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Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 20 Nov 2022, 21:08

How to spread propaganda.

They are using text to speech converter software and spreading baseless lies.

Abe Abraham
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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by Abe Abraham » 20 Nov 2022, 21:20

AbyssiniaLady is goood at one thing : Wikileaks !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 21 Nov 2022, 14:22

This is funny, we intend to give opportunities to study in the United States of America to Eritreans who oppose the regime even though the United States has no vital interest at stake in Eritrea.

Isaias Afwerki strategy is simple, create a false American threat and use that as a pretext for remaining in power, He is clever.

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 21 Nov 2022, 17:12

Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 21 Nov 2022, 21:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by nizzy » 21 Nov 2022, 18:04

US interest in Eritrea is clear for them its is control over the Red Sea region which Eritrea sits in. The problem is you seem like an ethnocentric individual whose obsessed with ethnicity similar to many TPLFites. So you want to align yourself with that group and if it means being a servant of outside powers like the US then so be it. So a nation like Eritrea that's nonsectarian, and cooperation among members of the region represents a clear threat to the US which would prefer nations like Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia etc to be at constant war within and without. They've convinced people like you that your real problem isn't the US who is arming one group against the other but your neighbors who you've lived with for several life times. Eritrea Ethiopia and Somalia closest allies and trade partners should be each others. When these 3 nations in particular have enormous potential and the US/Europe are well aware of this. So, when these nations start heading in this direction of peace and cooperation that is when the US and their allies will start to do everything in their power to prevent cooperation and development. They will find local media outlets, politicians and leaders to convince people like you and Halafi to try and promote narrow interest rather than looking at the greater good.

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 22 Nov 2022, 23:08

US interest in Eritrea is clear for them its is control over the Red Sea region which Eritrea sits in.

The US already controls over the Red Sea region, 100 percent.

The Government of Eritrea has no say in the maritime security affairs in the Red Sea, It's Djibouti, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, the United States and its European allies who control it, Eritrea and Sudan are just a bystanders, Yemen is now in war with itself.

Djibouti regulate navigation in the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, All ships entering and exiting the Red Sea must provide a 48 hours advanced notice of arrival to the Djibouti authorities.

The problem is you seem like an ethnocentric individual whose obsessed with ethnicity similar to many TPLFites.
That's not true, I am not in any way obsessed with ethnicity, however I am aware you guys hate the terms "Afar State and Afar Sea" but it is what it is, deal with it.

Afars own the land and 70 percent of Eritrea coastline.

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 05 Dec 2022, 22:55

Somalis must pay attention to Eritreans, they started spreading lies about Somalia, A country that shares no land boundary with Eritrea or their Tigrinya region, So, it's important to pay attention to those foul-mouthed online activist insects who call themselves Eritreans, troublemaker animals.

This old bîtch is being paid to spread the good for nothing dictator propaganda & a damaging lies about Somalia. her name is Ann Garrison.

The reason why Eritrea government's mouthpieces are spreading lies about Somalia is because the Norwegian government said it is supporting Somalia with a financial aid package of $30 million as confirmed by the Somali Finance Minister on Sunday.

And let us not forget, in recent years, the Government of Norway has stripped thousands of Eritreans of their Norwegian citizenship and refugee status for being members of Eritrea's sole ruling party, thus they are obviously angry at Norwegian government, However, Somalis must pay attention to them & low IQ Somali social media users.
Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 06 Dec 2022, 20:26, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by Fiyameta » 05 Dec 2022, 23:00

eden/AbyssiniaLady, why did you say "Ethiopia is cursed" ? And why are you working day and night to disintegrate Ethiopia? :|

Source: ... 7#p1262867

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Re: Eritrea government is good at one thing

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 06 Dec 2022, 20:34

Silly question has no answer, You Tigrinya fought 40 long years for Ethiopia's disintegration, Now forget about landlocked Ethiopia, Ethiopia’s destiny evidently is to disintegrate into many different countries.

I want independence for Afars, Afar nation that is free from Eritrea, Afars have a right to statehood, they have gained nothing economically by being in independent Eritrea.

Freedom for Afar State.

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