
Forget about me leaving before or after these two ugly human beings, Horus being extreme hater of anything Oromo and Shuluqa Dawit being a thief and also wants to exterminate Oromo from the face of the earth if he gates an opportunity.
I might be egoistic, what about you defending these sub humans? You may think both are good for Amhara as they talk a lot about Amhara in such away it satisfies your ego. If you really care about Amhara and Ethiopia you should not defend these to hooligans. The current war in Amhara hurts Amhara as a people and destroys infrastructure that takes Amhara region back many years. If you are one of those who believed and still believe Fano can overrun the rest of Ethiopia, i respectfully tell you that it is not possible in todays Ethiopia as everybody has got armed. War is a path of destruction and Peace is the only way forward for Amhara and Ethiopia.
So Right. stop defending the indefensible and start preaching peace for the Amhara people. Preaching hate and talking about destroying Oromo as a people 24/7 will not take Amhara an inch forward. What we have seen so far from the war in Amhara region is destruction after destruction of Amhara regions infrastructure that takes very long to rebuild, and a lot burakarayu, kererto and proclamations to enter Arat Kilo within 24 hours.
So if you believe Shuluqa Dawit will bring Wolloga under Amhara as per his promise by eradicating all Oromos in wolloga, good luck with that. Horus also wants to bring Jima under Gurage rule as he thinks Gurage lost Jima to Oromos many centuries ago. In a way both of these guys are "rist asmelash" just like some Amhara activists. I hope you are not one of them.

YOU ARE TOO CONFUSED TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. I will reply to you seriously when your lie filled balloon of yours burst.

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Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2023, 22:20

እኔ ሆረስ ከማንም የከበት እረኛ ጋር አፍ መካፈት አይመቸኝም ። አቋሜ ስፈጠር ጀምሮ አንድ እና አንድ ነው።

እኔ ኢትዮጵያ ከሚባል አፈር፣ ዉሃና አየር የሰራሁ የሰው ፍጡር ነኝ ። እኔ ስኖር እንዲህ ስሞት እንዲህ የምለው ዝባዝንኬ የለኝም። በሆረስ ውስጥ ከኢትዮጵያ ሌላ ምንም ምንም ነገር የለም ፤ አው ጉራጌ ከሚባል በስጋና ደሙ ኢትዮጵያ ከሆነ ጎሳ ተወልጃለሁ። ለእኔ ኢትዮጵያ ጉራጌ ነው፣ ጉራጌ ኢትዮጵያ ነው!

የአማራን ሕዝብ እንደ እራሴ አድርጌ የምወደው በዚህ ማንነቴ ነው ። አማራ ኢትዮጵያ ነው፣ ኢትዮጵያ አማራ ነው ። እኔ ሆረስ እራሱን ከኢትዮጵያ አሳንሶ ለሚያለቃቅስ ማንኛውም ሰው፣ እራሱን ከኢትዮጵያ አስበልጦ ለሚወጠር እረኛና ግብዝ ሰውም ሆነ ሕዝብ አክብሮት የለኝም ። ያን ከሚመስል ፍጡር ጋራ የምጋራው እሴት፣ የምጋራው ቫልዩ፣ የምጋራው ፍቅር የለኝም ።

በቃ ሌላ ሃተታ ዝብዝብ ለኔ ካካ ነው !

እኔ የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶችም ሆነ ክፉ የሚያስቡላት እንዲወዱኝ እንዲያከብሩኝ በፍጹም አልሻም። አልጠብቅም፣ አልፈልግም! ስለዚህ ምድረ ተገንጣይና የኢትዮጵያ ነቀረሳዎች ከሆረስ ጋር ግዜ አታባክኑ ። ልድገመው፤ ለኔ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የማከብረው ሰው ኢትዮጵያዊ ብቻ ነው ።


የፖለቲካ፣ የኢኮኖሚ፣ የካልቸር ጠላት ብዬ የምጠላቸው ግፈኛችን ነው ። ግፈኛ ሰውም ሆነ መንግስት፣ ቡድንን ሆነ ሕዝብ ፍትህ ምን እንደ ሆነ የማያውቅ፣ በእኩልነት የማያምን፣ አረመኔ፣ ወራሪ፣ ገዳይ፣ ቀማኛ ፣ የሞራልም ሆነ መንፈሳዊ ቁመና፣ ባህል፣ እሴት የሌለው ከእንሰሳ ጋር አንድ ባህሪ ያለው ፣ እንደ ሙጃ በቅሎ፣ እንደ አረም የፍጥረት እጸዋትን ሁሉ የሚደመስስ ስው ሆነ መንግስት፣ ቡድን ሆነ ሕዝብ የፍትህና እኩልነት ጠላት ስለሆነ ጠላቴ ነው! የተጠላ ነው ።

ሌላ ሃተታ ዝብዝዝብ ለኔ ፋይዳ አይደለም !

ሆረስ ኃይል ብርሃን ነኝ!

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Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Selam/ » 06 Oct 2023, 22:49

ብትመልስልኝ ነበር የሚገርመኝ። እደግመዋለሁ - በደም የሰከረውን ውሻውን አብይን ትቶ፣ በተበደለው ጨዋ የአማራ ህዝብ ላይ አፉን የሚከፍት ሰው፣ ቅንጣት ያህል እውነትና ልቦና የሌለው ልፋጫም ከብት ነው።
banebris2013 wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 21:25
Selam/ wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 21:02
ጀግናው - ፋኖ ጦርነት ውስጥ የገባው ተገዶ ነው፤ ነፍጥ ያነገበው ለህልውናው ሲል ነው። ጠባ ጫሪዎቹ የኦነግ-ሸኔው ዕድፋም መንግስት ፣ ሙዣሂዲን አብይና እርኩስ ግብርአበሮቹ ናቸው።

የአማራ ህዝብ ከኖረበት ቀዬው ሲፈናቀል፣ ስብዕና በሌላቸው የኦሮሞ አክራሪዎች በጠራራ ፀሃይ እንደከብት ሲታረድና የእምነት ቦታው ሲቃጠልበት ዝም ብሎ እጁን አጣጥፎ እንዲቀመጥ ትፈልጋለህን? ጣትህን ዳዊት የተባለው ግለሰብ ላይ ከመቀሰርህ በፊት፣ በደም የቸጨማለቀውን የአውሬ መንግስት አክ-እንቱፍ ብለህ አውግዘው። ይኸን ሳታደርግ የግለሰቦችን ስም ብቻ እያነሳህና የተበደለውን የአማራ ህዝብ የምትወቅስ ከሆነ[Never said Amhara has no Just cause/b]፣ ሚዛናዊነት የጎደለህ ልፋጫምና ግዑዝ ካድሬ መሆንህን ከማስረገጥ ሌላ የምትጨምረውም የምትቀንሰውም ነገር የለም።
banebris2013 wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 20:03
Right wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 18:40
On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless.

Only God knows who goes first. You remind me of a 40 years old French man that purchased a house at a cheap price from a 65 years old woman on conditions that he took over when she dies. He bragged about his sound investment assuming that she will die soon. He ended up dead before her @ 50. She went on to live to 104.

Don’t be grateful to your egoistic beliefs. You will die first before these 2 gentlemen will die.

Hi Right,
Forget about me leaving before or after these two ugly human beings, Horus being extreme hater of anything Oromo and Shuluqa Dawit being a thief and also wants to exterminate Oromo from the face of the earth if he gates an opportunity.
I might be egoistic, what about you defending these sub humans? You may think both are good for Amhara as they talk a lot about Amhara in such away it satisfies your ego. If you really care about Amhara and Ethiopia you should not defend these to hooligans. The current war in Amhara hurts Amhara as a people and destroys infrastructure that takes Amhara region back many years. If you are one of those who believed and still believe Fano can overrun the rest of Ethiopia, i respectfully tell you that it is not possible in todays Ethiopia as everybody has got armed. War is a path of destruction and Peace is the only way forward for Amhara and Ethiopia.
So Right. stop defending the indefensible and start preaching peace for the Amhara people. Preaching hate and talking about destroying Oromo as a people 24/7 will not take Amhara an inch forward. What we have seen so far from the war in Amhara region is destruction after destruction of Amhara regions infrastructure that takes very long to rebuild, and a lot burakarayu, kererto and proclamations to enter Arat Kilo within 24 hours.
So if you believe Shuluqa Dawit will bring Wolloga under Amhara as per his promise by eradicating all Oromos in wolloga, good luck with that. Horus also wants to bring Jima under Gurage rule as he thinks Gurage lost Jima to Oromos many centuries ago. In a way both of these guys are "rist asmelash" just like some Amhara activists. I hope you are not one of them.

YOU ARE TOO CONFUSED TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. I will reply to you seriously when your lie filled balloon of yours burst.

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Posts: 14310
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: ዲዲቲ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ከመሆን ከጉራጌ ብትማር የት በደረስክ ነበር!

Post by Selam/ » 06 Oct 2023, 22:49

ብትመልስልኝ ነበር የሚገርመኝ። እደግመዋለሁ - በደም የሰከረውን ውሻውን አብይን ትቶ፣ በተበደለው ጨዋ የአማራ ህዝብ ላይ አፉን የሚከፍት ሰው፣ ቅንጣት ያህል እውነትና ልቦና የሌለው ልፋጫም ከብት ነው።
banebris2013 wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 21:25
Selam/ wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 21:02
ጀግናው - ፋኖ ጦርነት ውስጥ የገባው ተገዶ ነው፤ ነፍጥ ያነገበው ለህልውናው ሲል ነው። ጠባ ጫሪዎቹ የኦነግ-ሸኔው ዕድፋም መንግስት ፣ ሙዣሂዲን አብይና እርኩስ ግብርአበሮቹ ናቸው።

የአማራ ህዝብ ከኖረበት ቀዬው ሲፈናቀል፣ ስብዕና በሌላቸው የኦሮሞ አክራሪዎች በጠራራ ፀሃይ እንደከብት ሲታረድና የእምነት ቦታው ሲቃጠልበት ዝም ብሎ እጁን አጣጥፎ እንዲቀመጥ ትፈልጋለህን? ጣትህን ዳዊት የተባለው ግለሰብ ላይ ከመቀሰርህ በፊት፣ በደም የቸጨማለቀውን የአውሬ መንግስት አክ-እንቱፍ ብለህ አውግዘው። ይኸን ሳታደርግ የግለሰቦችን ስም ብቻ እያነሳህና የተበደለውን የአማራ ህዝብ የምትወቅስ ከሆነ[Never said Amhara has no Just cause/b]፣ ሚዛናዊነት የጎደለህ ልፋጫምና ግዑዝ ካድሬ መሆንህን ከማስረገጥ ሌላ የምትጨምረውም የምትቀንሰውም ነገር የለም።
banebris2013 wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 20:03
Right wrote:
06 Oct 2023, 18:40
On a good note you and Shulqa Dawit will soon leave us. Biology is ruthless.

Only God knows who goes first. You remind me of a 40 years old French man that purchased a house at a cheap price from a 65 years old woman on conditions that he took over when she dies. He bragged about his sound investment assuming that she will die soon. He ended up dead before her @ 50. She went on to live to 104.

Don’t be grateful to your egoistic beliefs. You will die first before these 2 gentlemen will die.

Hi Right,
Forget about me leaving before or after these two ugly human beings, Horus being extreme hater of anything Oromo and Shuluqa Dawit being a thief and also wants to exterminate Oromo from the face of the earth if he gates an opportunity.
I might be egoistic, what about you defending these sub humans? You may think both are good for Amhara as they talk a lot about Amhara in such away it satisfies your ego. If you really care about Amhara and Ethiopia you should not defend these to hooligans. The current war in Amhara hurts Amhara as a people and destroys infrastructure that takes Amhara region back many years. If you are one of those who believed and still believe Fano can overrun the rest of Ethiopia, i respectfully tell you that it is not possible in todays Ethiopia as everybody has got armed. War is a path of destruction and Peace is the only way forward for Amhara and Ethiopia.
So Right. stop defending the indefensible and start preaching peace for the Amhara people. Preaching hate and talking about destroying Oromo as a people 24/7 will not take Amhara an inch forward. What we have seen so far from the war in Amhara region is destruction after destruction of Amhara regions infrastructure that takes very long to rebuild, and a lot burakarayu, kererto and proclamations to enter Arat Kilo within 24 hours.
So if you believe Shuluqa Dawit will bring Wolloga under Amhara as per his promise by eradicating all Oromos in wolloga, good luck with that. Horus also wants to bring Jima under Gurage rule as he thinks Gurage lost Jima to Oromos many centuries ago. In a way both of these guys are "rist asmelash" just like some Amhara activists. I hope you are not one of them.

YOU ARE TOO CONFUSED TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. I will reply to you seriously when your lie filled balloon of yours burst.

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