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Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Abere » 06 Jan 2023, 11:34

Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

--The objective reality always is the last presiding judge of truth - no one can beat this invisible powerful power of the grassroots. In the past, the TPLF and now OLF has been using the castrated and neutralized ብአደን to get things done in their favor. The decades of treason, deceit, suppression, massacre has now created mass awareness among ethnic Amhara. This awakens is super powerful and is unstoppable by any means and any power. The will of the people is very deterministic. Unlike before where the ብአደን were dumping TPLF/OLF order of destruction, now the bottom base of Amhara is the most potent force throwing every garbage sent by OLF/TPLF into the trash can. Increasingly there is zero possibility for OLF/TPLF to coerce and do any meaningful administrative or political work in the Amhara region - it is over. This force is tectonic and can certainly change the course of the country.

---ከታች ወደ ላይ እየተፋፋመ ያለው የአማራ ህዝብ ተነሳሽነት ለዘመና ከላይ ከወያኔ እና ኦነግ እየተላከ ሲደፋበት የኖረውን የግፍ ቆሻሻ የማቃጠል እና የመበተን ሃይል ያለው የጊዜው እውነታ ነው። የኦነግ እና ወያኔ ማስተላለፊያ የሆነው ብ አድን ከታች ካለው ግፍ ያስመረረው አማራ ሃይል እና ግፊት ከጫዋታ ውጭ ያደርገዋል። ኦነግ/ወያኔ ምንም አይነት አማራን የማስገደድ ስራ ቢሞክሩ የማይቻል እና የማይፈጸም ያደርገዋል። ይህ ከታች ወደላይ እየተቀጣጠለ ያለው የአማራ የለውጥ ሃይል በእጅጉ መግፋት ያለበት ነው። ይህ አካሄድ በምንም መልኩ ለኦነግ ይሁን ለወያኔ የማይመች ብቻ ሳይሆን የማይቻል ነው። በተጨማሪ በዘልማድ ብ አደን ሁነን እንቀጥላለን ሆዳችንን እንሞላለን ለሚሉ ቅጥቅጥ ሙክት ብ አድኖች የጨለማ ዘመን ያነግስባቸዋል። የግደታ ከጨለማው በመውጣ በብርሃን የመመላለስ ግደታ ውስጥ ይገባሉ - ወይ የህዝብ ለውጥ ቆርጦ ይጥላቸዋል።

የአማራ ህዝብ በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ የቱን ያህል መስራት እንደሚችል ለድፍን ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ እና ለአለም አስመክሯል። በዚህ በመበረታት ለሌሎች ለተጨቆኑ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ሃይል እና መድህን ሊሆን የሞራል እና የዜግነት ግደታ አለበት።

ክብር ለዚህ ድል ላበቁ ለአማራ ፋኖ እና ሰማዕታት!!!

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 06 Jan 2023, 11:45

እነ ሌንጮ ለታን፥ (የ መስቀል ፍላወሩን መንግስት) እንቅልፍ የነሳ፥ ነባራዊ እውነታ ነው። የነሱ መልስ ግን፥ የስከዛሬውን ፥ በባሰ መልኩ ማስቀጠል መሆኑን ስታይ፥ መጨረሻቸው፥ ምን ሊሆን እንደሚችል መተንበይ ከባድ አይሆንም። በነሱቤት ብላጣብልጥነት፥ ብልህነት ተብሎ ተወስዶ፥ በየቀኑ፥ ነገር ሲደበላለቅባቸው ስናይ፥ ዘረኝነት ምን ያክል ሚዛን አስቶ፥ ህሊናን እንደሚሰልብ ተረዳን። ከዚህ በሁዋላ ወደሁዋላ ለመመለስ የሚፈቅድ ነባራዊ ሁኔታ የለም።

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Right » 06 Jan 2023, 12:23

It is the Americans and the EU that dictates what will happen in Ethiopia in the next few years.
Abiye is just a dead man walking.
As we have seen it in the last couple of years, he has to do what Blinken ask him to do.
Without shooting one missile, the US had a free ride in Ethiopia by using the following leverage (in diplomatic terms called soft handling). It is just a carrot but a successful means to handle Oromo idiots:
#1) AID loans, donations, grants for projects through IMF & World Bank. They freezes it but not all. They promised money against concessions. Just like the release of Sebhat Nega. Or for a ceasefire.
When he fulfills the demand, they release a little bit and ask for more concessions.

#2) ICC they let Abiye know that there will be an investigation for war crimes in Tigrai. Not only he is responsible for what ENDF did in Tigrai but also for what the Eritreans did. Abiye is scared to death of the war crimes accusations.

#3) the Weyannies, TPLF and Sudan are waiting for Issias to go. Behind the scenes the US and TPLF are assembling a pro TPLF group in Eritrea.That is when the map will be redrawn. Gondar will be divided to the benefit of Tigrai, Sudan and Eritrea.

PP has no leverage at all. Lost confidence of the Ethiopian people and gave up the siege of Tigrai.

The TPLF will slowly take over from the PP idiots. Since it is rejected by Ethiopians, it will come in a different coalition form.
So far, it is the only organized group armed and well financed in Ethiopia.

Until the Amharas wake up and organize themselves it will be all talk.

That is my take.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Abere » 06 Jan 2023, 12:47

This scenario never worked before, it will not work again. This worked in the past because the Amhara mass was not awaken , while Amhara was the real and only target. Amhara can not live like that having a target on its back. It is impossible to underestimate the power of the 50&+ million Amhara. No power on earth can coerce Amhara people to live in hell. The minority tyranny sponsored by any force has failed in the past and it sure will not come into being. We are living in a different time. There have been attempts to drag Amhara back into that hell pit, but no Amhara feet will go that way. It is effectively stopped.

As to me I do not value Abiy Ahmed, he is just like a commercial sẹx worker, not a leader. He manifested too much abnormal behavior that even an average crazy person does not show. He failed from grace in such short period of time. The only force that will change the course of that country now ( and its only lasting hope) is not the USA, but Amhara. The Amhara grassroots, bottom-up upraise is the most likely result based political rebellion.
Right wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 12:23
It is the Americans and the EU that dictates what will happen in Ethiopia in the next few years.
Abiye is just a dead man walking.
As we have seen it in the last couple of years, he has to do what Blinken ask him to do.
Without shooting one missile, the US had a free ride in Ethiopia by using the following leverage (in diplomatic terms called soft handling). It is just a carrot but a successful means to handle Oromo idiots:
#1) AID loans, donations, grants for projects through IMF & World Bank. They freezes it but not all. They promised money against concessions. Just like the release of Sebhat Nega. Or for a ceasefire.
When he fulfills the demand, they release a little bit and ask for more concessions.

#2) ICC they let Abiye know that there will be an investigation for war crimes in Tigrai. Not only he is responsible for what ENDF did in Tigrai but also for what the Eritreans did. Abiye is scared to death of the war crimes accusations.

#3) the Weyannies, TPLF and Sudan are waiting for Issias to go. Behind the scenes the US and TPLF are assembling a pro TPLF group in Eritrea.That is when the map will be redrawn. Gondar will be divided to the benefit of Tigrai, Sudan and Eritrea.

PP has no leverage at all. Lost confidence of the Ethiopian people and gave up the siege of Tigrai.

The TPLF will slowly take over from the PP idiots. Since it is rejected by Ethiopians, it will come in a different coalition form.
So far, it is the only organized group armed and well financed in Ethiopia.

Until the Amharas wake up and organize themselves it will be all talk.

That is my take.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by nuruelias » 06 Jan 2023, 12:53

Wake up Amhara. when you are united, you can do anything. Amhara enemies are everywhere.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Right » 06 Jan 2023, 13:15

Maybe you know what I don’t know. I hope you’re right.

the Amahara people couldn’t stop all the campaign against them for the last 50 years because of a lack of organization.
AAPO under prof Asrat and Amahara Liyu under General Asaminew has been cut short.

FANO is not a structurally sound organization. It is divided and they compete by region on who is the better fighter. Sudan has a chunk of farm land from Gondar and they are farming it comfortably without fear. Soon Welkayit and Raya will be gone.
Yes, 52 millions but with no solid organization.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Abere » 06 Jan 2023, 14:16

---That is true the existence of an Organization and a leading figure is essential. The way how this did not happen in the past but will happen in the future matters is the most important point. In the past, Amhara people did not have enough political consciousness, only in a very unorganized manner and isolated instances few individual leaders emerged, but soon neutralized or sabotaged by OLF/TPLF infiltrators. Although there still will present significant attempt by OLF/TPLF and external enablers, the bottom-up movement is taken as the sole survival strategy of Amhara people. And this effectively neutralizes and paralyzes OLF/TPLF interference - it is a natural , civil and inherent objective movement that cuts the long reaching abusive hand of TPLF, OLF or any other force.

--- Every abusive effort to silence Amhara only leaves the east African region fluid, dangerous, ungovernable, aid dependent and bastion of instability. Thus, it is a must for Amhara to win over injustice and is a necessity for Ethiopia to exist. If the end goal is to keep the East Africa region in turmoil, then playing games against Amhara's existence is the way. I am not sure Ethiopians can afford this for long,Tigres already lost more than a quarter of their population, i.e. 1 million death. The fire supposed to be stalked to eat up Amhara ate others in a far larger degree. One thing I am so certain is, the Amhara of today is 1000% different than the Amhara of Melese Zenawi era. Now, Amhara can kick arse. Of course true organization comes from the wider grassroots out of the bitter reality, not as a political celebrity or cheap fame seeker.

Right wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 13:15
Maybe you know what I don’t know. I hope you’re right.

the Amahara people couldn’t stop all the campaign against them for the last 50 years because of a lack of organization.
AAPO under prof Asrat and Amahara Liyu under General Asaminew has been cut short.

FANO is not a structurally sound organization. It is divided and they compete by region on who is the better fighter. Sudan has a chunk of farm land from Gondar and they are farming it comfortably without fear. Soon Welkayit and Raya will be gone.
Yes, 52 millions but with no solid organization.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by union » 06 Jan 2023, 16:08

I 100% disagree with you on that. Fano is not divided at all. I agree with what Abere said. Amara in general is not divided. Amara is stronger than ever as Amara. Regarding the 50 plus years you said, Amara has never been organized as Amara during those 50 plus years your are talking about.

I agree with you about the west has designing everything and shabia, tplf and olf accept it and get their people killed in mass in the process. The west have always been heavily involved thoughtout. The west is the 99% reason Eritrea is on its own today and that is the reason they do not attack Eritrea directly now for fighting with tplf for its own interest. The west want others to follow the footsteps of eritrea but the miserable situation Eritrea has been has discouraged others from seeking to be on their own including tigreans now, and like you said that is why the west want to give them lands by stealing from Amara. Now newer and much bigger problem that emerged is the united Amara with 60 million population that has lots of support from other Ethiopians who are beginning to understand what is happening after tplf is now back on power.

Trust me they will lose BIG! Take that to the Bank!
Right wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 13:15
Maybe you know what I don’t know. I hope you’re right.

the Amahara people couldn’t stop all the campaign against them for the last 50 years because of a lack of organization.
AAPO under prof Asrat and Amahara Liyu under General Asaminew has been cut short.

FANO is not a structurally sound organization. It is divided and they compete by region on who is the better fighter. Sudan has a chunk of farm land from Gondar and they are farming it comfortably without fear. Soon Welkayit and Raya will be gone.
Yes, 52 millions but with no solid organization.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Right » 06 Jan 2023, 16:35

Brother Union,
As I said I may be wrong. I wish FANO has a well structured armed organization under one central command with regional branches with their own command centre. And underground. Plus a political wing as Amahara Congress which can take it to the separatists and let them know Amhara can stand on its own feet.
When that happens then Ethiopia will be peaceful for all to live in peace.

The news of the PP government handing over Welkayit and Raya to the TPLF & Part Humera to Sudan is very depressing not only to Amaharas but to all Ethiopians.
Organize and organize and organize.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Abere » 06 Jan 2023, 17:08

--- The country has already reached a Breaking Point - there is nothing Amhara to lose by not abiding OLF/TPLF con-constitution ;and Amhara people duly rejected it. Practically speaking, the so-called PP-government is like dead brain, it is disowned by Amhara people and has lost legitimacy. To begin with, the South Africa TPLF-OLF treaty was automatically rejected by all Amhara, home or abroad. It is the sole drama of the two, not an Amhara affairs - this by itself is sufficient reason for Amhara to reject anything directed against Amhara interest following this two rebels deal.

--- The so-called PP-OLF government that breached public trust awakened Amhara people more than ever. The PP-OLF government did not act government of the people it proved itself being a loyal instrument of foreign interests. It did care of the flock, it turned itself into a devious wolf. This is become a currency and a golden opportunity for the Amhara people to be the shepherded of their own existence - it is an alienable one. This is also the most effective means, the enemy will have hard time to win over the mass.

---- Fano is a cultural institution of self-defense as such everyone is Fano. That was why the principle of Fano is more ethical, humanist and caring more than modern day military institution. The PP-OLF government tried every means to smear Fano and can not wait to see Fano called just like any military's wing - this will help PP-OLF to attack and get all of them in their head quarter. Fano should remain as Fano, with no marked headquarter. Fano is in everyone Amhara heart, it can deliver rapid response. However, there can be non-Fano organized self-defense mechanism which most likely result from this objective development. Time will tell. The only truth at this time is Amhara people are not going back to hell pit of TPLF/OLF. They would rather die than live with evil PP-OLF and TPLF. And this is a mass movement.

---- It is more likely that this movement soon will gather momentum from most corner of the country. People are fade up with PP-OLF. Go take a ride in Addis Ababa, you will hear how much people hate OLF-PP. But Addis Ababa people are coward, they are looing for others to come and free them.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Right » 06 Jan 2023, 17:34

Brother Abere,
Good point. But a disorganized people will not be able to defend itself from savage terrorists.
Eskinder tried his best to defend and educate Addis residents but didn’t get much help.
I can’t believe Sebhat Nega walk free relaxed and fearless in Addis and no one is throwing something at him. Not even a tomato. That will never happen anywhere in the world. Debre Tse and Getachew are on their way to Addis to enjoy the party. This can only happen when people are not organized for their own rights.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by Abere » 06 Jan 2023, 18:02

You are 100% correct! A viable organization and visionary leaders are always born out of a movement taht itself emerged from a matured objective reality. I am pretty sure this will take shape soon. Since this is a mass movement, more likely it will not be plagued by GoFundMe hawks and feet k!sser opportunists. When one sees well to do engineers, teachers, business men of Amhara ethnic went into the battlefield and has become patriot Fanos, it is possible to say the Amhara struggle has entered into a much heightened status. The sun has set on the old ገረድ ብአደን that were used as condoms by PP-OLF and TPLF to affect Amhara.
Right wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 17:34
Brother Abere,
Good point. But a disorganized people will not be able to defend itself from savage terrorists.
Eskinder tried his best to defend and educate Addis residents but didn’t get much help.
I can’t believe Sebhat Nega walk free relaxed and fearless in Addis and no one is throwing something at him. Not even a tomato. That will never happen anywhere in the world. Debre Tse and Getachew are on their way to Addis to enjoy the party. This can only happen when people are not organized for their own rights.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by union » 06 Jan 2023, 21:11

Brother Right,
I just love the fact that our people are well armed and tested by the enemy already. The enemy knows what they will be facing and are terfied. Will the west bring their soldiers to help them, we shall see.
Right wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 16:35
Brother Union,
As I said I may be wrong. I wish FANO has a well structured armed organization under one central command with regional branches with their own command centre. And underground. Plus a political wing as Amahara Congress which can take it to the separatists and let them know Amhara can stand on its own feet.
When that happens then Ethiopia will be peaceful for all to live in peace.

The news of the PP government handing over Welkayit and Raya to the TPLF & Part Humera to Sudan is very depressing not only to Amaharas but to all Ethiopians.
Organize and organize and organize.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by union » 06 Jan 2023, 23:12

I agree with you, brother, except where you said people of Addis will not stand up for themselves. You will be surprised, the shi't is hitting the fan now, Addis will expose to the world what they are doing to pro Ethiopians particularly the Amaras. Addis is waiting for the correct time. The elementary school kids alone made huge impact on creating the further elevated mass awareance to a higher level. Remember, Addis is at least 10 million with high majority of Amara and Gurage, and other pro Ethiopian ethincs; I ruled out agames, and rightfully so.

Yes, the tplf and olf treaty has made massive people aware of what's coming ahead including pro Ethiopian oromos. They of cource did not want the public to be aware. The west and Olf PP do not have things in control and do undergo internal conflict due to conflict of interest and nature of Ethiopian people who are unpredictable to them. They strongly believed at this point Ethiopians would eat eachother up.

Nothing is going according to their plan. Obviously, they did not want tplf to lose and finish almost all its well trained soldiers. They did not want Amara to win the war. They did not want olf PP to lose confidence as such.
Abere wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 17:08

--- The country has already reached a Breaking Point - there is nothing Amhara to lose by not abiding OLF/TPLF con-constitution ;and Amhara people duly rejected it. Practically speaking, the so-called PP-government is like dead brain, it is disowned by Amhara people and has lost legitimacy. To begin with, the South Africa TPLF-OLF treaty was automatically rejected by all Amhara, home or abroad. It is the sole drama of the two, not an Amhara affairs - this by itself is sufficient reason for Amhara to reject anything directed against Amhara interest following this two rebels deal.

--- The so-called PP-OLF government that breached public trust awakened Amhara people more than ever. The PP-OLF government did not act government of the people it proved itself being a loyal instrument of foreign interests. It did care of the flock, it turned itself into a devious wolf. This is become a currency and a golden opportunity for the Amhara people to be the shepherded of their own existence - it is an alienable one. This is also the most effective means, the enemy will have hard time to win over the mass.

---- Fano is a cultural institution of self-defense as such everyone is Fano. That was why the principle of Fano is more ethical, humanist and caring more than modern day military institution. The PP-OLF government tried every means to smear Fano and can not wait to see Fano called just like any military's wing - this will help PP-OLF to attack and get all of them in their head quarter. Fano should remain as Fano, with no marked headquarter. Fano is in everyone Amhara heart, it can deliver rapid response. However, there can be non-Fano organized self-defense mechanism which most likely result from this objective development. Time will tell. The only truth at this time is Amhara people are not going back to hell pit of TPLF/OLF. They would rather die than live with evil PP-OLF and TPLF. And this is a mass movement.

---- It is more likely that this movement soon will gather momentum from most corner of the country. People are fade up with PP-OLF. Go take a ride in Addis Ababa, you will hear how much people hate OLF-PP. But Addis Ababa people are coward, they are looing for others to come and free them.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by TGAA » 06 Jan 2023, 23:33

What.had happened to OPDO's is Happening to ADEPA, the Amhara society at-large has woke up from its slumber.. Both officially antEthiopian weyannes and the rhetorically Ethiopian but practically identical mogasist with penchant of Ethnic cleansing have solidified Amharas Nationalism. Still BEDEN is a dragging element in all of this.Shimels has finished preparing his 500 militias and armed OLA to it's teeth for any eventuality. So the gradually awakening BEDN and the Amhara people have to do a lot of catching up. If they succeed two things can happen if a power equilibrium is created 1. Genuine political negotiations can take place. Or 2.An all out war,with unknown out come. But a just war always wins.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by TGAA » 06 Jan 2023, 23:33

What.had happened to OPDO's is Happening to ADEPA, the Amhara society at-large has woke up from its slumber.. Both officially antEthiopian weyannes and the rhetorically Ethiopian but practically identical mogasist with penchant of Ethnic cleansing have solidified Amharas Nationalism. Still BEDEN is a dragging element in all of this.Shimels has finished preparing his 500 militias and armed OLA to it's teeth for any eventuality. So the gradually awakening BEDN and the Amhara people have to do a lot of catching up. If they succeed two things can happen if a power equilibrium is created 1. Genuine political negotiations can take place. Or 2.An all out war,with unknown out come. But a just war always wins.

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Re: Bottom-up Amhara Empowerment: Worst Nightmare of TPLF/OLF.

Post by union » 06 Jan 2023, 23:45

There is no catching up Amara has to do. We are already armed in millions! Hey, pp olf/shene/ oromo liyu/oromo miltia actually tried to defeat Amara over 20 times already. Where have you been? :lol: :lol:
TGAA wrote:
06 Jan 2023, 23:33
What.had happened to OPDO's is Happening to ADEPA, the Amhara society at-large has woke up from its slumber.. Both officially antEthiopian weyannes and the rhetorically Ethiopian but practically identical mogasist with penchant of Ethnic cleansing have solidified Amharas Nationalism. Still BEDEN is a dragging element in all of this.Shimels has finished preparing his 500 militias and armed OLA to it's teeth for any eventuality. So the gradually awakening BEDN and the Amhara people have to do a lot of catching up. If they succeed two things can happen if a power equilibrium is created 1. Genuine political negotiations can take place. Or 2.An all out war,with unknown out come. But a just war always wins.

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